
标题: 一年能读完硕士吗?急盼回答! [打印本页]

作者: Laowu    时间: 2003-3-12 08:18
标题: 一年能读完硕士吗?急盼回答!
作者: canadiana    时间: 2003-3-12 13:21
Then you'll have to register at lease 6 courses every term, and it's not guaranteed to have that much courses to be chosen at summer term. It's almost the Mission: Impossible
作者: Laowu    时间: 2003-3-13 08:59
Thank you, Canadiana!
作者: 胆小    时间: 2003-3-13 18:12
作者: canadiana    时间: 2003-3-17 12:39
Thank you, Canadiana!

"有人说在这生活很苦", 每个人感受不一样,身份不同,时间不同,遭遇不同感觉都会有异,不能一概而论.对于国际学生,比移民或本地人更难找到工作,打现金工或只靠在校内打工想轻松的把学费挣回来的辛苦可以想象.办一个学生签证不算什么,拿一个国外文凭也不一定保证能在国内找到更好的工作.何况你在国内已经有个好工作,又有升迁的机会,没必要再花费几年时间而又没有把握.
作者: Laowu    时间: 2003-3-18 09:50
作者: happycanada    时间: 2003-3-18 10:30
作者: Laowu    时间: 2003-3-18 11:17
难道没有从蒙特利尔,从Concordia Univ.获得进步的朋友吗?
作者: yide    时间: 2003-3-18 13:44
作者: spade2    时间: 2003-3-19 22:17
作者: wuwu    时间: 2003-3-19 22:31



作者: tnx    时间: 2003-3-20 17:01
我觉得出国的目的要是明确的话就不会有什么后悔一说, 关键还是要看你想干什么, 如果就是为了出国而出国, 那真是劳民伤财。一无所获
作者: 听风听雨    时间: 2003-3-26 05:46
作者: LeeHu    时间: 2003-3-26 06:50
作者: Laowu    时间: 2003-3-26 09:56
作者: ever    时间: 2003-3-27 19:35
作者: 毙了    时间: 2003-3-27 20:25
作者: abba    时间: 2003-3-28 00:12
作者: Laowu    时间: 2003-4-3 08:19
Hello! Everybody!
It is very good to have the chance to get your advices.
In fact, I don't know exactly what is i really want.
But I know it very best: To get experience and make progress is what I need most. What I own now means less if I can find more significant life.
I appreciate it if you can give me more message.
Best wishes to all of you!
作者: qazwsxedc999    时间: 2003-4-4 12:21
我是刚来的移民, 有无数的新移民朋友。 有好的,也有不好的。 关键是看你为什么而来。 如果你有好的工作,有钱,前景也好的话在国内,那么你是为了学成之后有金山银山,图实惠,那就别来了。加拿大没有这些。而且回国以后的前景未必比现在的前景好。如果你为了长见识,为了学知识,为了虚的东西,你或许可以来。 但是有一点,无论出现什么情况,不要后悔,如果你有可能后悔,就不要来。
作者: christmas111    时间: 2003-4-4 13:30
作者: preparefortest    时间: 2003-4-5 14:06

作者: woshisabrina    时间: 2003-4-7 11:54
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: .
作者: Laowu    时间: 2003-4-8 03:14
Hello! I will not cry if I go. I must to make sure that I will not regret.
And also I am still young, not more than 30.
How can I become brave? How can I do believe that I can win a bright future?
But my sincere friend, do not just see the topic, please left your advices here.
Best wishes to all of you!
作者: paonv    时间: 2003-4-8 12:29
if you are still young and have a good shape, you should come and enjoy a good future. Mostly, a single woman is more adaptive to the local society than man do. I had neighbor who was a single woman. at the beginning when she just came here, she spoke a ugly english, and she even needed my help to fill out the application forms of medical card. several months later, she cohabited with a blackman. soon after, I was shocked by her tongue. She even got a job as an office secretary in a company. Now she lives in a good building and enjoys a relaxing life.

there are many ways of life, and it is up to you to choose. good luck.  :p
作者: christmas111    时间: 2003-4-8 14:16
hello, laowu. here is some info you need.

1. First of all, I do not write the post to discourage you. Yes, you can absolutely learn a lot in Canada, but nothing from the book, especially for non-science courses. I study business course here in Mcgill. In my view, courses like basic accounting and statistics are meaningless. Just read the text book and you can learn everything by yourself. However, courses like "organizational behavior" and marketing are gold mines. You team with people from around the globe, experience their cultures/values and learn how to teamwork in an international team background. Based upon my personal experience, those courses are really exciting. So the point is: are you open enough? is your language good enough? and most important of all, r u brave enough? For example, in my marketing class, there was a presentation. Most Chinese, if they had westerners in their team, asked the westerners to speak most of the part. A certain team consisted of 2 chinese and 1 westerner. during the 15-minute presentation, the 2 chinese just stood there and did nothing--the westerner presented everything himself. I am not here trying to criticize this kinda chinese. actually i dont have the taste to write anything about them. just ask yourself one question: even if your english were not that good, would you have the guts to challenge your limit and be a brave participant? if the answer is no, and you give yourself an excuse like:"the reason why i did not do this is because my english is poor", then you might end up asking urself this simple question everyday: what am i forking doing here??? fulltime English listening practice?

So if you have a positive view of the open study style here and always embrace the challenge, if you feel the study here an interesting game--just as the westerners do--but not a burden, you should definitely come here and u will not be disappointed. Remember, active participation is the golden rule of study here.

2. taking 6 courses every semester? possible? yeah, why not. I work fulltime in a company--from 9 to 5:30--while study full time--4 evenings a week...tons of course assignments, and i still manage to watch at least 5 dvds everyday week and enjoy myself during the weekends. the trick here is simple: if you can write a 10-page english essay in one afternoon like me, or begin to read the text book one day before exam and pass it, 6 courses are still fair to you. if not, think twice. or u will become a fulltime thinker of "god, how can i pass this course...". when study becomes crushing burden, you are not learning, you r merely surviving...believe me, thats not what you want.

3. part-time work? craps...u need money? at most RMB 35/hr here for labor work. if you work one month here...why not stay an extra month in china and make more money in a more comfortable way? u wanna learn english while doing labor work? my...you end up learning cantonese...or practicing funny english with mexicans, indians...whatever...
作者: happycanada    时间: 2003-4-9 15:37
作者: paonv    时间: 2003-4-9 19:29
hey, christmas111,
first of all, i have to say ur english is beautiful. ur essay, however, could be more logical while u were making a parade of ur talents. let's do a simple calculation. you work full time from 9am to 5:30pm, it is 8.5 hours on work. I suppose the hours that it takes you in the class are 2. u said u could still manage to watch at least 5dvds, i.e. you spend at least 7.5 hours on dvd. such routine costs you 18hours which still does not include the time on the heavy traffic and cooking. you get 6hours left. is it possible for u to get enough time for sleep?  unless you are resposible for watching dvd in the company.            

most students majoring in business are losing ground to mathematics.         
作者: 胆小    时间: 2003-4-9 20:06
高手确实存在,五体投地!!!  wink    wink
作者: christmas111    时间: 2003-4-9 20:28
ok, paonv. get home at 9:30 everyday(in fact only attended at most half of the classes...so actually more time). watch 1 dvd each night. go to sleep at 1:00am. never cooked (at least not myself). never read textbooks until the last week before exams. do some essay stuff and group meetings for one or half day in the weekend. thats all.

of course my average is only around 78, never a good student.
作者: christmas111    时间: 2003-4-9 20:44
"I was shocked by her tongue. She even got a job"...u know what, this sentence is intriguing.^_^

what job is so related with a tongue? blowjob?  
hehehe, no offence, ^_^  just kidding...
作者: paonv    时间: 2003-4-9 21:57
ur words,"never cooked", remind me of a joke, a student broke wind in class, in order to keep him out of the suspect, he told others that he have never losed gas.             

hehehe, no offence, ^_^ just kidding...
作者: xhu    时间: 2003-4-9 22:44
"I was shocked by her tongue. She even got a job" What is wrong with her tongue? Everyone knows that she can speak better english than before. Don't insult your fellow Chinese lady. I don't see anything wrong with this lady. So what she made friend with a black man. Remember we are in Canada, here people believe in diversity and multi-culturelism.
作者: christmas111    时间: 2003-4-10 00:33
first, u lack basic sense of humor and understanding of english.
second, obviously you never gave/enjoyed a decent blowjob.
thats why you get so tense and angry.
作者: Laowu    时间: 2003-4-10 06:38
Hello! Everybody!
I mentioned question to discuss, and want to find a good way to resolve problems. So please do not come here to say bad words.
You know, everybody can make his or her choice, you must understand this. But how can you dare to result me here?  I am a good girl and will  always be good, loyal to what I already chosen.
So, though there are many ways toward so-called success, I chose the most difficult road, depending on myself.
I came here to ask for advices. So if you do not want to behave kind-minded, do not leave any ugly words here.
Best wishes to all!
作者: xhu    时间: 2003-4-10 08:20

Don't think everyone is ill-minded as you. What? Sense of humor, give me a break. English? I know better than you about english. I don't write a 10-page english essay in one afternoon like you do, but I produce papers based on solid studies. So stop you bull-shitting, maybe you deserve a blow-job yourself with your, what..., your..., hate to say that, tongue.
作者: christmas111    时间: 2003-4-10 10:53
sincerely i was just noticing the close relationship with the words "tongue" and "job" and came up with a (n adult?) joke. absolutely not meant to attack anyone and i am 100% OK with any girl living with foreigner. actually i thought that girl was a brave achiever. ...and poor me, a nice courageous chinese guy/girl like you just jumped out of nowhere and attacked me with maximum firepower and solid-studied english words like "bull-xxxx"...

let joke be a joke, ok? life is dull, so dont get that easily-aroused.

anyway, u r very nice to defend a fellow girl. believe me, i am not unhappy with you. at least i see you somehow took my advice and at least tried to be humorous in your last sentence...keep up the great personality transformation!
作者: hoho    时间: 2003-4-10 10:55
愿意挑战自己极限,本身就是一种高风险. 但对与人生来说,失败并不一定就叫做赔本
作者: 胆小    时间: 2003-4-10 14:04
从现在开始!!!  :cool:
作者: jessicajia    时间: 2003-4-13 12:35
这里讨论的好激烈啊 !我现在也有这个打算,看了这里的回复,觉得没有一开始的兴奋了。但我想如果我真的出去了,我不会后悔得!我上大学前都在父母身边,但我希望能有更多的阅历,不要在什么都依赖父母了,趁着现在还年轻,出去闯闯吧!我希望能看到自己创造的生活!
作者: Laowu    时间: 2003-4-14 05:12
Thank all of you for posting, I will consider fully.
Now China is developing fast, I think if we cherish our youth, not waste time, we can have our bright future everywhere. In one word, when you are now in difficulties, when you fell sad, don't lost your heart, don't give up, then you can find that everything will be OK, will become better and better.
If I go, I don't mean that I go to Canada to relax, I just for fighting, to challenge myself.
Anyway, I wish you good luck, and can be pride of yourself!
作者: jessicajia    时间: 2003-4-14 05:23
面对出国,大家要明确自己的目标,作最差的打算,最大的努力,living better or worse,it's up to u!
作者: Green tree    时间: 2003-5-14 10:00
Hello! there is no more discussion about this question. Now I become Green Tree to come here.
I am still in CHina, and there is a big rain here. I have been very busy recently.
Go on, even if there is bad news, life must go on and on. Good luck!
作者: vicki    时间: 2003-5-29 14:52
作者: 胆小    时间: 2003-5-29 17:36
作者: 探索者    时间: 2003-6-3 02:05
想要体会东西方的教育和文化,想要提升个人的人生视野,想要在未来更有竞争力和或许有可能未来成为郭沫若,钱钟书,冼星海... ...这样的人物或有机会结识这样的人物————如果你在国内不在特权部门或 垄断部门,如果你能保证你的单位不会改革,你拥有一个收入很高的不会变的铁饭碗工作,你可以不来,只要你还不太老,你应该考虑出来看看,看书,看电视,包括公私
作者: qingting    时间: 2003-6-8 15:42
The answer is very simple. If you are a bird, stay in the cage. If you are eagle, please fly. I belive the chinses word: If it is a real gold, it shines anywhere. Don't worry too much. Just do it.
作者: Green tree    时间: 2003-6-9 08:52
Thank you! Especially Qingting, 探索者 and so on.
I am very busy recently, and also I find a answer: If you want to fly away, if you want to keep your youth shining, you must keep on fighting. Yes, sometimes you want to have a rest, but it also gives you other information: times flies!
I wish all of you can enjoy your life. Now I have the strengths to go on and on.
I was afraid so much before. If there is huge rain and big snow, that is just the real life.

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