"It is recommended that you submit your e-form by February 1 in order to avoid receiving a bursary overpayment that you will subsequently be required to repay. The e-form will be accepted, however, until March 31 of the current award year. If there are no corrections to be made, you do not need to return the form."
发现这个CONFIRMATION OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES FORM的DEADLINE是FEB 1st. 如果根据这个时间来说,可能来得及在收到银行的SLIP以后来确定准确数字.如果你的帐户是和你的配偶联名的话,你可以在报税时用软件帮你建议这部分利息收入是放在你的名下还是放在你配偶的名下更为有利.保险起见我还要去学校问问FINANCIAL AID的人确认这个DEADLINE.
后面的这段中文是我自己的理解,不一定对,希望有经验的朋友在这里交流.多谢了.作者: ccbrother 时间: 2003-12-21 00:18
谁还有类似问题?希望大家一起讨论交流作者: hanzhi99 时间: 2003-12-22 11:20
The e-form will be accepted, however, until March 31 of the current award year.