定个时间吧!下周末怎样?五,六,日,我有空。再有,就是需要车了。从montreal过去要开1小时15分多。一人,$10,往返。谁有车的,一起去?作者: atongmu 时间: 2005-7-9 09:56 标题: 我也去 有车, 可搭3人. 最好有人认路, 可做副驾驶 电话 9750598 要做那些准备工作?? 周五只能五点后出发.作者: shadow 时间: 2005-7-9 14:47
phone:514-836-8522作者: ken525 时间: 2005-7-9 18:22
万分感激作者: chinar 时间: 2005-7-12 19:56
积极参加本次活动,希望能够组织起来,Tel 9995672 1人作者: irishcoffee 时间: 2005-7-12 19:56 标题: Go rafting this weekend? I just can't wait to go rafting this weekend, especially in this sizzling summer.
according to weather forecast, it will rain on 13th and 14 th, and again on Sunday 17th. Since the water is moderate in summer, this rain will add more fun to rafting. And don't be afraid to get wet in the rain, 'cuz you will get wet in rafting anyway.
This weekend's rafting in Propulsion is all booked. We can still book 2 day's adventure package from Azurrafting. I personaly prefer this pkg: you can choose 1st day ( 16th) for rafting, then camp besides the river that night; 2nd day for sportyaking or sportrafting. 154/per ( $ 5 /p extra for Saturday)+ taxes. And if we get 8 persons, will be 135/p + taxes since the 8th person is free.
U have to prepare you own tent, or at least your sleeping bag. I have a tent available for 4 and a car can fit 3 more.
Anyone interesting to go this weekend, pls go check up details at : www.azurrafting.com
I would make a reservation no later than this Thurseday. So anyone decided to go may email to fion999@hotmail.com , pls let me know if you have a car or tent.
Enjoy your summer fun
Ciao作者: eya2005 时间: 2005-7-12 22:17 标题: 报名参加RAFTING 两人,礼拜5和礼拜天可以,请联系:cel_yang@hotmail.com作者: 173 时间: 2005-7-13 00:33