标题: {求助}我今年要去concordia 的商学院念本科 希望得到建议!! [打印本页] 作者: chusuifeng 时间: 2003-4-24 13:01 标题: {求助}我今年要去concordia 的商学院念本科 希望得到建议!! 有这个学校的朋友吗? 这个学校的本科如何??
谢谢!!!!作者: chusuifeng 时间: 2003-4-24 23:00
up!!!作者: pourquoipas 时间: 2003-4-24 23:14
兄弟呀,你SEARCH一下吗?网上都说烂了。作者: Mslw 时间: 2003-4-24 23:27
Nothing deserving you special attention, i guess, for there is no SARS incidence yet in Montreal.
John Molson is ok, but Concordia is not a prestigious U. As to Bachelor of commerce, i guess, you can get BA degree, and Bachelor of Administration, BBA. Anyway,as long as you will pursuing a master degree in, say, Harvard or U of T in the future, both won't hurt. And also you can always change your mind before the fourth year( if you want a honour degree), to choose your major. This is the case in York, so i think it applies here too. It's not easy to land a job with just a Bachleor, as you have known.作者: Steven Li 时间: 2003-4-25 00:21
test,,,作者: 胆小 时间: 2003-4-25 12:01
好像回到了祖国!!! 作者: 恒星星儿 时间: 2003-5-4 01:06
快点,给点建议,我也想知道,谢谢了作者: 窈瑶 时间: 2003-5-4 17:11
在国内读过商科么?和Concordia感觉一样.作者: 天赐 时间: 2003-5-8 22:07
Concordia今年有一个一年的BUSINESS STUDY 证书班,很适合移民,它可是大学呢。在TAV INSTITUTE 6333 DECARIE,TEL:7312296-221,快去报名,9月开课。