
标题: 回国半年以上要不要通知税局?明年回来后报税时国内的收入如何报? [打印本页]

作者: fly finger    时间: 2005-8-24 17:43
标题: 回国半年以上要不要通知税局?明年回来后报税时国内的收入如何报?
要带着孩子回国一阵子,今天去305通知孩子要离开加拿大一阵子,主要是牛奶金要CANCEL掉。接待的人给了一个international tax office的电话让打电话告知那里说明我回国一阵子,说这和明年我报税有关:confused:   好象好多人这么短登后回国,只是把小孩子的牛奶金CANCEL 就行了,好象没涉及到大人的事情呀!有没有朋友遇到这种情况,交流交流!!
作者: ann1998    时间: 2005-8-25 10:22
it seems unneccessary for you to conceal the CCTB as you are only temporarily outside Canada ( as you said, you will come back next year and file the tax return). you are still eligible for CCTB while in China as long as currently you are.
when it comes to file the tax return next year, just do the same as you live in Canada because you are still Canadian resident for the tax purpose (That is simply why you are still eligible for CCTB).
作者: fly finger    时间: 2005-8-26 01:48
作者: ann1998    时间: 2005-8-26 09:12
Yes, you have to report your income in China, but the deadline is April 30, 2005, for filing 2004 tax return.
作者: fly finger    时间: 2005-8-26 09:25
If I can not come back before Apr 30, how can I fill the tax form? maybe my friend can do it instead, is it possible?:confused:
作者: ann1998    时间: 2005-8-26 09:54
If you file the paper return, you have to sign it ( if you ask your friend to do the return and sign it, you have to authorize him/her to do that---authroization is required)
If you do the return through the internet, you can do it in China as long as you can log in.  In your case, it is the first time to file the return, you may have to consult the government to get the access code, which is required for the internet service.
作者: fly finger    时间: 2005-8-27 00:08
It is very appreciate of ann1998 to answer back, I also consulted my friend whose husband submitted income every year, she said maybe she can sign for me, but it is better to authorize her to sign, but maybe it doesn't matter if she sign it instead me, the tax office have no time to check it! Do you think it is good to do this way?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o:p></o:p>

Thanks alot.
作者: Solly    时间: 2005-8-27 11:23
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作者: BL.TAX    时间: 2005-8-27 17:26
It is not a good idea to have your friend to sign it. Preparing a piece of paper of authorization is very easy.

Alternatively, you can do the paper return in China by yourself if you could get the return in the Embassy as solly said, or download the form from the Website of the government, or have your friend mail it to you, etc........

by the way, has your CCTB(牛奶金) been conceled? why would like to concel it? it seems unneccessary.

Post by fly finger
It is very appreciate of ann1998 to answer back, I also consulted my friend whose husband submitted income every year, she said maybe she can sign for me, but it is better to authorize her to sign, but maybe it doesn't matter if she sign it instead me, the tax office have no time to check it! Do you think it is good to do this way?fficeffice" /><O:p></O:p>

Thanks alot.

作者: fly finger    时间: 2005-8-28 12:52
many people said that it is not necessary to cancel CCTB if your child was not in CA, the goverment will check randomly, I am afraid to be checked, otherwise I will have bad credit, it is not good for me, even for my family. anyway, to be a honest will be better

maybe it is better  to authorize to my friend to sigh it for me than to get the return in the Embassy. I think it will be complicated;) by the way, do you know someone has tried this way?

thanks alot
Post by BL.TAX
It is not a good idea to have your friend to sign it. Preparing a piece of paper of authorization is very easy.

Alternatively, you can do the paper return in China by yourself if you could get the return in the Embassy as solly said, or download the form from the Website of the government, or have your friend mail it to you, etc........

by the way, has your CCTB(牛奶金) been conceled? why would like to concel it? it seems unneccessary.

作者: ann1998    时间: 2005-8-29 09:03
看来你没有真正理解我所说的"unnecessary to cancel CCTB"

我所说的"unnecessary"不是象"many people said that it is not necessary to cancel CCTB if your child was not in CA, the goverment will check randomly", 去take chance, 而是合理合法的unnecessary. 因为根据你所说的情况, 你只是短期临时性回国 ( 请注意这一点,它是关键所在), 那么你仍然是加拿大的税务居民. 小孩仍然和你在一起(尽管不在加拿大), 你就仍然有资格领取牛奶金. 你根本没有必要担忧税务局的抽查. 你和那些只把小孩送回国父母仍在加拿大的情况不同. 他们的小孩和他们生活在一起, 这一点可能会受到税务局的质疑并进而可能会被取消领取牛奶金的资格. 不知你在305是如何和税务局讲的,他们又是如何答复的. 他们为什么要你联系internaitonal office? 似乎没有这个必要. 如果你让他们理解为你要成为加拿大非税务居民,那事情就不一样了.

Post by fly finger
many people said that it is not necessary to cancel CCTB if your child was not in CA, the goverment will check randomly, I am afraid to be checked, otherwise I will have bad credit, it is not good for me, even for my family. anyway, to be a honest will be better

maybe it is better to authorize to my friend to sigh it for me than to get the return in the Embassy. I think it will be complicated;) by the way, do you know someone has tried this way?

thanks alot

作者: fly finger    时间: 2005-9-1 08:23
我跟305说孩子要跟着我一起回中国一阵子,然后再带着她回来,她听我这么一说就说那下次来的时候要重新申请牛奶金,至于你说的这种情况我还真是不清楚,我只是听说孩子不在加就不能拿到牛奶金,否则查到的话就是不诚实。真是还不知有这种情况之分。你是在哪个网站上看到的这些信息的,可否提供?;) 我这次是CANCEL了,唉,吃一堑,长一智吧,但愿其它的朋友遇到这种情况理会清楚。还有知不知有没有提供这些咨询的地方,因为之前我为这事情问过华人中心,咨询员说是要去305讲一下的,至于怎么做那是他们的事情,不过我去那天305接待的是个黑女士,我说了情况后她说我们住的这阵子是有的,但下次来了要再申请。

:confused: 郁闷!如果出错的话极有可能是我表达和理解有误。郁闷 啊:confused:
作者: ann1998    时间: 2005-9-1 12:34
Don't be upset!  You have the chance still. 305 or CRA, they do not have the last word, but the law does.

If you would do yourself, you can go the website of CCRA. www.cra.ca
Or I can help you with analysizing your case. Could you tell how long you will stay in China and for what purpose? This is the key to determine if you are eligible to receive CCTB (It does not matter if the child is in Canada or in China)
作者: saffron    时间: 2005-9-4 15:50
ann1998 懂得好多啊。


但是我们好像不算短期回国。而是回去了两年多。 所以现在我倒是有些忐忑不安了。


作者: 99    时间: 2005-9-11 10:23
标题: 我也有类似的问题
作者: ann1998    时间: 2005-9-11 13:34
如果你还在加拿大, 而且他们将来还要回来,应该没有问题。
Post by 99

作者: mengniu    时间: 2006-1-9 00:25
标题: 谢谢答复!
作者: bacelona    时间: 2006-1-20 01:36
作者: applesmile    时间: 2006-1-29 09:33
标题: 请看官方的网站的法律
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=600 summary="" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=sideMenu vAlign=top><!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!-- SIDE ENDS --><!-- SIDE MENU ENDS --></TD><TD></TD><TD class=content vAlign=top><!-- CONTENT BEGINS --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="Main Content" -->CCTB: Application and Eligibility

4. Can I get the Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)?
To get the CCTB, you must meet all the following conditions:

作者: applesmile    时间: 2006-1-29 10:18
标题: 请再看里MENGNIU
Post by mengniu

6. How do I apply for the Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB)?
To apply for the CCTB, complete Form RC66, Canada Child Tax Benefit Application.

If you and your spouse or common-law partner were residents of Canada for any part of 2004, you must both file a 2004 return before we can calculate your benefit. To continue getting the CCTB, you both have to file a return every year you are residents of Canada, even if you have no income to report.

作者: applesmile    时间: 2006-1-29 10:42
标题: 请关注ANN1988 说的:”仍然是加拿大的税务居民. 小孩仍然和你在一起(尽管不在加拿大)
Post by ann1998
看来你没有真正理解我所说的"unnecessary to cancel CCTB"

我所说的"unnecessary"不是象"many people said that it is not necessary to cancel CCTB if your child was not in CA, the goverment will check randomly", 去take chance, 而是合理合法的unnecessary. 因为根据你所说的情况, 你只是短期临时性回国 ( 请注意这一点,它是关键所在), 那么你仍然是加拿大的税务居民. 小孩仍然和你在一起(尽管不在加拿大), 你就仍然有资格领取牛奶金. 你根本没有必要担忧税务局的抽查. 你和那些只把小孩送回国父母仍在加拿大的情况不同. 他们的小孩和他们生活在一起, 这一点可能会受到税务局的质疑并进而可能会被取消领取牛奶金的资格. 不知你在305是如何和税务局讲的,他们又是如何答复的. 他们为什么要你联系internaitonal office? 似乎没有这个必要. 如果你让他们理解为你要成为加拿大非税务居民,那事情就不一样了.

本人非常赞同ANN1988说的这点看法。你是不是”加拿大税务居民“是全部的关键。第二点:you must be the person who is primarily responsible for the care and upbringing of the child; 而你是主要承担养育小孩子的人,”与小孩子在一起“不用解释了。

关键是有些同胞问:只把小孩送回国父母仍在加拿大的情况. 如果被抽查并质疑,你仍有机会向税务局申斥。如何做,机会有多大?:wink: 问问ANN1988 是否有好建议
作者: lajolie    时间: 2006-3-12 14:48



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