标题: 学法律好就业吗? [打印本页] 作者: forest21cn 时间: 2003-2-8 03:23 标题: 学法律好就业吗? 请教各位先行者:
我在国内的本科是学法律的 ,不知道在加拿大学法律的就业前景如何?而且,网上讲在加做律师是要读本科的,所以我又很困惑,那样又要花4年。我已经27了。不知我在大学的相关专业课在加能否免修。谢谢。作者: dmdmd 时间: 2003-2-8 11:19
拜託, 共產和民主的法律是一樣的嗎? 想想看當地人會請你幫他打官司麼?作者: forest21cn 时间: 2003-2-8 19:09
有道理。这也真是我的顾虑。但你们如果要打官司怎么办。作者: jngg 时间: 2003-2-8 20:24
don't speak to that rebel,I answer you, you can study law here, it is possible, I know a lawyer who come from Nanjing, he graduated from Beijing University , and after come here he study in university of Montreal, and get phd of law, now he is a lawyer here.
dmdmd, are you Xiao who are studying in CU Mech. Dep.? Please don't be so rude.作者: forest21cn 时间: 2003-2-8 21:00
谢谢你给我回的帖。我想问一下,他只是读了博士而没有读本科,这样可以在加当律师吗?你能给我他的邮箱吗?谢谢。作者: jngg 时间: 2003-2-8 21:13
dmdmd, I know you are a separatist from Taiwan, why do you hate China so much, do you guys of separatist hate Japan? It killed more than 500,000 Taiwanese at the beginning of its occupying Taiwan, and now Lidenghui never condemns Japan’s violence upon Taiwanese, and cleaned you guy’s brain and made so many of you guys become traitors, what a shame!
To forest21cn, he got master in B U and then got master in MU and then got PHD in MU作者: forest21cn 时间: 2003-2-8 21:24
谢谢你的指点。你能问问他愿意给我一些建议吗?我非常需要这些建议。你为什么总是用英语回帖呢?嘻嘻作者: md4 时间: 2003-2-8 21:55
jngg所说的律师叫于宁,请看本站专访: http://www.sinoquebec.com/BenZhanZhuanFang/MengChengRenWu-YuNing1.htm
于律师是在修读博士课程的同时,又重新选修本课课程,才完成律师协会的要求的。此文有这样的描述:“魁省律师协会只承认申请人在魁省本科的成绩,有了魁省律师协会的承认,才能有资格参加律师证书的考试,有了律师资格证书才能更好地在律师行业执业发展。1995年,于宁重新拿出92年律师协会开列的课目单,下定决心,回头再从法律系本科学起。……”作者: forest21cn 时间: 2003-2-8 23:14
看了他的介绍颇受鼓舞,但是请教一下麦大的法律本科要读几年?我看了她的介绍,不明白一个词:"upper years."who can tell me ?thanks.作者: paonv 时间: 2003-2-12 00:11
Undoubtedly, Lawyer is a respected professional. There has, of course, a wonderful future for majoring in law. However, the admission for this speciality is very heavy. Good luck.作者: forest21cn 时间: 2003-2-12 00:20
glad to hear your advice.are you a law student or your friend is?i agree your conclution that law is a heavy major.作者: QYY 时间: 2003-2-12 11:17
先谢过了!作者: md4 时间: 2003-2-12 14:51