
标题: how can I do [打印本页]

作者: shehan    时间: 2005-6-7 23:11
标题: how can I do
If my husband he is with third person ,How could I do ,I have to divorce with he .I AM cry becauce I have three child , how can I do .How I go!!!
作者: 苦恼的人    时间: 2005-6-7 23:18
Good Luck!
作者: shehan    时间: 2005-6-7 23:20
标题: give me a way not hurt my children
[QUOTE=shehan]If my husband he is with third person ,How could I do ,I have to divorce with he .I AM cry becauce I have three child , how can I do .How I go!!!pleace give me a way!!!thank you a lot ,all the Chiness people pleace help me ,MY children they are always cry becauce they miss their father.
作者: 苦恼的人    时间: 2005-6-7 23:28
作者: 苦恼的人    时间: 2005-6-7 23:31
作者: high sky    时间: 2005-6-7 23:44
试着与你先生沟通一下, 问问他是否还想继续和你,和孩子一起生活。 如果他已经不愿意了, 就不要勉强了,平静地分手吧。 这么不负责任,不顾及家庭,妻子和孩子的老公不要也罢。即便勉强继续生活,也没有快乐幸福可言,而且他迟早还会离开你的。


我知道这么说起来容易,但做起来很难。 无论如何,请保重。
作者: shehan    时间: 2005-6-7 23:47
标题: for help
he was go back monteral on4th june he just stay home. on 6 th 10 o'clock to 5 pm , today I went to school ,I call he many time to take care for my children go for lunch ,yas ,he take them to the restaurant ,but he never stay home. :frown:
作者: shehan    时间: 2005-6-7 23:52
标题: talk
THIS afternoon when Iwas in the school .I thought when I got home I want talk with him about what he will want ,but until now he is didpear, how can I do?/:frown:
作者: high sky    时间: 2005-6-7 23:55
如果他不愿接你的电话, 或者让你们共同相知的一个朋友去和他谈谈?
Post by shehan
THIS afternoon when Iwas in the school .I thought when I got home I want talk with him about what he will want ,but until now he is didpear, how can I do?/:frown:

作者: shehan    时间: 2005-6-8 00:00
标题: sham
I think this is a sham I DON'T WANT TELL THE FRIENDS.HOW CAN I DO/?/? :frown:
作者: looby    时间: 2005-6-8 10:25
:frown: 同情中……
作者: abc458    时间: 2005-6-8 12:27
哎, 大家都很同情你, 可是夫妻的事情毕竟别人帮不上什么忙, 你还是想想和丈夫的关系在哪里出了问题, 试图努力去解决, 如果不行, 也就是缘分尽了, 分开总比在一起互相煎熬好.
作者: juliaca    时间: 2005-6-8 12:37
sorry, are you kidding with people here? i can't believe it! Maybe you should think less on saving your  and your husband's face, and try to solve the problem, just sit down together and discuss what is wrong with your family. otherwise you may think about find sb killing this kind of person! (kidding)


作者: mikewu69    时间: 2005-6-8 21:05
标题: Difficult
If you have 3 kids and are in Canada, do not worry, because the governments take care of you and your children. If you are in China, your life will be like hell. The only way is to get as much money as possible and force your husband sign support payment documents. However, you will have difficulites to find another man. By the way, what does your husband do for living ? Are you husband a Chinese ?
Post by shehan
If my husband he is with third person ,How could I do ,I have to divorce with he .I AM cry becauce I have three child , how can I do .How I go!!!

作者: yzrsl    时间: 2005-6-8 22:08
作者: 爱咋咋的    时间: 2005-6-9 00:03
Post by high sky
试着与你先生沟通一下, 问问他是否还想继续和你,和孩子一起生活。 如果他已经不愿意了, 就不要勉强了,平静地分手吧。 这么不负责任,不顾及家庭,妻子和孩子的老公不要也罢。即便勉强继续生活,也没有快乐幸福可言,而且他迟早还会离开你的。


我知道这么说起来容易,但做起来很难。 无论如何,请保重。

作者: high sky    时间: 2005-6-9 20:35
想象一下她已经有三个孩子了, 当然希望能够继续和她先生一起好好生活下去,互相扶持,养育孩子健康成长。 如果她先生愿意悔改的话, 何不给他一个机会呢? 离婚难道对楼主就真的好吗? 一个女人带三个孩子, 需要多么大的勇气,怎样的坚强自立呀。所以, 为了今后的幸福,如果那个男人回头的话, 楼主必须要忘掉过去。 人都要向前看,不能背着痛苦,包袱过日子。

当然,如果那个男人的心已经不能挽回, 也就必须分开了。 至少你努力过了,无论最终怎样,都将是无悔的。

Post by 爱咋咋的

作者: 爱咋咋的    时间: 2005-6-9 20:38
Post by high sky
想象一下她已经有三个孩子了, 当然希望能够继续和她先生一起好好生活下去,互相扶持,养育孩子健康成长。 如果她先生愿意悔改的话, 何不给他一个机会呢? 离婚难道对楼主就真的好吗? 一个女人带三个孩子, 需要多么大的勇气,怎样的坚强自立呀。所以, 为了今后的幸福,如果那个男人回头的话, 楼主必须要忘掉过去。 人都要向前看,不能背着痛苦,包袱过日子。

当然,如果那个男人的心已经不能挽回, 也就必须分开了。 至少你努力过了,无论最终怎样,都将是无悔的。

也许正因为女人的"纵容" 和依赖,才让男人如此放肆
作者: high sky    时间: 2005-6-9 20:51
你回得也够快的, 我才眨了下眼教育了sofunny一下下, 你就回贴了。

唉, 不管怎样, 男人的错误总不能怪到女人身上吧。 况且那是普遍意义而言, 对楼主没什么帮助呀。而具体到楼主,如果她没有那么多孩子,有工作能自立, 她肯定早就和那个宝贝老公byebye了, 还会在这求助吗。 唉。

Post by 爱咋咋的
也许正因为女人的"纵容" 和依赖,才让男人如此放肆:d

作者: sofunny    时间: 2005-6-9 20:55
Post by high sky
你回得也够快的, 我才眨了下眼教育了sofunny一下下, 你就回贴了。

作者: 爱咋咋的    时间: 2005-6-9 20:57
Post by high sky
你回得也够快的, 我才眨了下眼教育了sofunny一下下, 你就回贴了。

作者: high sky    时间: 2005-6-9 21:15
对, 不如你也认SOFUNNY做徒弟, 挺容易的。  师太这辈分还是有点威严的。
Post by 爱咋咋的

作者: high sky    时间: 2005-6-9 21:18
师傅教育徒弟, 在什么场合都是可以的, 知道吗? 从现在起就要好好学学听守规矩。
Post by sofunny

作者: 春雨秋风    时间: 2005-6-9 22:12
是啊, 不知天高地厚的家伙, 是得让他卧薪尝胆.

Post by high sky
师傅教育徒弟, 在什么场合都是可以的, 知道吗? 从现在起就要好好学学听守规矩。

作者: high sky    时间: 2005-6-9 22:21
我这徒弟不成材, 还需要各位网友多教育,关心。 有时候大家话说重几句也没关系,知道大家也是为他好。玉不琢不成器。

对了,这孩子名字不好, 什么 Sofunny, 听着怪怪的,就不象学好的样子。师傅给你改改,对了,就改成 - 不可sofunny。:d

Post by 春雨秋风
是啊, 不知天高地厚的家伙, 是得让他卧薪尝胆.

作者: 鬼鬼见愁愁    时间: 2005-6-9 22:27
作者: juliaca    时间: 2005-6-10 12:54
Good Idea :wink:
Post by 鬼鬼见愁愁

作者: yzrsl    时间: 2005-6-16 17:01
标题: shenhan
作者: *1968*    时间: 2005-6-16 18:45
Post by yzrsl
so unhappy.think to die
作者: yzrsl    时间: 2005-6-18 16:22
作者: shehan    时间: 2005-6-18 17:27
Post by yzrsl
I can't see anything in the future
作者: mikewu69    时间: 2005-6-18 17:30
标题: do not worry
A friend of mine is very interested in your case. He likes kids. If you get devoiced, just tell me and I will introduce you to him (He is rich, kind, but a little bit old, if you do not mind). Life is beautiful as long as you look around.
Post by shehan
I can't see anything in the future

作者: shehan    时间: 2005-6-19 20:19
Post by mikewu69
A friend of mine is very interested in your case. He likes kids. If you get devoiced, just tell me and I will introduce you to him (He is rich, kind, but a l
ittle bit old, if you do not mind). Life is beautiful as long as you look around.
thank you I don't think will remarried ,jest worry about my son he cay a lot, Idon't know how can I do for him.:frown:
作者: juliaca    时间: 2005-6-19 21:26




Post by shehan
I can't see anything in the future

作者: linyangwind2739    时间: 2005-6-19 22:07
I dont think you are brave enough to get yourself divorced, are you? Tell the kid the fact, try to let him know the truth. He or they deserve to know that you are having a shity life. Maybe they can grow faster.

The problem is whether you are calm enough to raise the children now. I suggest you never come back to this post and face it in whatever way, but just face it!
作者: yzrsl    时间: 2005-6-19 22:34
做甩人的人,说起来容易做起来难. 特别是对你爱的那个已经不爱你的人.
作者: bellcnd    时间: 2005-6-19 23:08
Post by yzrsl
做甩人的人,说起来容易做起来难. 特别是对你爱的那个已经不爱你的人.
两个字 -- 贱人.
真搞不懂哪来这么些无病呻吟的人. 在网上多贴几个贴子就想改变你们的命运? 真是白日做梦.
有这份闲情, 还不如及早回头, 寻找新的朋友, 重新组建新的家庭.
不过, 象你们这类人, 就你们这种品行, 要想找到好的男人, 别做梦了. 如能找到一个不再不爱你的男人已经很不错的了. 务实一点, 总比活在虚拟的世界中好.
若你们还要再时不时的呻吟, 那真是比贱人还不如. 死了算了.
作者: 唐朝美女    时间: 2005-6-22 03:19

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