标题: 联络9月入读McGill的朋友 [打印本页] 作者: swanc 时间: 2003-5-9 03:12 标题: 联络9月入读McGill的朋友 本人2003年9月左右到McGill商学院读PHD,有没有今年去McGill的朋友,请互通信息。
thanks.作者: halloween 时间: 2003-5-14 01:43
should be some students going to McGill in Sept.
UP!作者: halloween 时间: 2003-5-14 01:48
UP!作者: 红烧鸡翅膀 时间: 2003-5-17 10:41
我是,你好,你是前辈了,真的有很多问题要请教,我的Msn是familyding@hotmail.com,请联系。作者: cheese66 时间: 2003-5-20 15:17
I will be going to McGill in Sep. too, let's stay in touch! My MSN id is: cheese_266@hotmail.com作者: thea 时间: 2003-5-20 18:00
undergranduate, faculty of science.
great to know you guys!
yuedanliu84@hotmail.com作者: swanc 时间: 2003-5-20 21:35
cheese 66 and thea, where are you guys now?作者: swanc 时间: 2003-5-20 21:55
where are you, cheese66 and thea?作者: swanc 时间: 2003-5-20 21:57
send me email if convenient. thanks a lot.作者: swanc 时间: 2003-5-28 09:34
More friends are welcome. :rolleyes:作者: henry22 时间: 2003-5-28 13:21
CS@Mcgill, master!作者: swanc 时间: 2003-5-28 21:38
henry22, keep in touch.作者: swanc 时间: 2003-5-28 21:42
More friends are welcome. :rolleyes:作者: yearner 时间: 2003-5-30 19:26
IF u are female, and haven't found an apartment, pls call me :277-7905; if u can help me to apply Mcgill MBA sucessfully, u can live with me without any fee. I'm a business consultant, worked in big 5, Master degree in computer science.I'm a woman.作者: swanc 时间: 2003-5-30 22:32
hi, yearner
thanks for your generous offer.
I am a male. :rolleyes:作者: swanc 时间: 2003-5-30 22:36
I have no experience in applying for McGill's MBA program. But I am glad to meet you and share some experience in applying for McGill. Good luck. :rolleyes:作者: zhangr 时间: 2003-6-1 20:19
EE@mcgill, master.
yearner, I am a femal and I am finding an apartment. But I have no experience for MBA applicaton.
Now I am in China and I plan to Montreal in Augest.Am I suitable to share the apartment?
My MSN is zhangr2003@hotmail.com作者: LOL 时间: 2003-6-4 15:39
Electrical Engineering
lyy9981@hotmail.com作者: swanc 时间: 2003-6-10 02:57
LOL:graduate or undergraduate?作者: LOL 时间: 2003-6-10 11:24
处于社会最底层...作者: swanc 时间: 2003-6-12 01:44
no way.
you have the most hope.
bravo to you.作者: walmart 时间: 2003-6-12 01:54
LoL, you are so stupid. The only way you can get a job in canada is by finishing an undergra HERE! And, I am telling u, undergra in North America is high than master. For Master you can fool around and still get passed, but undergra is not. Only half of people will gra.作者: walmart 时间: 2003-6-12 01:56
there is a stupid typo in my previous post. "high" should be harder. What was I thinking? maybe I am too stupid with LOL. shame,,,,,作者: garrett 时间: 2003-6-12 02:43
我在国内已经是自动控制本科毕业, 是新移民, 感兴趣MASTER,但没有TOEFL和GRE成绩, 只好申请BACHELOR了, 请问我申请时需要提供什么文件? 谢谢作者: LOL 时间: 2003-6-12 09:48
连锁店,你不必要这样子,出现一个语法错误没有什么...本来我还没有看出来的...大家都是中国人...心知肚明啊....作者: LOL 时间: 2003-6-12 09:55
但是,更恐怖的我还没有告诉你呢. 我的成绩单上有一个C+和一个B+....这种成绩都被MCGILL的EE录了...真是的...真是对不住你啊...不过我脸皮蛮厚的...呵呵...其他的我也不想多说,反正我会在MCGILL见到你的,ENGINEERING又不大,...到时候再好好聊啊...作者: Magic18 时间: 2003-6-12 11:46
McGiLL undergrad. this fall
faculty of science!!! full-time.
UP!!作者: walmart 时间: 2003-6-12 14:05
I am sorry LOL, I have no interested in meeting U0 and U1. Sorry about that, I am too busy and I have to be TA next year. if you want, I could introduce some friends to yo, here.
McGill's EE is a large department, it is not surprised to see some unqulified people being accepted. 作者: LOL 时间: 2003-6-12 19:06
是吗?要你帮我签个名都不可以啊? 作者: 白色谎言 时间: 2003-6-13 05:09
我9月份去读Engineering的本科,但是基本什么都不知道,有没有人告诉我Engineering什么时间register?作者: LOL 时间: 2003-6-13 12:16
具体的在那本发的calendar上有... 作者: 白色谎言 时间: 2003-6-18 22:24
第一个学期结束之后是不是圣诞左右啊,和第二个学期之间间隔多长时间?作者: Sweetywind 时间: 2003-6-20 14:02
对不起, 我插几句不对题的话, 可我实在急. 有谁是和我一样情况, 移民的在国内毕业两三年了申请本科成功的吗? 我不知道该怎么申请了. 谢谢各位!再次抱歉我的文不对题.作者: Sweetywind 时间: 2003-6-20 16:10
看到你们都被录取了, 我好着急啊:-(作者: smokingtooless 时间: 2003-6-20 22:55
we are just nothing except stupid mind.作者: walmart 时间: 2003-6-21 02:49
smokingtooless, I am very disappointed at u, indeed.作者: walmart 时间: 2003-6-21 03:03
还有, 我看到你你对什么事情都很不服气, 不管是谁的关于我们学校ENGINEERING的留言, 你都要说话。 有必要吗? 如果你真的很闲的话,为什么SUMMER不多上点课? 为什么每次都是针对个人? 我非常的不明白。 如果你觉得我们之间有矛盾的话, 可以出来踢踢球, 希望能够解决你心里的不快。我认识的MCGILL的人都是非常友善的, 我们ENGINEERING的压力很大, 不要再在网上生气拉。 作者: Yishuihan 时间: 2003-6-22 21:26
WALMART,你好象应该是学化工的,不知是否可以请教有关MCGILL化工专业的一些问题,如果可以请发EMAIL给我,非常感谢! zhangoliver@hotmail.com作者: cjy 时间: 2003-6-22 21:36
我可能九月入学,我真想有朋友能跟我聊一聊在mcgill就读的graduated program 可不可以方便的转专业呢?找哪个部门联系。谢谢先。作者: Sweetywind 时间: 2003-6-24 11:18
没人理我吗? 本科的兄弟姐妹们?!作者: smokingtooless 时间: 2003-6-24 11:34
Silly Walmart,u r like an infant.作者: terrificz 时间: 2003-6-25 08:43
hey there, I will be in mcgill in mid-Aug. undergraduate EE. People from higher grade, please share some information about EE...really appreciate
Question: when and how should I pay the tuition fee? :confused: here in china or after the advising and course selection??
thx作者: swanc 时间: 2003-6-30 03:48
Hi, terrific,
I have no idea. You may want to check the calendar or the registration office.
Good luck.作者: 白色谎言 时间: 2003-7-26 01:23
Walmart前辈 有问题想向你请教 方便的话请联系humika@msn.com 谢谢作者: pichuai 时间: 2003-7-30 10:14
electrical engineering, first year