junomy@hotmail.com作者: weishi 时间: 2003-8-29 15:22
what will you do if you win a lottery
the media has a tremedous influence on the children 's personality and social contact作者: samMTL 时间: 2003-8-29 17:21
Thanks 孤独一剑.作者: fattiger 时间: 2003-8-30 11:17
The appearance is the most important in the interview.
Goverment should pay mothers in home raising children
Concordia should eliminate the CELDT test.作者: njerca 时间: 2003-10-15 12:53
Any new topics? Thanks.作者: 蓝猫淘气 时间: 2003-10-15 16:54
10月10日考的作文同8月29日作者: irisq 时间: 2003-10-16 08:26
有知道concordia的english composition placement test是怎样的?是否跟CELDT的作文题类似的吗?