标题: 请教:偏头痛有什么解决办法? 先谢过! [打印本页] 作者: tara 时间: 2005-9-29 15:44 标题: 请教:偏头痛有什么解决办法? 先谢过! My friend has a terrible migraine, she doesn't know how to get rid of it, it bugs her a lot. Could anyone here give some advises or suggestions? I will do appreciate if somebody reply me back! Thanks in advance.:confused: :frown:
P.S: She has insomnia too, I don't know whether it is the major cause or not.
P.P.S: If somebody suggest her to go to see a doctor in mtl, thank you, but she lives in U.S now.作者: bangmeng 时间: 2005-9-30 09:37
中医针刺治疗偏头痛、失眠症,非常有效,100%。让你的朋友去试试吧。作者: tara 时间: 2005-10-5 22:18 标题: Thanks for replying! 谢谢大家,可是我的朋友住在底特律附近的一个小镇上,中医是没办法看的了, 不知大家还有什么高见, 我必将洗耳恭听!作者: ghn6767 时间: 2005-10-9 23:30
解决患者的病痛是我们的心愿,只要您能相信我,病痛是可以解决的!作者: tara 时间: 2005-10-11 21:29 标题: 谢谢您了 看中医的话,我真的是心有余而力不足,爱莫能助啊。 请问大家有没有什么偏方啊?作者: cspyip 时间: 2005-10-11 22:02
I have chronic migraine myself every month for years, maybe ask her to pay attention if there is a regular cycle like pre-menstruation, change of weather etc.
One lady suggest me to take "dang guay", you have to guess with my pingyin, it's a chinese medicine which is like a small stick that smell very strong; I took it every month after my period arrives, cook it with a piece of chicken breast or red prune, and it does help a lot, less migraine.
I also do massages, cost $$, but if she is working, probably insurance will cover; massge the neck and shoulder area, or use a hot pad and wrap around there, it helps and soothes it out a bit; and take medicine (Advil, Motrin, Aspirin) the sec she sense her migraine is starting, don't fight it, will only get worst.
However, if she has insomia, then it must be stress, do stretching, turn the head clockwise every morning, help to release stress too. Good luck.作者: DY2004 时间: 2005-10-17 22:35
如果你的朋友长长头发, 可请人在身后抓住她的头发垂直方向往上提抖一分钟左右, 可即时减轻头痛症状. 不过这治标不治本. 最好还是到医院检查清楚偏头痛的原因.作者: peterchan 时间: 2005-10-18 14:39 标题: 我知道怎么用药. 如果你的朋友是外伤因起,即神经性损伤可用这个办法: