
标题: 想去麦大学医 [打印本页]

作者: huqijun    时间: 2003-3-12 03:26
标题: 想去麦大学医
作者: happycanada    时间: 2003-3-13 23:34

作者: littleQ    时间: 2003-3-14 09:14
作者: Leonlee73    时间: 2003-3-15 08:01
mcat 是个什么冬冬啊?还有,入学的要求是什么?学费很贵吗?
作者: qinjialei    时间: 2003-3-17 00:45
作者: elitejeon    时间: 2003-3-17 03:56
我看麦大学网站,可以申请med-p programe,就不用考MCAT了。不过得先读pre-university science programe. 我也很想学医,不知工作前景如何?
作者: huqijun    时间: 2003-3-17 17:32
申请med-p programe后距考执业医师执照还有多远知道吗?我的信箱是:magie10233@hotmail.com,愿与同路人联系。
作者: tnx    时间: 2003-3-17 21:54
很难呀. 魁省医生执照要考法语, 而且还不是普通的法语, 起码要通过公共法语考试的水平
作者: qinjialei    时间: 2003-3-17 23:22
作者: cookooer    时间: 2003-3-18 00:16
黑山老猫:是指French competency exam given by the Office de la langue française du Quebec 这个法语考试么?

作者: smokingtooless    时间: 2003-3-18 11:30
作者: at montreal    时间: 2003-3-18 12:33
从Med-P,到拿到营业执照只需八年的时间。 (以最快的法计算)
作者: calf    时间: 2003-3-18 12:49
the best way is give up ,now .
Or you will lose more and more for nothing.
作者: Kaunima    时间: 2003-3-18 13:39
unless you are young, smart and rich, you do not have any chance.
作者: Kaunima    时间: 2003-3-18 13:46
1 yr for MCAT + 4 yr medical school+ 3 yr residence. After 8 yr, you can be a physician. The salary would be above 80k/yr
作者: huqijun    时间: 2003-3-18 17:17
how young? how smart? how rich? Is there anyone succeeded among immigrants?
作者: phantom77    时间: 2003-3-18 19:52
it's really really hard!!! If you don't know how to become a doctor in Canada, please do not try... otherwise it just wastes your time. If you do know the whole process clearly and you are pretty sure you can make it, then try.
作者: Ice -Cappucino    时间: 2003-3-20 01:50
作者: Ice -Cappucino    时间: 2003-3-20 01:56
作者: jasperlin    时间: 2003-3-20 12:51
i know a young people, who was born in china.
then from elementary school, he started to study here. his english is perfect, french is no problem. his academic record is good. but mcgill still refused his application, because no medical passion.
作者: huqijun    时间: 2003-3-20 13:52
to wwwjjjqqqq:我的想法和你一样,现在正在申请预科,想一边读college一边准备MCAT。两年后申请医学院。不过听说学医过程中还有不少说道,还是在申请前多了解为好。欢迎常联系。
作者: huqijun    时间: 2003-3-20 13:53
to jasperlin:
你所说的medical passion指的是什么?
作者: phantom77    时间: 2003-3-20 22:28
to wwwjjjqqq & huqijun;

Trust me. It is very difficult to get into med school in Canada. If you have money, try the States.

Lots of my undergrad friends in Science Faculty at McGill tried very hard to apply for med schools. Some do succeed (they went to Alberta, Queen's, McMaster and Toronto. since they are not quebec residents, they all get rejected by McGill. only 2 spots available for out-of-province Canadian students), while some fails after several final-round interviews. All of them have pretty impressive background, nearly prefect GPA, very good MCAT score, part-time working experience in medical research lab, lots of voluneering in local/foreign communities and hospitals, several school/national awards. Here I haven't even mentioned so many students giving up during their four year studies.

It would be really nice to see Chinese immigrants can catch the spot in Canadian med schools.
作者: Ice -Cappucino    时间: 2003-3-29 11:50
Thanks a lot for your advice,PHANTOM.
I am an immigrant and most importantly,I am only 19.I see no point why I don't give a try ,provided i have already received 4-year education abroad.I dont' have to be rich but i have the passion.BTW,I am gonna study Health Science in the college and thereafter applying to Med-P Programme won't be too tough for me.
Don't forget.Med-P prefer those who have medical background.Thus,Cegep is the best choice .
Good luck!
作者: walmart    时间: 2003-3-29 12:55

wwwjjjqqq, you are just SO stupid.....
who do you think you gonna be?  

McGill Med School ranks the third in N.America, Who do you think you are?

I saw SO many people trying to get in McGill Med. They all have a 4.0 GPA, and , finally......

finish Cegep first lar, fool!

See you here, at McGill.
作者: phantom77    时间: 2003-3-29 13:39

well, try hard to get into pre-med program, which makes you a lot easier apply for Canadian Med Schools. It saves you two years (normally you need a B.Sc. degree to apply for med school) but for pre-med program you just need to finish two years university studies then as long as you perform well in the program you go directly to med schools. I am sure you should know that in your cegep program.

Don't forget to do some non-academic activities (i mentioned before). It is equally important for your med application. At this point, I think you still have a long way to meet your end. So good luck and keep cool.
作者: Ice -Cappucino    时间: 2003-3-29 14:05
Thanks so much,phantom.
I will take note of your advice.It's still a long to go for me,but I am confident.
BUT,walmart,I don't know what kind of people you are!If you yourself can't make it,then shut up,looking at others who have the determination.
I have a Taiwanese friend in the Med faculty now.Fortunately,she never saw your words.
Please remember,impossible for you may be possible for others.And please stop turning a cold shoulder to me.Why can't you encourage me like my other friends do?
Can't the Chinese be confident?
And throughout my four years in Singapore, I was always the top in the level.I was also the top scorer for English Literature.Was that also impossible for you?I am not being vain but I trust in my capabilities.
Thank you!
作者: lupeng    时间: 2003-4-3 20:06
going back to china for your medical doctor dream is not a bad idea!
作者: Ice -Cappucino    时间: 2003-4-3 22:56
My goodness!Another discourager here.Can't anyone give me some encouragement,PLEASE........................
作者: Blover    时间: 2003-4-4 03:55
走自己的路,让别人说去... ... Anyway, you're still young, and you have time. They are jealous about you...just let the acid walmart alone! Do what you have decided and talk less, I'm sure you'll succeed!
作者: Ice -Cappucino    时间: 2003-4-4 13:51
你说的对,大家都努力吧。只是我的邮箱 iamyuze@yahoo.ca,有空交流一下心得。
作者: huqijun    时间: 2003-4-6 12:12
作者: dmdmd    时间: 2003-4-6 13:13
1) 醫前兩年理論我們可讀得很好因為我們用功. 但是實習和住院時就不一樣了因為理論好不一定臨床會有優勢...

所以進去是一件事, 畢業又是另外的一件事. 在台灣進去很難, 但是幾乎100%會畢業的. 在國外被踢出系的或再讀的unfortunately也很多. 語言很重要(很多人覺得science比較重要. Ha! 到了臨床時你們將會很驚訝). 讀書在醫科大部分都很會讀. 但應用就不一樣了.

2) 臨床時很被操... 工作時間長. 回家又要讀. 沒時間going out, 睡眠不足. 和別科很不一樣的就是: 在臨床你是主角/演員而不是像在上課時你是觀眾. 所以You have to PERFORM. 反應要快, 因為在問病人是沒時間給你想, 聯想要快.

3) 7-12 years of studies depending on what you want to do later...

不過有毅力的話, 我覺得多點東方人在醫是絕對有優勢(比如, 以後東方子弟會比較容易進  :p ). 多點優秀的東方人為加拿大做點貢獻讓白人另眼相看. 加油!!!
作者: haibinyin    时间: 2003-4-6 13:52
进MCGILL医科很难的.我现在在MARIANOPOLIS COLLEGE读书,我们学校里有人拿96分平均分都悬.而且一定要有义工史,我现在已经做了四百多个小时,还在做.分数固然重要,但最重要的还是面试!大家一定要准备好.至于有人想读BAC在申请的话,MCAT<35的还是另谋高就吧.我现在正在申请,如有问题,请发EMAIL给我: haibinyin2000@hotmail.com
作者: mariangela    时间: 2003-4-6 18:28
走自己的路,让别人说去... ... Anyway, you're still young.
不過有毅力的話, 我覺得多點東方人在醫是絕對有優勢(比如, 以後東方子弟會比較容易進  ). 多點優秀的東方人為加拿大做點貢獻讓白人另眼相看. 加油!加油!加油!
  :cool:    :p        wink
作者: Mountie    时间: 2003-4-18 13:56
In order to get into Medical school, it's hard but not impossible. However, the decision is matter of life, so do really consider seriously why you want to be a doc.
How strong your impression is because these questions will also be asked in your interview. The interview is a big precentage of the admission. McGill really want to get a people with great potential to be a good doc rather than only a high GPA student. therefore, you need to know the reality of medical world.
Volunteer experience is quite vital. GPA is also big part in all medical school, but it could be compensate by some extra-activity. the good part of McGill admission is they do not cut off people strictly according to GPA as UofT.
Just study hard to build a beautiful transcript, and spend time on various experience as volunteer in hospital and research institutes during the summer, perticipate in the departmental activities and get some possition as President or VP. and really think about why you go this approch to medical.
As others said, it take approximately 8-10 year before you can really start your "Real" clinic. Money and honor is not everything. Think about are you rather to exchange 10 years with those what you "may" gain. and good luck!   
作者: liujh    时间: 2003-4-18 18:59
Pre-med school isn't that perfect. It saves two years. That's true. But for studying BSc, you got usually 4 or 5 courses per semester. But in pre-med school, you sometimes have 9 courses per term. I think in BSc will be better.
作者: Fazai    时间: 2003-4-18 19:40
大家好, 我对学医也很感兴趣,但不知就业前景如何,(加拿大和整个北美地区).另外,不知蒙大医学和药学专业和麦大比,哪一个更好.还有,我以前是学计算机的,不知能不能直接申请读蒙大的药学专业?
作者: Mountie    时间: 2003-4-19 00:27
In order to comapre UdeM and McGill, it is important to varify your future orientation if you want to stay in Quebec or not. McGill definitely have a greater internation reputation and honor in the field of Medicine. MD degree from McGill certainally can be carry around the world! However, UdeM maybe more restricted in Quebec area. One thing to be notified is only UdeM have Pharmacy degree. Parmacy is different from Pharmacology that Pharmacy is more application as working in Pharmacy clinic whereas Pharmacology is more research orientated.
作者: nancy1    时间: 2003-4-20 19:10
是不是太难了, 要是太难,我就学PHD 吧
作者: Mountie    时间: 2003-4-20 20:12
i think the MD degree from China is not recognized by US and Canada. It's why so many MD postdoc in the lab. It maybe good to start as graduate study. however, better to check out how many credits can be counted as BSc equilvent
作者: mcgill    时间: 2003-4-21 01:32
认识一个Mcgill医学院的PhD,非常优秀的加拿大本地人(来自加东一个小地方),他告诉我他进了Mcgill七年以来,每天都只能睡5个小时。本人是学工程的,曾经以为那是最苦的活了,但每天都能有八小时的睡眠时间;也有学MBA的朋友抱怨说很累,但也就是两年。看来医生的地位崇高是有道理的  :p  
作者: huqijun    时间: 2003-4-24 16:02
to nancy1:
作者: nancy1    时间: 2003-5-1 23:30
now i am really want to study PHD, not MD.
is it also difficult to apply PHD of Mcgill?
i have many classmates to study PHD in USA. i think it is definetly different between PHD and MD.
作者: mcgill    时间: 2003-5-3 17:55
Don't expect it is easy to obtain the PhD offer from Canadian University, especially for those top 5 universities. As I knew, most of the professors prefer to accept the student starts his Master's study from the same university or the other same or higher level universities. Most of PhD student in Mcgill medical school worked with their supervisor from master.
作者: mcgill    时间: 2003-5-3 20:04
Nancy1: Forgot something. The professor is only interested in publishing paper in journal. My friend is required to publish three papers in journal for the permission to graduate (master, phd combination). GRE and Toefl are essential but not the most important issue. Try to show your ability in publishing paper. Send your previous paper to induce an interview chance. Remind you never try to meet your potential supervisor without an appointment. I saw many students to do this but only make things worse in 99% cases.
Why not go to U.S pursue your PhD degree? They will give your more money and the permission would be much easier( as long as not a top 10 univerty). Holding a U.S medical degree almost guarantee you obtain a job in North America.

Just my two cents. Good luck!
作者: nancy1    时间: 2003-5-6 11:14
当时因为先生已APPLY 移民,   我放弃了申请美国学校。因为我的一个朋友告诉我加拿大的学校NOT WORSE THAN USA。而且在这儿上学比在美国轻松多了。
决定来加拿大,发现情况与想象的不同。却错过了美国申请的DEADLINE。 希望能申请到MCGILL的1月份。
如果到明年9月,我APPLY USA ONLY.

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