因为我想学这个,但不知道实际情况。谢谢! 作者: 嫩姜 时间: 2002-12-23 01:33
Concordia's Communications. it's a very interesting program, invloving lots of TV, film, sound production... but it's quite difficult to get in... :p作者: jimmy1e 时间: 2003-1-5 01:57
好象是竞争非常激烈。我想读法语学校,可能也竞争的厉害。我看了蒙城魁大的传媒,有电视电影多媒体什么的,也很诱人,就是不知道实际上怎么样。你在上传媒吗? wink作者: maylon 时间: 2003-1-5 04:22
抗大的和麦大的communication哪个好点,好入点?作者: valeisay 时间: 2003-1-5 16:30
Communication studies in Cocordia is more well-known in the field. Also, the course in Cocordia is more production-oriented than the one in McGill in which is more focused on theory.作者: abba 时间: 2003-1-7 20:19
valeisay is right. i'm applying for communications, and have checked about the two schools.