Post by crazywoman
About a year age, I worked in a place. I noticed a man eat simple food everyday, but he always happy even he have to eat these simple food. My husband is very different with this men. He will be very angery if he isn't satisfy the food what I cooked. So, I loved the man in half a month. we work together, eat together, everybody here knew this, except my husband and his wife. I hate his wife, because she don't care his lovely husband. I took food for him everyday, we love each other.Later, we had to seprate because I will continue my franch course, I will miss him forever.
Post by betty-play
That's so funny, I think I know you. Because in my workplace, there is a couple like you. Your husband's family name is "Dragon", is that right? The workplace is a food company.
Post by love life**
Post by crazywoman
About a year age, I worked in a place. I noticed a man eat simple food everyday, but he always happy even he have to eat these simple food. My husband is very different with this men. He will be very angery if he isn't satisfy the food what I cooked. So, I loved the man in half a month. we work together, eat together, everybody here knew this, except my husband and his wife. I hate his wife, because she don't care his lovely husband. I took food for him everyday, we love each other.Later, we had to seprate because I will continue my franch course, I will miss him forever.
Post by 不再是我
楼上说的极是。那个女人,又要打工,又要上学,还要照顾别人的老公,不是吃饱了撑的,就是性欲过剩你老公没法满足你。人家老公吃simple food, 碍 着你什么了?用着你带吃的吗?你哪颗葱啊?你自己也是有老公的人,别人也这么伺候你老公,你怎么想?可能你说你老公没感情了,那你怎么还呆在家里不离婚 呢?你说为了孩子,那也是假的。为了孩子你就更该维护好家庭,而不是上外找个情儿,以免你的王八老公发现自己戴了绿帽,怀疑那孩子是不是他的,那孩子就遭 殃了,你的家庭也就永远都不得安宁,除非你老公是个标准阳萎。做了这样的事,对自己的老公孩子还有人家的老婆没有一点愧疚,还振振有词地上这里发帖,看来羞耻二字已被你从字典里删除,真该给你一大嘴巴,送你上月球,从此天下太平。
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