标题: 麦大MMM专业的大哥请进 [打印本页] 作者: billz 时间: 2003-12-3 17:47 标题: 麦大MMM专业的大哥请进 在麦大网站上关于MMM专业的学费有这么一段话:
The MMM program is entirely self-funded, without the benefit of government subsidies. Tuition for the entire program is C$25,000 for all students, Canadian and International. Fees are paid per session according to the number of credits a student is taking. Courses are either two or three credits. One credit is approximately C$450.
In addition there are student fees: an approximate total of C$2000 for Canadian students and $2500 for international students, including compulsory health insurance coverage for the latter.
看看有没有中国人就知道好不好,没有就是不好,好的话肯定人满为患了,动一下脑子就这么点学校,已经多少人动脑子?作者: billz 时间: 2003-12-5 15:18
up作者: billz 时间: 2003-12-7 13:55
up作者: billz 时间: 2003-12-9 10:45
up作者: billz 时间: 2003-12-11 20:27
up作者: JYD13 时间: 2003-12-13 10:35
老大,你up的好苦啊。你的问题,N个人问过了,在读的3M可能太忙,或者就怕你抢饭碗,或者已经回中国掘金了,不行就去问那个系的工作人员让他们给你找几个中国人给你问问,毕竟要付这么贵的钱,这点服务应该还是有的。作者: Maggieyin 时间: 2003-12-16 10:41
I am very interested in the MMM major, and hope to share the information. thank you all in advance.