--- yes. because you can not be a full-time student in the first year. after one year, you become a quebec resident, then you can apply for loan and bursary.
if you are a full-time student in the first year, you can never become a quebec resident.
--- you are also right. see the answer above.
please note : quebec loan/bursary is for residents of quebec.
--- your question is very easy . a person without experience can answer it ,too.作者: dashazi 时间: 2002-10-12 23:03
据我所知,如你已入学以外省身份在魁省读书,只能是安外省交学费。成为魁省居民,要在此住满一年且不是FULL time 学生。如你爱人同来,她在此住一年(条件同上),你也可成为魁省居民。作者: mcgilluniv 时间: 2002-10-12 23:10
yes, your tuition is higher than that of quebec residents. almost twice that much.