-everyone hopes so, but no such major exists. believe me !作者: axin 时间: 2002-10-11 20:39
Don't mislead the new comers!
You want to study? Here is the best place in the world for study! Lawer is one of the most respectful professions in Canada. But if you want to be a professor, you have to get a doctor's degree and very good in English.
Don't waste your time on French, just go ahead with the major you like!作者: wolf hu 时间: 2002-10-16 10:18
come and see and decide ourselves.
someone esle's idea is always a reference for we pay too much to retreat at this time.
and remember we are the best and go forward.作者: CFCNCA 时间: 2002-10-16 11:24
You will lose much if you retreat at this moment.
You will lose more if you come. Possible !作者: CarFan 时间: 2002-10-16 11:30
Member # 11913