Faint~~作者: happysammy 时间: 2002-12-17 18:06
嘿~很正常!作者: JJ123 时间: 2003-2-15 17:01
not necessarily. I got an exemption from English courses. Good luck.作者: fk 时间: 2003-2-16 08:16
it's one way to gather money.作者: Laorentou 时间: 2003-2-16 17:52
你是国际学生,老外Zan 你没有商量。 我有托福成绩,英语课就给免了。
Gathering $ from Chinese? Really a joke. Even local English people attend the course.
Don't you meet Chinese people who speak terrible English but achieve high TOEFL score? If you didn't prepare for the TOEFL (like attending New Oriental) before you wrote the test, you score (high or low) reflects your level.作者: niceporridge 时间: 2003-2-23 10:59
Concordia生财有道,正在兴建的教学楼就是靠这才能起建.不过周俞打黄盖,大家能去其他学校,谁还会来Concordia挨栽?作者: niceporridge 时间: 2003-2-23 11:07
不论在McGill,还是 Queen's, 有了托福成绩,就表明已具有接受英文高等教育的能力,从没听说还必修什么英语课,口语之类上学期间会得到提高.不过Concordia这样关心我们国际学生,大家就认了吧