注课直接注就行,不用找advisor。作者: leafy411 时间: 2005-7-17 19:54 标题: 谢谢两位的帮助 谢谢两位的留言,但我选课时,怎么没办法直接选math208和ecom课程呀.谢谢作者: leafy411 时间: 2005-7-17 19:59 标题: 请问jeff-yuan 想和交流一下关于转系的问题,可以和我联系吗etao411@hotmail.com作者: booooooooks 时间: 2005-7-18 14:50
go to Math department located in LG 5th floor, and make an appointment with an advisor. the advisor in Math department will help you. don't worry, just tell them the truth that you wanna transfer to JMSB(it's a valid and normal reason). And then go to the ECON department ( I don't know where it is; might be in loyola), and ask an advisor to get you registered.
After meeting with the advisors, you should register the courses on the Internet by yourself, immediately. otherwivse, you will loss the opportunity.
Regarding to the Math courses and INTE course, you'd better talk to the advisor in JMSB, ask them whether you can get the exemption. Don't take any change.作者: leafy411 时间: 2005-7-19 20:59 标题: thank you thank you for your help作者: godfaith 时间: 2010-6-24 11:44 标题: 请问楼主,两门经济学可以在9月份开学的时候同时选么? 还是必须先选一个,学完后再选择第二个呢?
另外,非康大INDEPENDENT STUDENT是否可以申请转系呢,我在其他学校修完MATH 208 和209后也应该算数吧,呵,盼望过来人指点一二,感激不尽!