
标题: 了解mcgill的医学院的情况吗 [打印本页]

作者: chenzhepeter    时间: 2003-5-13 08:27
标题: 了解mcgill的医学院的情况吗
作者: walmart    时间: 2003-5-13 11:50
For McGill Med School, you can't get it. Don't even think about it.  You can try Bio-Chemical Engineering or Bio-tech stuff....
作者: Ice -Cappucino    时间: 2003-5-13 20:13
作者: christmas111    时间: 2003-5-14 16:06

i think harvard business school is also 不错吧...maybe tomorrow i go to harvard and register it...
作者: rebeccacocolee    时间: 2003-5-14 23:08
我就在mcgill学生化,science faculty有很多人都选这门了,以后肯定也是热门,竞争肯定也会像今天的计算机一样激烈。mcgill医学院是非常不错的,但是很难进,你现在高中毕业,还不用考虑那么多,因为大学第一年是基础学科,等到第二年你才用决定到底要修哪一科,最好是进science faculty,大二可以转computer sicence 也可以转到bio 或者chem学科~
医学院是graduate才用考虑的,先踏踏实实把undergraduate读好吧,goodluck ,and welcome to sicence faculty
作者: 3年    时间: 2003-5-15 00:52
oh by the way, we McGill engineering students say "Science ****s". Nowadays, it's engineering world.
作者: Mountie    时间: 2003-5-15 00:56
Really? I think McGill is still famous in Medical field, at least, biotech is wild developed recently. What i heard is it's been a difficult time for EE and CS to find a nice job. However, i believe the market is always change. Just go after your interest ba.

btw, to Cocomagic: which year you are in Biochem? I was graduated from IHi that I may ever see you in campus before!
作者: rebeccacocolee    时间: 2003-5-15 02:35
to Mountie, I just finish U0 course in sicence faculty this year, and gonna begin biochem in this fall term, so it's not that possible u can c me in campus ~

well, 3年, how could u treat sicence like that ? don't forget all u egineering stuffs based on sicence and all of u guys must take courses in sicence faculty like chem and phys, so, pls shut up, we r just in our own favor ,right?
作者: walmart    时间: 2003-5-15 13:09
U0 is a joke.
作者: Mountie    时间: 2003-5-15 20:46
Oh really? nice to meet you cocomagic! if youhave any question about Biochem, i can probably give you some suggestion since I am also from Biochem. PS: IHI-Interdepartmental Honor in Immunology is a program collect people from Biochem , Physo and Micro.
May you enjoy your time in McGill. PS, Biochem is getting harder and harder from U1!
作者: rebeccacocolee    时间: 2003-5-16 21:48
walmar, u think U0 is a joke, u can keep laughing all the time, no one will mind   :p  

Mountie,nice to meet u 2,and thanx for ur help in advance~ i know! biochem gonna be extrem hard from U1,just look at the schedule! faint~~ hope i still can "enjoy" the time in mcgill.....~  
作者: walmart    时间: 2003-5-17 01:23
You don't think it's a joke?  I had the 4.0 GPA in U0, taking Calculus1,2 3, linear, gen chem, physics, computing, Org Chem 1 and 2.  but I could just get some A- B+ s in U2 Engineering.Some courses I just get fuccked in midterms so many times without knowing why!! You know why? because CEGEP student are just SO SAMRT and HARD working. U0 的时候, 没有CEGEP的人, 他们从U1开始, 所以有那么多的人那么差。你真的太天真了!

对不起, 其实我只是想让你有准备, 希望你遇到挫折(肯定会有)的时候, 不要太难过。  我也有时候很悲愤, 但是我们都没有办法。任何难关, 还是要渡过的。 在MCGILL这些年,经过那么多的困难, 看到周围那么多为理想而努力的人, 现在更坚定我奋斗的决心。 希望你也能战胜所以的困难, 当你离开MCGILL的时候, 一定觉得, 自己真的成长了很多。

还有,暑假你有在上ORG CHEM 么? 或者PHYSICAL CHEM? U1其实不难, 但是需要一点点信心。 :D
作者: rebeccacocolee    时间: 2003-5-17 13:51
  谢谢walmar你的提醒,不然我还真是不知道未来的U1和U2是什么概念~~ 看来真的要努力了~~第一年算是我荒废了~太轻敌~ 原来CEGEP有那么多高手啊~  eek!  
  这个暑假我没有选课~~(晕死,现在才知道后果有多严重~~~)要是早有像你这样的前辈来说一句“Uo is a joke"就好了,呵呵~良药苦口嘛,以前都只看到乐观的一面~玩了一学期~下学期死定了。。。。 希望我能有点信心面对U1:P thanx~
作者: walmart    时间: 2003-5-17 15:03
I am not 前辈. I am just one of you guys. I am still an international student. I know how Chinese young students like u and me, at the ages around 20, 21, 22, suffer from McGill University so I understand u, indeed.

and, between Statistic and Cal 3, and Java, I remember you've got to choose one. I suggest you do Cal3 in July if you are not going home. It's easier to handle than Java FOR SURE, and it is easier in summer.  Java(Comp 202) is a pain, I did that in U0, from which I suffered too much, though ended up with an A. It is not worthy to spend that much time on this course, nor to suffer. Statistic is a joke, I heard. But it is offered in May, and you've missed it. In long term, you don't have time for it, because you will have others to suffer from.
作者: 淼小楼    时间: 2003-5-17 16:48
作者: Mountie    时间: 2003-5-18 00:41
well...definitely, McGill courses are getting harder and harder.To Biochem, the harderst time is in U1 and U2. the killer course is BIOL202: Basic Genetics, BIOC311:Metabolic Biochemistry. The class average cound be 60 around...so, prepare to spend day and night on study ba. Cocomagic, tell you a little secret basic on my experience, go borrow some old NTC from people, the contents may not changed much, preview it before go to class dos REALLY HELP. after 4 years in McGill, you'll realize you leaned a lot...but also forgeted a lot =P

I don't really take summer courses. There is an advantage that summer courses does marked easier...however, increasing you experience is critically important! that make your CV and experience different from other. For graduate study and work, the experience count critically importance...GPA need to be fine also la. For biochem, find a research experience as involved in summer project is really vital. also, that a way to let you making sure about you want be in the way of being scientist or else!
作者: Mountie    时间: 2003-5-18 00:43
actually, i am doing graduate study in University of Toronto recently. However, I'll back to McGill for PhD in Neuroscience. I do really love McGill more!!
作者: 3年    时间: 2003-5-18 01:23
Mountie, 有你说话的地方吗? 谁问你什么问题了?还有, 做RESEARCH是吧,我说了, SCIENCE SUCCKS!!! GO AND GET A PROFESSIONAL WORK!
作者: walmart    时间: 2003-5-18 01:55
淼小楼, 我认为在MCGILL学暑假,对于我们ENGINEERING的学生, 主要原因是要争取在4年里毕业。 我们有140个学分要学, SCIENCE只有120个。 我第一年的时候40个学分, 第2年35个。。。 现在还不能确定可以什么时候毕业。   我觉得暑假里数学是最简单的课了, 虽然很快, 但是一般来说FINAL会简单。 关键问题是, 你得预习, 否则就一定会很痛苦。没关系的, 想一想, 痛苦在12天里就要结束了, 多好啊。 还有, 你没有智商的问题, 其实所有人的感觉和你都一样, 他们也什么都不懂呢, 呵呵

虽然MCGILL的SCIENCE 没有ENGINEERING那样有名, 但是我还是看到很多SCIENCE的学生很努力的学习, 这样就很值得尊重。 虽然ENGINEERING 每年有30%左右的人被淘汰, 最后毕业的只有40%,但是我们还是没有看不起SCIENCE的人, 我们尊重象我们一样努力的人。
作者: Mountie    时间: 2003-5-18 11:55
3 year: be as gental as a you should be! and be humble as a smart people you are.

I'm just giving the suggestion to Cocomagic since we are from the same field. especially i have special experiences.

remember, Engineer is basic on Science. also, I am doing doing Cancer and Vaccine develoment, also I specialized on Neuronal development and regeneration. I think that's a great contribution to humanbeeing. Scientest is more as a contribution ans sacrifice, be respect on them. Also, I got as good GPA as 4.0 as you in U0 and keeping up to 3.5 till I graduate. All McGill people are as awesome and you do.
作者: Mountie    时间: 2003-5-18 11:59
Also, Medical Science both in the aspect of clinic and research is almost the most famous and strongest part of McGill
作者: 淼小楼    时间: 2003-5-18 13:02
作者: Mountie    时间: 2003-5-18 14:58
Also: 3 Year: the board is open to everyone, isn't it? this subject is asking about Medicl school, not Engineering. So, I may be more appropriate to response the question than you ba! Also, I am the one taking care the new comming student in MISN and International Student program..then i am asking you can I give any suggestion?

Science, generally require 120 credits. However, for Honor students, we need aount 140 also, include full year research projects. The pressure between science and engineering is different. I have lots of friends in Engineering, I know it's tuft and hard. However, Science have more pressure on exams, especially 80-100% final. Compare to engineering, they constantly working for each 10% quiz or homework. Science is overwhelm by final examination!
作者: thea    时间: 2003-5-18 17:41
咳咳,看到这贴的人气这么旺,小妹冒昧进来问个问题,请各位学长帮帮忙. 不知道MCGILL八月份有没有针对non-english-speaker的英语课,最好是国际学生和法语学生一起上的. 在网页上看到一门ENGL299,不知道适不适合新生上? 还有,如果我八月初去montreal,住宿问题怎么解决?可以请学校或中国同学会安排接机吗?
作者: flyxu    时间: 2003-5-18 23:36
to cocomagic:
你所在的department of biochemistry是在faculty of science还是medicine? 我是在faculty of medicine的名单下找到它,进入后又说是faculty of science.有点晕。
另外请教一下,6 credits in elementary biologyI&II是U0学的么?你在U0还选了什么课?
作者: 翻唱    时间: 2003-5-19 00:08
Mountie, 你不要激动吗, 我发现你的留言全都是胡说八道的: 3年没有说GPA在4, 是WALMART说的。 3年只是说了SCIENCE SUCCKS, 但是你的话全都是对WALMART 说的。 WALMART根本就没有理你, 你傻比吧。 是不是很生气, 连对象都没有搞清是谁就说话!  我也在MCGILL BIOCHEM, 你 简直是我们系的耻辱, 丢人不丢人啊!!
作者: Mountie    时间: 2003-5-19 00:17
Fine...I just share my experiences and hope to help whoever in need. Just hope people pay respect to eachother no matter how good you think you are. No one is really **** or else because we have our choice for our own life. I just a bit mad b/c no one really so implite like that...well if I had any over-response, I apologize
作者: sjy    时间: 2003-5-19 01:36
If you are really a McGill student and still believing McGill is an excellent place for excellent people, please pay a little attention to your manner here.
作者: rebeccacocolee    时间: 2003-5-19 01:44
天阿~~BIO202是killer course??? faint~~~ 我的生物。。。真的是觉得太多的东西要背了。。真的很佩服你们这些U0BIO可以得A的~~我通晓复习了一个晚上的BIO112。。才A-。。U0的GPA估计只有3.8几。。看到大家那么努力,我真是很脸红,天天想着玩。。马上我又要回中国两个月。。下学期我一定向你们看齐!!把GPA拖上来!!!真的很谢谢大家~~~ Mountie要不是你建议买NTC,我根本还不会考虑买那个呢~~以为是骗人的。。晕。。希望以后能在mcgill见到读PHD的Mountie呵呵~还有,我下学期很恐怖,一学年有36个学分要修,是U1的major,这种修6门课一学期是不是很正常的事??我觉得好恐怖。。那么多门。。

to walmar~谢谢你的建议~~但是STATS mcgill 有prerequisite,Cal 3 有corequisite..都是我没学过的~化学又错过了~~~biochem又没有java~可选~~所以就没有办法了,我还是回国算了~

to 淼小楼:      sicence 也不是想像的那么轻松,看到生物什么的时候,跳楼的感觉真是油然而生~~

to thea :我上过ESL299,除了我以外,都是CEGEP毕业的quebecois,感觉用处不大,毕竟只有十几天~

to flyxu: 我看到department of biochemistry 是这样写的--Mclntyre Medical Sicences Building~具体是什么我也不清楚。。。      
6 credits in elementary biologyI&II是U0学的,
作者: Mountie    时间: 2003-5-19 01:46
However, I am not the one who bring up the argument here. I just hope Science and Engineering people do not look down eachother. Btw, do i rewally blame anyone here? sight....
作者: Mountie    时间: 2003-5-19 01:54
Thanks, Cocomagic...you make me feel...better. I was a bit wondering and reviving what did I do wrong. Well, I believe you can do well in your subjects. Also, one more secret, arrange courses does somehow make your life different. I mean take vital course together with easier elective one, balance your work. in my experience, Organic 3 and Biostat are the one consider to be lighter..anyway, if you have further questions, you can e-mail me. All the best wish to you

PS: I'll be happy to meet you. I may be Biochem TA in lab section, depend on if Neuroscience and cross deprtment with Biochem. =)
作者: rebeccacocolee    时间: 2003-5-19 01:57
to SJY:
作者: Mountie    时间: 2003-5-19 02:05
PS: don't take 6 courses, that'll kill you. Biochem do have a bit extra credits to take, that's why i heard some people took one or two summer courses before they graduated in order to complete all the requirement.
for NTC,go copy from people in previous year. Yu can consider buy one in your year in case anyone doen't write clear. I used to read 2 years NTC. However, people do have different openion to NTC, some people really don't like it =P
BIOL202 used to have a section in both in fall and winter. One is teached and organized by faculity of medicine and one is from department of Biology. The faculity of medicine one does more organized than bio one (i heard from my friend who did compared them both). I am not sure do they still organize the course this way. go check it out with department ba! Good luck! Don't be scared!
作者: rebeccacocolee    时间: 2003-5-19 02:08
Mountie ~thanx for ur suggestion again & again~haha~    bother u too much~
but now,bio courses r always ordered in a fixed term, u have no choices to arrange them..sign..
hehe~expecting to meet u in lab  :p
作者: rebeccacocolee    时间: 2003-5-19 02:11
but all the courses r only ordered in the fall or winter term, that means i need to delay them to the next semester??
作者: Mountie    时间: 2003-5-19 02:11
to flyxu:

Biochem degree is under faculity of Science. However, many of faculity member are both belong to faculity of Science and Medicine science Medical science cannot really be separated and distinguished clear. Most profs. and teachers are from Medical school. The same case applied to Physiology and Micro&Immuno. BTW, to graduate program some biochem subject belong to a program called Experimental Medicine. It does belong to faculity of Medicine...I heard they got more grants Yo!
作者: 翻唱    时间: 2003-5-19 02:16
math 139 is bull shit. 141 is also a joke.

Physics 131 and 142 is sth, but 101 and 102 are bull shit, all bio stupid students.

gen chem is also a joke, the ave is B+.

In all, Science course are basically bull shit in U0. Org chem is also very easy. But, later, you will see.
作者: walmart    时间: 2003-5-19 02:29
CAL 3 没有CORREQ,我非常确定。
作者: Mountie    时间: 2003-5-19 02:31
hmm..i checked BIOL202 on the web, it's only Winter in the year. I'll ask my roomate "he is also from McGill: Micro&Immuno" about it. However, the course organization may changed.

hmm..basically, all the courses are fixed in schedule. Some people take Organic 2 in summer since it would be really hard during regular term ( by Dr. Farrell..even he is nice in person).

One other way I am thinking is U3 winter have more complimentary courses, that's one of the flexibility. However, be careful on the prerequisite. However, some prerequisite is not obligate if you deel woth coordinator.

I may be away from line for 2 weeks going back to Montreal. you can e-mail me mountie18@sinamail.com for more questions.

If you have no courses to take during the summer. why not try to find a summer research opportunity in the lab. It's a bit hard for U0 finished people, but if you did found, that'll be extremely important and help to you. why not try? (i know few people do found research experience after U0)!
作者: walmart    时间: 2003-5-19 02:35
For bio 202, how many people fail?

In engineering, for those filter course, 40% is just gone. So scared...
作者: sjy    时间: 2003-5-19 02:50
To Coco,
Cal 3 的requirement是 familiarity with vector geometric OR Coreqiusite MATH 133
Science U0 courses may not be that difficult. However, if someone thinks they are shitty, you can take placement test and get exemption for all of them. I took Math 140 & 141 and easily got passed. I suppose you are much smarter than I am, so why don't you save yourself some time and money?
作者: rebeccacocolee    时间: 2003-5-19 17:56
I care既然你觉得sicence是shit,那你怎麽还那样津津乐道,一一点评一下各科,好像很有研究的样子,没见有人对shit也那么执著~    

to walmar: exactly as sjy said, "Cal 3 的requirement是 familiarity with vector geometric OR Coreqiusite MATH 133" 我不能确定我是不是学过它要求的vector geometric ~~所以没法选 :p

to Mountie: 以后还是邮件联系的好~~这里疯子太多~~呵呵~不过我马上要回国了,所以这个暑假是没有办法了~~ 我现在已经改成5门课了,但是还是有很多恐怖的课程都在一起~比如 Organic 2& Bio202,不多说了,还是邮件联系好了。。。    

to SJY~ 呵呵~2:50了还在线,又来show off 了,你说的鸟语早就忘了,好了好了,有事电话联系~
作者: walmart    时间: 2003-5-19 23:42
org 2 is easy. 我U0的时候学的, 觉得和ENGINEERING 课比起来, 十分好学。 很轻松就拿了A, 只是记的东西多了一点。 你一定要有信心。 ORG 1 很有趣, 不错。
作者: mcgill    时间: 2003-5-20 02:31
The world ****s! GPA, A, Med              
作者: rebeccacocolee    时间: 2003-5-20 11:07
to walmar~~好多课程难不难都要取决于出考卷的老师了~~MATH141 本来很简单,可是一个怪老头出的题极其诡异,现在还不知道分数,GENERAL BIO I简单吧,去年居然fail了30%。。。晕~只有看运气了。。。呵呵~  
作者: walmart    时间: 2003-5-20 11:51
who is the prof of cal 2?

U0 courses can't fail more than 10%, that is the university rule. D is conditionally pass.
作者: 3年    时间: 2003-5-20 12:01
because science students are stupid.

coco, don't pretend to know everything. Oo we need you to tell us all these? shut the fucck up! We are all seniors and we have suffered for 3years. what are you? I am the TA for math 140 and 141 last year, before the final exam, all TA has to do it in 1 hour to see if it is fair. I think it is very easy and fair. It is even easier than last year's exam. I help to mark the exams, the ave is around B to B+.   You think you can cheat people here? you are so funny!
作者: sjy    时间: 2003-5-20 17:25
作者: 3年    时间: 2003-5-20 18:59
siy, you are in my tutorial section?
作者: 3年    时间: 2003-5-20 19:01
in all , science courses are basically bull shiit. Sjy and coco, you guys are too simple.
作者: 翻唱    时间: 2003-5-20 19:06
I told you all, McGill science succks indeed. Med school is grad study, not belong to science. Bio chem is not bad, but, U0 and U1 have no right to speak out here because maybe you can't graduate yet. fool!
作者: sjy    时间: 2003-5-20 19:28
I am not in science or engineering, and I am not a U0 or U1 student either, furthermore, I certainly have not been in your tutorial section, which I suppose it should be a good one, since I never took those two courses. However, I sincerely believe that, as McGill students, we should at least respect our fellows and departments.
作者: rebeccacocolee    时间: 2003-5-21 00:47
to 3年,如果你想证明你很聪明或者我很笨可以直说,今年的数学后面有一道题我就是觉得诡异,一大半我没做出来,我认识的人也没有一个不认为很诡异,你又想说我的朋友都是fool对吧,那我也无话可说了,以前的考试题我觉得各有各的难处,可是不能用诡异来形容,我是来骗谁呢?骗了谁我好像有好处一样,而且我还是写明了是对walmar说的。。。
在BBS说话没影响你正常生活,你凶什么,UO,U1就不能说话了?我第一篇帖子只是说了我身边感受到的事实,非常多sicence faculty的同学都选了biochem,预测了一下以后biochem以后将是热门,你就开始叫shut up,不知道是不是你神经过敏??谢天谢地你不是今年的TA阿~不知道你看到一群像我这样FOOL的人会不会抓狂呢?? PS:不要把sjy也扯进去嘛,人家又没有说人家是science faculty的,看,你又慌了吧~  :p  

看~I Care 又开始吼了,唉,我又没说我能从biochem毕业,好像我毕不毕业跟你也没有什么关系吧?你叫什么,知道你强,都毕业了~人家数学博士和你谩骂都比不过呢~~!“McGill science succks indeed. Med school is grad study, not belong to science. Bio chem is not bad,” 真是好有逻辑的话呀~~Med school好,他的学生大部分不都是science faculty毕业出来的吗?然后你又骂人家以前的faculty,Biochem不错,那你还骂人家的faculty干嘛~

to walmar,出题老师是brown,但是上课的有两个,D是多少分??我以为60就fail了。。。呵呵~看到curve上1/3没到60~    

to sjy,看到这儿的帖子真的很不爽阿,难得我好心回了个贴,居然成了这样。。。真是想出去砍人阿~哈哈~   :cool:  我看咱们这些人肯定也是骂不过他们的,还是先引退吧~呵呵~ 高手如云阿   

作者: jasonone    时间: 2003-5-21 15:44
McGill Science succks indeed.
作者: jasonone    时间: 2003-5-21 15:50
I know 2 chinese international students graduated from McGill Biochem switched to other department because 1. there are already too many people going to this direction. 2. Sicence research has no future and it is not likely to go into any med school.

in all, it is shit!
作者: smokingtooless    时间: 2003-5-21 16:01
To Walmart and Cocomagic, u guys r so great , i envy u guys, i just got CGPA3.5, i only took 33 in the first year,(MATH133,Cal150,151,Macroeconomics,PHYS131,142,CHEM110,120,COMP208)how did u guys take 40?There is no restriction that no more than 18 credits?And which department r u in?I am in MechEng.I have some questions about honour program,how much CGPA for honour,U should be honour from u GPA,I think.and if u r in Mech Eng,could u tell me some other important stuffs i must be careful?Thx.
作者: jasonone    时间: 2003-5-21 16:06
coco is in science. she took 101 physics, which is of course a joke. she also took 140/141, not 150-151, you know 140-141 are damn easy. W. Brown is a very nice person and she still get fuccked.  smokingtooless, you are already doing very well, indeed. Comp 208 is hard, lots of work to death.
作者: smokingtooless    时间: 2003-5-21 16:09
To Walmart,do we have to take BIO and Organic Chem????????
i don't know what they r in Eng.if i take them ,no credit for sure. How did u do???? R u in Engineering?which one?
作者: smokingtooless    时间: 2003-5-21 16:10
Thank u, i think Macroeconomics is very hard for me---->i just got a C(GPA2.0) .T_T,55555555.
作者: walmart    时间: 2003-5-21 17:58
I am in Chemical Engineering. That's why I have to take org chem 1 and 2. I didn't take bio, that's for Science. However, since I am going to the direction of Bio-tech chem eng, I have some bio classes next year, all in Engineering faculty. I know some mech eng people, but they are all graduating. I heard, thermo 1 and 2 might be hard. Also, did you take PPOHS? It used to be 1 credit course and it's going to change to 2 credits. Tell all your fellows to take it AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. It's a joke really, at least now. smokingtooless, I think I know you guys U0s. I saw a group of 3-5 chinese students study in Engineering library all the time. Maybe you are one of them.

CoCo, Brown is for sure a very nice person. The thing is, you must learn how to face unexpected situations. That's very basic skill for you to survive at McGill. You know why in engineering every year, there are that many people fail? Because we had strange exams all the time. Nothing is within expectations. So you are fuccked again and again.  In Science, D means 50-55. In engineering, we don't use this University standard scale because that means 80% would fail since nearly no one can get above 55/100 in all exams, impossible... usually, 65/100 is an A already.
作者: sjy    时间: 2003-5-21 18:11
各人术业有专攻,你觉得简单的,别人或许会认为很难,反之亦然。或许science U0 的不难,但以后怎么样就很难说了。大家都在一个学校里实在没有窝里斗的必要。
To Smokingtooless, Who is your Macro techer?
作者: freesia    时间: 2003-5-21 19:19
I found McGill Engineering ****s more than science. First, some professors are really bad in teaching.Take advanced calculus for example, the professor was just teaching like a tutor.I was so disappointed in that. Though I am still proud of being a McGill EE student, I feel ashamed of it because I can't see its rapid development as a university. (Maybe Concordia develops more quickly than McGill. But Concordia even more ****s a big time.)

Another thing I found disappointed about is the the Chinese undergraduate students in McGill. They are not as talented as I had expected. I really cast a doubt on the quality of student body. Maybe the most talented ones would be in US instead of Canada.

McGill's reputation is more or less dependent on its history and tradition. But I also accept the fact that McGill has made innovations in the past few years.

Compared with UT, McGill meant more to me. But I also expect more from McGill.

To all the undergrads here in McGill
作者: smokingtooless    时间: 2003-5-22 12:10
Serguei Zernov was my instructor!I really don't like his speaking.I used to skip his class:p
作者: smokingtooless    时间: 2003-5-22 12:19
I am not in that group usually,2 of them in EE and one in COMPENG,and others are in science.One of them in EE is the top student in Eng.I am stupid:p, is there any one playing basketball or martial arts in GYM(I used to spend 2 hours per day in GYM)I really love sports.
作者: smokingtooless    时间: 2003-5-22 12:25
lllalalallalallaa, i am going to play basketball ,haha, so happy..lallalalalallal
By the way, i need to introduce myself.
大家好,叫我Willow 好了,有点傻*^_^*,希望有空和大家交个朋友,我的department没有什么中国人, 其他的都不爱做运动(学习很刻苦),我天天都在GYM里,昨天呆了5个小时。喜欢玩游戏,不知道有没有知音。@_@--->
作者: walmart    时间: 2003-5-22 12:44
top student in Eng? You mean U1 or U0?  U0 is not engineering. U1? I get 3.96 GPA(after finishing 75 credits in 2 years) after U1 and I found there are still lots of people ahead of me. That's why I only receive a 500 scholarship, not 1000.

Come on! no one is stupid. We are all the same, indeed. Are you the one who is always with a mixed-blood girl? (you guys are both mech engs)
作者: walmart    时间: 2003-5-22 12:50
I play soccer all the time. But now I am suffering from summer courses(final is coming) so I don't have time for that. I am taking psychology 100 as complementary. It is so shity indeed, very hard.

Maybe in June, we do sports together.
作者: rebeccacocolee    时间: 2003-5-22 18:53
to walmar~你们说的那个brown 是女的??我怎麽看到是一个老头??晕。。。我对prof.情况不太了解。。他来代了一堂课,上到最后,一半的人都走了,不知道他在讲什么...可能是我们那个section 的老师讲的和他相差太大吧~ 我觉得他的考题怎麽说也是比较有难度的,虽然得A容易,但是上95就难了~ 呵呵~ 不过确实也应该这样,不然岂不是考一堆满分出来,prof.就不要混了~

to smokingtooless~ 我也只学了33个学分阿???我没有说过学了40个??!!!  eek!   ~我也喜欢玩游戏阿,好像这东西人人都喜欢吧?呵呵~  :p
作者: li26    时间: 2003-5-23 22:23
to Walmart, i think i am the guy you mean by saying "always stay with a mixed blood girl". but i am not sure. but that's true we always stay in the library on the fifth floor. and willow is my friend. maybe someday we should meet with each other.
作者: walmart    时间: 2003-5-24 14:17
li26, so you must be taking DIFF. Sydney is the best math prof I've ever seen. Everyone is saying that. enjoy!  and, good luck on your final(you get an A for sure).
作者: U 2    时间: 2003-5-27 00:17
diff is like the easiest course for engineering student at McGill.
作者: smokingtooless    时间: 2003-5-28 23:27
I am sorry, buddy.I am so stupid,so I don't think any course is easy*Y_Y*.Any idea??
作者: U 2    时间: 2003-5-29 00:50
no one is stupid. did you take diff yet? It is indeed a piece of cake. you should be confident! jiayou!
作者: smokingtooless    时间: 2003-5-29 13:49
just because it's too hard for me,so i dropped Diff at the beginning of May.*^_^*
作者: U 2    时间: 2003-5-29 14:32
in the long term, diff is even easier maybe. Jiayou   
作者: walmart    时间: 2003-5-29 15:12
我今天刚考完PSYCHO , 看来可以说一下话了, 呵呵
我发现,去年U0的人, 现在明显问题在于对自己缺乏信心。当然这是可以理解的。 但是信心是建立在实践上的,如果不去尝试, 我们永远都是被动的, 也是永远对自己缺乏信心的。 我其实只比你们大一年, 我明年U2了, 现在在申请DIFF的TA,明年还要做一门CHEM ENG的TA。 其实我也很害怕, 给系主任写信的时候, 我也很紧张, 因为本科生当TA是很大的挑战,还有很多的面试。 但是如果想MAKE A DIFFERENCE, 这就很值得尝试, 很值得为它努力。 你们明年U1了, 会遇到很多陌生的面孔,他们是从QUEBEC上来的, 从U1开始。这些人学习很强,也很喜欢讨论, 到时候, 可以跟他们好好学学。 信心, 是要建立在努力上的。 U1的课那么多,我想, 经过下一年, 大家一定会成熟很多,应该说, 是对自己认识更多了吧。 好好努力, 争取4年毕业, 虽然难了一点(140+学分), 但是我们没有办法, 我们要MAKE A DIFFERENCE。  
作者: AngelPearl    时间: 2003-5-29 17:37
I don't understand why everyone here like to brag about there GPA... though GPAs are important, it does not give you a job. Even if you do get a 4.0 upon graduation, you could still be jobless for monthes.
作者: 3年    时间: 2003-5-29 19:56
angelshiit, you have red eyes. You are talking about Concordshit, not McGill. please, go to fucck your self, I know you are an old women. WATCH YOURSLEF.
作者: smokingtooless    时间: 2003-5-31 13:45
stupid 3 年!
作者: smokingtooless    时间: 2003-5-31 13:49
stupid 3 年!
作者: nancy1    时间: 2003-6-1 14:14
if i have background of medicine, could i directly attend the test for lincense? i saw some information on the website that some guy who had been  a doctor in china directly got the lincense without studying in medical school in canada?
if it is true, why not try your best to pass the test instead of studying in the medical school?
but i don't know the test is in english or in french?
if someone know it , pls tell me.
i am very urgent to wait your answer, thanks
作者: leukocyte    时间: 2003-6-2 13:46
For the madical bachelor of china, we don't need to study in medical school again, we are elegible to take the lisecce exam directly if our university are listed in WHO directory, it is a multistep exam, the canadian one consists of EE(evaluation exam), QE1,QE2.the US one is step 1 step 2 and CSA. after the exam we need to go on to the second step: Match.the match rate of canada of year 2002 is 16.7%, it is very low, ontorio is better. but the US one the rate is nearly 50%, it is very high but need at least green card. so I encourage fellows to take US one.
All information above is not guarenteed, for more information please check website, easy to find by yahoo or google.
Good luck !

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