
标题: 想请教一下,孩子上daycare的费用是怎么算? [打印本页]

作者: xiaoxia    时间: 2005-6-15 09:41
标题: 想请教一下,孩子上daycare的费用是怎么算?
我家双胞胎BABY准备读9月的 home  DAYCARE, 在dwontown每天一人是10元.俩个就是20,这是一所带一半政府补贴的daycare,我们新到蒙城,听园长说,应该是每月交费,每年报税时政府再退一部分给我们.如果工作的人会退的多一些. 先生刚找了一份临时现金工,但准备9月份或明年1月份读大学,我现在家看孩子,我们这种情况能不能请有经验的朋友帮我看看,一年我们自己交多少DAYCARE费用.政府会大概退多少?

作者: hjiji2003    时间: 2005-6-19 11:53
作者: mikewu69    时间: 2005-6-19 14:51
标题: You will get back
I am a finance expert.

If you or your husband works or studies, your family will be entitled to some refund. Basically, you will get the amount you actually paid minus the minimum payment requirement ($7) set by goverments.

For example, if you pay $20 a day, in one year, you will pay, let's say, 50 (weeks) * 5 (days) * 20 = $ 5000, minus $14 * 50 * 5 = 3500, = 1500 $. So, you will approximately get back $1500.
作者: xiaoxia    时间: 2005-6-20 09:35
多谢二位朋友 hjiji2003 mikewu69
作者: 54431    时间: 2005-6-24 15:33
作者: xiaoxia    时间: 2005-6-25 21:24

作者: 孩爹    时间: 2005-6-28 09:17
关于daycare (Child Expense)  退税的一点信息.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o:p></o:p>


1)      Child Expense包括两部分: 联邦和魁省.<o:p></o:p>

2)      联邦部分的计算包含所有支付给daycare的支出而魁省部分只计算7.00/day以上的支出.<o:p></o:p>

3)      无论联邦还是魁省退税,如果夫妻双方有一人既不工作也不读书且无病残你的家庭就无权要求Child Expense  退税.<o:p></o:p>

4)      联邦退税中Child Expenseno refundable credit即只是用来冲抵赋税的减免额.换句话说, 如果夫妻双方收入较低者根本不用缴纳Income Tax,这个减免额就没用.<o:p></o:p>

5)      魁省退税中Child Expenserefundable credit.每个家庭都可以按一定比例拿到7.00/day以上的支出的退税. 此比例根据家庭收入从75%-26%(2004年度).<o:p></o:p>


作者: lingpoxianzi    时间: 2005-6-28 10:45
标题: Tip about study
What kind of study is your huppy going to take? Please make sure that the course is CREDIT course, for some courses are out of this scope thus cannot get refund.
作者: xiaoxia    时间: 2005-6-28 13:51

作者: lingpoxianzi    时间: 2005-6-28 15:32
If you are taking the cofi courses for French, you may even go ahead with the private or home daycare. Let's take it for example that the daycare fee is $20 daily, thus you can get paid from the government $10 of the childcare compensation (They have a maximum pay, you need to confirm.) besides the regular $117 or something weekly payment.

And meantime, if you are working too or take the credit courses, then you will get the other approx. $20-$10 = $10 tax return, even if your huppy is working too, and no matter how much his salary level is.

So, what I'm trying to say is that, if for some reason, you could not find, or you are not satisfied with a good government sponsered daycare, it is not that scary. On the budget side, it is even more encouraging as you may see from the above formula. The cost for daycare per child may happen to be: $20-$10-$10 = 0

Let me recap--The only condition is that you have to work or take credit courses.

Take care and good luck!:wink:
作者: Madison    时间: 2005-6-28 22:29
标题: Credit course
Credit course------不知Lasalle college 或trainning 的课程是否属于credit course ?
作者: lingpoxianzi    时间: 2005-6-30 11:53
I have no idea, but you may raise the question to the college. Ask them if you are taking the course, will they be sending   you the T4 form for the Tax claim purpose.:wink:Good Luck.
作者: tingting988    时间: 2005-7-1 12:49
标题: 最保险的办法是问同一幼儿园的家长

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