des pin在sherbrook北边上坡,与sherbrook平行
687 Pine Avenue West应该离rue university不远,你可以沿着university往上走到des pin, 左转。 你也可以坐bus# 144 at Pine Avenue and University Street
The Royal Victoria Hospital
687 Pine Avenue West
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 1A1
如果你现在还在静养,没有去的话,在去急诊之前可以email给我,。作者: lg197005 时间: 2006-1-10 14:41 标题: 祝一切顺利! :wink: clsc一般给你约见的医生都是resident doctor,并没有妇产科资质,只能做简单的产前检查,也就每月测量血压,体重,再就是问问反应情况,并讲一些注意事项。可能你爱人怀孕时间比较短,医生都不会太重视,只是我们自己觉得是天大的事情罢了,再说,你们现在就是立刻见了医生恐怕也不会做什么实质性的检查,因为怀孕初期比较危险,医生检查得很少也很小心。就是自己多注意休息,并趁没有妊娠反应时赶快补充点营养。要谨慎,但别太紧张!我们也刚到不久,在国内怀孕一个月都不知道,登陆发现后开始也很紧张,可是一切困难都有解决的办法,现在也已经顺利度过了危险期。还有,怀孕后激素水平增加,会使你爱人的情绪不太稳定,再加上刚来的不适应,所以建议你多在家陪伴!好心情很重要!关于孕期的注意事项我们可以讨论啊,我老婆怀孕刚满四个月,正好可以给你们提供最新鲜的建议!祝一切顺利!:wink:作者: 星火 时间: 2006-1-10 15:24
1 尽快去办健康卡,登陆未满3个月的人是没有健康卡的,
2但怀孕的凭健康卡发放机构的那封信可以到该区的 CLSC检查是否怀孕,确定怀孕后,你到任何医院诊所(公立)的所有有关怀孕的检查都是免费的。
3 你最好尽快约妇科医生,他可以一直到小孩出生,甚至接生。
4 找医生务必不要找阿拉伯人,印巴医生作者: pangmeimei 时间: 2006-1-12 13:25 标题: Take good care of your wife! I'm a mother of two. My second son is 9 months old. I'm quite familiar with the system here.
So if you have any question, you can email me at Or you can leave your phone number here, I can call your wife.
One thing important, before seeing the doctor you should make sure your wife is taking prenatal vitamin everyday, you can get it from any pharmacy about 20$ a bottle.
Also, if you are interested, I have a lot of children's gear and clothes. Some are for sale and some can be given for you for free.
Take good care of your wife and yourself!作者: xmYang 时间: 2006-1-15 16:50
你爱人现在怎么样了?确诊了吗?找了医生了吗?作者: 乳名 时间: 2006-1-15 17:14
我是该去FAMILYMEDICINE呢,还是在家里等呢作者: xmYang 时间: 2006-1-16 09:50
我的email是yangchangfeng23@hotmail.com谢谢作者: island 时间: 2006-1-16 16:19
you need a gynechologist, no matter in a clinique , a hospital or a CLSC, there will be a blood exam during 10-14 weeks pregnency.
To xmYang:
bleeding in early pregnency is normal, after 4 weeks, that's possibly is a symbol of miscarrage. the doctor here can do nothing to stop it , only give you an ultrosound to know if the baby is ok, and a certifate to let you off work(no salary).
keep calm, stay quietly, no heavy work, no sudden move, better lay down. i know a lot of women have this, and they have a healthy baby.
good luck作者: xmYang 时间: 2006-1-16 19:19
To Island,
Thank you very very much, really. Now I try to stay at home quietly and lie on the back flatly. I also think it is not very serious and will get nothing from the doctor.
So thank you very much and hope I can have a healthy baby.作者: dudu2005 时间: 2006-1-21 19:27 标题: 朋友们多交流 大家好!
我怀孕快7周了,现在在联系医生,大家多多交流!现在联系了St.MARY医院的医生,请问大家那个医院怎么样啊?作者: 乳名 时间: 2006-1-24 12:31
我家电话528-5366,作者: island 时间: 2006-1-24 12:45
About '附属部门的医生太重手了,弄我好疼.' :
i think they did different job on you from the doctor in emergency. for emergency, thay only make sure now you are not bleeding and you are pregnant; the ultrosound for make sure you are normal pregnant (the fetus is in your uterus, not in pellunia tube), and make sure the fetus is fine. in clinique, the doctor should get a sample from your vernix(that's hurt, especially when you are nervous)), make sure you have nothing wrong inside your abdomen (so you do not need more exam). do not worry, they are professional.
if you are 3 months, did the doctor give you the blood exam paper?
any questions, do not hesitate call your doctor. try to be calm down, do not be too sensitive(that's easy to say, difficult to do). you will be fine, your baby too.
good luck作者: annhe 时间: 2006-2-8 14:29
到你所在的CLSC要一份专门的妇产科医生的名单,其中讲中文的两个。莫锦湛Dr.Mok(全名Andrew Mok)和谭挺生Dr.Hum(全名Hing Sang Hum)。其他非妇产科医生(从头到脚哪里有病都看的医生很不专业)和实习医生那里建议别去。