
标题: 请教——入籍被通知打指模,好郁闷! [打印本页]

作者: huanker    时间: 2005-11-23 22:55
标题: 请教——入籍被通知打指模,好郁闷!
:mad: 我今年1月份递的表,今天被通知提交手印。真是超级郁闷啊!我递交申请后人一直在国内。
+ l/ M5 j, w) c" D  P/ J$ ]1 L , K3 Z( [' f6 H6 k* _) w
" Z$ W2 n  Z+ b9 e; Y. p* a " `% g% n, u& O8 W+ u
以前听朋友说,从按手印到考试至少还要再等8-10个月,现在的进度是否有所加快啊?那位有经验的朋友告诉我啊!! L7 u) w9 g, k9 ?. Q7 q  x

- N1 [$ N! I0 w! `% P7 L3 o这样的话,为了入籍的事情,我要回加国两次,冤枉路,冤枉钱,冤枉时间,郁闷!
作者: huanker    时间: 2005-11-24 10:49
up! 偶着急,路过的朋友吱声啊!
作者: 流浪的草    时间: 2005-11-24 11:24
Post by huanker 7 V  m6 }  p" M  e, Y
:mad: 我今年1月份递的表,今天被通知提交手印。真是超级郁闷啊!我递交申请后人一直在国内。
. l/ b3 K' s: d4 w9 ~
  k  [+ O: S7 z, o$ r7 @0 c按手印一定要在加拿大吗?北京大使馆能办吗?真是郁闷!

5 d6 e3 D4 f& m8 \yes.( j2 _$ B; X# U0 A; n/ A9 f
no. (but maybe you can phone them and ask for it)
$ [6 w: K( U5 z% y: F5 B1 K) h
$ F! L* D; y+ x) j好多人被要打直摸呢, 我朋友上次十一飞回来打的, 知道有伴你就不那么郁闷了...
. n1 p1 l- n/ q% g6 V/ ~$ F不过你申请的时候明知道要回国为什么不先打一个连申请一起递呢? 还是research做不够啊!
作者: 789aeb    时间: 2005-11-24 11:45
标题: Take it easy!
It may not be a big deal. Just do whatever rqstd and send to CIC asap. I applied my citizenship in last Mar and was requested to provide fingerprints in Jun. Did the fingerprints in Jul and became a citizen on Feb 01 this year.
; d1 ^" v6 E, B6 a& M4 ? 6 i9 D* f% O: R; I( @' |
It isn't that bad, is it? Start doing....A watched pot will never boil...
作者: may150080    时间: 2005-11-24 20:19
标题: My question is
I have sent out my application for two months, and they have already begun to process this month.  I am wondering if I can do the fingerprint now and send it to them in case it will be asked later.  Thanks!
作者: huanker    时间: 2005-11-24 20:35
Post by 流浪的草 ) w/ s& X# @2 @5 ~
& j, {% O$ q4 R3 v0 e6 pno. (but maybe you can phone them and ask for it)* u: M3 v9 P/ i! U; Q6 R5 C2 }1 O
; n! `/ V6 G# |/ p! m7 d* K
好多人被要打直摸呢, 我朋友上次十一飞回来打的, 知道有伴你就不那么郁闷了...
0 X/ \9 ^/ A! h/ Q$ i8 n不过你申请的时候明知道要回国为什么不先打一个连申请一起递呢? 还是research做不够啊!

7 b/ J/ [  l7 a) z! X; a
  |$ x/ S6 O# w! e$ W- D 7 z4 r4 x7 a" B  N  z
老大批评的是!我还真不知道可以自己先打一个然后和申请一起递交,真的是research 做得不够啊!
作者: huanker    时间: 2005-11-24 20:46
* |0 |) \5 d5 n: f5 n
4 v" W& s& ?; @; j3 B6 s3 D1. 已经被要求打指模了,但能不能和他们联系要求豁免?(这个问题是不是太荒唐了?)
% m+ D- B+ C$ |; Z7 W9 u) m
/ ]' e  ^1 r3 l" I2. 能不能在北京打指模?
1 ?+ k* M) A( ~
6 D/ `  Y# H& Q9 E* z* x3. 我最快要一月份才能回加拿大打指模?也就是1.5-2个月之后,这样会不会太晚?他们对提交指模的时间有限制吗?
& ~* z0 I: J2 q/ o/ o
9 r* {9 J9 S6 [4. 上面一位朋友打完指模以后又用了7个月,现在速度有所加快吗?有没有最新经验的朋友?我迫切需要知道这个时间,因为如果需要等4-5个月的话,中间我就不会中国了,呆在montreal 老老实实写书;如果要等8-10个月,中间还得回来啊!
作者: huanker    时间: 2005-11-24 20:47
& {% E, V4 z& E0 Q' ]) p& P6 Z* ^% b  n
1. 已经被要求打指模了,但能不能和他们联系要求豁免?(这个问题是不是太荒唐了?)2 Q7 L  b" \: x  `" ^4 y  Y# m
9 [3 _6 a3 H: P! N3 |
2. 能不能在北京打指模?$ h. ^" S" r2 K2 r8 ?* \

4 y8 c: g6 y# i+ K3 g0 b3. 我最快要一月份才能回加拿大打指模?也就是1.5-2个月之后,这样会不会太晚?他们对提交指模的时间有限制吗?
3 B& U8 T+ F$ Q2 H3 \0 N3 g% M$ O- R' A& r
4. 上面一位朋友打完指模以后又用了7个月,现在速度有所加快吗?有没有最新经验的朋友?我迫切需要知道这个时间,因为如果需要等4-5个月的话,中间我就不会中国了,呆在montreal 老老实实写书;如果要等8-10个月,中间还得回来啊!
3 U, k* K. |8 ^( D<!-- / message -->
作者: hsif    时间: 2005-11-27 13:32
I wanna know, too.& |7 U$ S% }, _: w" B
+ e3 Y- n: l8 E7 E  N; m
But I don't think you can send the fingerprints without CIC's requesting. They are stupid doing everything step by step.
作者: Tap    时间: 2005-11-28 17:26
I called CIC, but I found different persons would tell you different stories. The first time, I called, I was told that no fingerprints should be sent without notification. The second time, didn't say the applicants couldn't send without notification. Also, Canadian embassy doesn't do fingerprints. However, you might get them done by the police office in that country, and make them notarized (not sure in Canada or abroad), and send to CIC. The cost is the delay.
5 k7 O6 G/ J& ?9 h- \! W
% c7 J, `, E% P5 Y ) x7 k- t% ~- G) d4 `3 `% N' C8 ]
I wanna know what the letter asking for fingerprints says. Where to get the fingerprints done? Any police office in Canada?
作者: huanker    时间: 2005-11-28 20:35
CIC的来信很简单,一大堆法律性的陈述,然后说我的 biographical data 可能和某个其他的人的重合,为了clarify,需要做fingerprints。有几个地方可以选择,都在montreal 或 ottawa。
作者: Tap    时间: 2005-11-28 23:38
Could you please post the addresses of the place taking fingerprints in Montreal?
作者: LOSTWAY    时间: 2005-12-2 10:46
标题: 我也是
作者: Burgundy    时间: 2005-12-11 22:55
# H+ @" a/ ^# L8 h2 h7 ]3 L没有时间限制,但不宜拖太久.早做早结案.6 d7 s7 s: o5 x' \6 S
作者: realpangxie    时间: 2005-12-11 23:31
" }) X7 T, M2 v% `/ o 我是今年7月底递的申请,昨天来信要我去的指模。如果我拒绝打指模,是不是意味我放弃申请,这样会不会影响我老婆和孩子的申请?谢谢
作者: may150080    时间: 2005-12-12 00:17
标题: CPC or Local CIC office
I am wondering whether the fingerprint requested was made when the case in CPC or in Local CIC office, because my case was transferred to Local CIC office after 2.5 months I submitted the application.  I thought my case was pretty fast, but someone warned me it would take another 8 to 10 months, which on the CIC website that only another 3 to 5 months are needed after the case being transferred to local office.
- C* n5 p" ~, j1 x
; {8 |- h5 `" jCould someone having the experience tell me what will happen next?  How long it will take to finish the process in local office?  Will the fingerprint request being asked in Local office or CPC? ' x( E) k7 b1 V$ r, [+ c. U0 D
2 o. E5 s/ [# {; F
Your response is highly appreciated!
作者: hsif    时间: 2005-12-12 12:10
I wonder why nobody would like to post the places for fingerprints to help following fellows. :confused: :confused: :confused:
作者: wewewe    时间: 2005-12-12 22:14
1, 4060, Ste. Catherine West, Suite 525, 514-9342244
" t& z3 f2 A4 n; E% p, w2, 200 Rene-levesque west, Level 00 - Unit 12A, 514-28522465 W4 a' a9 C: {( n; h( z
3, 4480 Cote de Liesse, Suite 110, 514-7338571
作者: hsif    时间: 2005-12-13 11:19
Do you need to bring any document for the fingerprints? Or just go there and ask for fingerprints? Do you need to pay for it? :confused: :confused: :confused:
作者: fridaypm    时间: 2005-12-18 01:03
标题: my case---for your infomation
I applied on Mar.1 2004& ?' m1 N9 ]% P* ~% f3 p+ {6 v5 ~
did finger print on Augest. 20 2004---the same day when I got the request.
" c- _4 U* Z9 K+ l- l# n! J.......
# v6 f5 e4 ?9 ?( F
: W9 z! z- l, O% |till today Dec.17 2005.......I'm still waitting..... no news. + V$ Z3 F( y0 a5 d4 G

' |1 w; c$ z8 ]1 ^+ G9 AI called CIC every month since March 2005. % f6 O1 ^. k2 P0 h4 L; ~  j
was told no update news...
作者: huanker    时间: 2005-12-18 01:12
Post by fridaypm
" f: a5 C& S8 Z. e4 d; Z8 T I applied on Mar.1 2004
* ]7 f) ~) E/ ~( j% H- ~did finger print on Augest. 20 2004---the same day when I got the request.7 g" G+ @( W  S  l4 Y4 `7 Z
.......6 ~* M$ d7 ]* S3 \1 C

- f) c* E& G& l$ Still today Dec.17 2005.......I'm still waitting..... no news. ) b$ W) M9 @3 M% P( w
1 L: R( A+ S8 i# C: D
I called CIC every month since March 2005.
0 Z$ ~" I# f9 Z- U, v: Mwas told no update news...

& v9 r0 i. a" g' W. _* v苍天!16个月,still waiting! 替你郁闷
作者: Rocky@canada    时间: 2005-12-19 05:25
今天偶然看到此线,发现楼主情况与本人的经历极为相似,在此提供一些信息,估计能对不少相同遭遇的朋友有所帮助:* n+ G" \3 q6 l+ f

# H5 ^' X3 z! e. _% E  g  B我在2005年4月份递表后回北京,11月底收到来自CIC Montreal office的信,要求提供指纹,马上试着联系了加拿大驻北京使馆,第二天就去使馆做了指纹,具体步骤如下:6 l4 p8 o. m9 V! D5 I1 [
) e5 D+ ?$ L8 F- W# S
1 加使馆只在每周2和3的上午9点到11点提供此服务,去之前无需预约,地点是加使馆的Immigration/Visa Section8 m2 D- w. S! R  s; ]% e4 I

, g( P2 [+ Z  |" `9 q2 去时需带:护照;枫叶卡;CIC寄来的要求提供指纹的信(一定要带)及本人的十个完整手指
: _+ w, T" s* W+ F  d 4 F$ M# F4 O1 B5 o7 i* Q  W
3 在门口把带来的几样文件交给门卫,说明来意,等一下就会叫你进去,里面有一个RCMP的警员专门负责提取指纹,整个过程很专业。
9 Y, f: X. Q) v* k+ E 5 V" o, I; z( `
4 做完后要把指纹表过一下目:CIC来信上有你的File No.要抄到表上,表上的回邮地址应该留CIC Montreal Office的。 还要留下你的签名和联系电话(我想最好留蒙城的电话)。
5 D5 I# e2 Y! V# G) e5 j& [ $ e% q3 o1 r! j6 T! f; X
5 加使馆会把你的指纹表直接发到Ottawa的RCMP做criminal record check, 所需时间RCMP的官方网站上说是5个月以上,之后结果将会寄回到CIC Montreal Office。 因为是为申请公民,使馆的这个指纹服务是免费的。
' O$ ~0 P% d# _( K! t % @6 k2 N% C3 i4 D
作者: wakin    时间: 2005-12-19 11:04
作者: huanker    时间: 2005-12-20 11:06
Rocky@canada,非常感谢你的信息和热情相助!我今天专门做了相关咨询,大使馆的人肯定地回答可以在他们那里做指模提取,和你所说的一模一样;但前几分钟,我又委托蒙城的朋友连续两次致电CIC查询,CIC的两个工作人员均在经过核实确认后给出了否定的回答,明确表示指模提取只能在加拿大境内做。<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o:p></o:p>% r: J0 x( \; O9 G

) ~& r! ?* s9 I' F; @0 E2 S所以,我现在被整糊涂了。朋友,我想你也需要立即和CIC取得联系,将你的CASE告知他们,看他们是否可以接受你在北京大使馆做的指模,如果可以,万事大吉,如果不可以,恐怕我们都得再跑一趟。毕竟,最终审批的是CIC,不是RCMP,还是CIC说了算啊。<o:p></o:p>" h9 w7 j) e3 S
0 m( D' a4 t5 j+ b1 T9 V, U6 t) l
& B7 S/ [) L9 T) ]3 B
" X8 w; J2 D" `2 ^' J) F8 g7 S希望你尽早看到我的回复,尽早和我联系。也祝你一切顺利,朋友!<o:p></o:p>
作者: huanker    时间: 2005-12-20 11:15
Rocky@canada, 我刚刚收到RCMP给我的回信,现全文转发给你:' @; V6 A4 F1 a; Y" g  D" X
看来,他们也晕菜了!9 M/ C, D7 j0 d# y' j! i

( H' n- b, y; E) a) ~8 i' ]________________________________________________________
. ]; X+ H% l6 O. p0 ]* PHello Daniel, T6 ?7 g% O! z: I

6 m, C4 V% ]4 y: J, }9 D. yI'm not sure why the CIC will not accept fingerprints taken in Beijing. * X* Q$ e% D3 o' O' }- ^
I cannot speak for the CIC so you should reconfirm with them, however
2 y3 |: D5 @( I& Cif the fingerprints that you supply to them are to be sent to the RCMP
; y$ S5 J6 D& ?for a Police Cerificate (or Criminal Records Check) then your friend is
0 k6 s. q! U3 D7 |right. As per our website, the RCMP will accept fingerprint forms from
6 ^" J4 D8 ~- W9 f( lforeign countries that contain the following:
" h) l: Y6 M# |. |- rolled and flat impressions of all ten fingers taken with black ink   \( A/ p3 P0 ]& N% ~
- full name, date of birth and sex of the applicant   u1 D  V! \2 q1 R5 A
- the name and address of the police agency
" D# d; ^! Q. a2 h5 ^8 v/ n3 p- the signature of the official taking the fingerprints / i2 v' a7 _9 `1 G" P1 b

' b6 E/ ?' R3 H! pFor further information on how to obtain a criminal records check
) g9 D- F; d) L. Yplease see our website at: http://www.rcmp.ca/crimrec/finger2_e.htm#Obtain .  
. J) [2 _1 k$ Y6 h+ X" p" K  l; \" N7 u+ N
Please note that Civil Fingerprint Screening Services (CFSS) processes % M0 G+ p6 n- D, r( m. B
more than 15,000 criminal record searches each month. The processing ( F% V- X/ a( X& @7 j2 Z/ C
time is currently in excess of one hundred and fifty (150) days from
+ p: x  H7 V) f% W# P5 b; A$ greceipt of an application. All applications are processed in the order in ! Y) N6 p) z8 W- Q' g2 f
which they are received. Note that processing time can vary due to
7 m1 r2 r9 Y( ~& p0 ^! O0 b2 X2 uincoming workloads.
# {# f" X6 J& ^- j' C
5 y$ s/ X2 f1 TI hope this answers your all your questions.! u# s/ |0 n+ W2 M. ]. `

6 f& e* r( y: V9 E/ n  KWebmaster
' P2 s; c% y4 u# zNational Communications Services
  f9 O8 ]! ~) [2 VServices nationaux de communications
8 P% X' V$ W" Z4 A: w5 j! L9 h0 hRCMP-GRC0 R; J2 R4 }. K; P% S
1200 Vanier Parkway
, d6 B- R. B: v! KOttawa, ON  K1A 0R2
1 Y: W/ P- R& [" @' f- s+ q
# p8 ^2 U3 X0 P9 y/ \>>> webmaster@rcmp-grc.gc.ca 12/19/05  10:31 PM >>>( J% O9 ^" X, x; Y. [. J, ?5 I
6 Y  m+ Y& i: A6 _---------------------------------------------------------------------------0 J" @, E* D# N2 r
Dear Sir/Madam,% X  ~) h9 X- q0 n* s- Z# ]) k

, M7 I' A4 f, U9 BI am in the application process for Canadian Citizenship. For some 9 E" N8 L0 {- [0 L; T. D5 ~1 W
reason, I was required to provide fingerprints through RCMP to CIC Montreal - T# E# I, n) N& Z% `4 B! T
office before the application moves to next step.
/ l6 \. ], @/ G8 V1 {% d1 `1 l! p0 Y) L& y9 N' U1 h
But I am in China now, so, my questions are:6 R3 V1 }' X; I% b4 I4 z
1) Can I do the fingerprints in Beijing Embassy?
( g- e1 J1 x- u2) Would the fingerprints made by Beijing Embassy be accepted by CIC ; y6 d1 o+ O, |9 R$ {& z! ^% b
Montreal office?
! Q' V/ H) f, d. a, Q3 f3) And If I can do the fingerprints in Beijing Embassy, how long the # p* x) A  v. C5 r9 M7 X8 p' X
whole the process will take?
1 e+ w7 V  y9 D5 }1 Q+ ~+ B, L# d( S: T! I% r  J
Before I wrote this message, I called CIC inquiry service about whether
# x5 |& G2 a  ~( e7 s/ hI can do the fingerprints in Beijing Embassy and their answer is no.
3 \6 c* M6 b& E3 U1 ~4 `5 w1 [However, my friend told me I really can do that. So, I am confused. Did 1 l7 l- _2 ~  |" U% M3 M  Z/ V4 y
my friend give me incorrect message or is the representative from CIC 7 Y: W. G8 e; M. P. G, O
inquiry service is an inexperienced one?
% j6 ?/ S$ ^0 L. d/ o& n5 _3 Q3 y1 Z& e! ^; f: x9 _
Could you give me a final answer?7 A# f0 L0 ^; U- p& K; k# M8 V, h+ j3 x

9 m  D2 A8 E6 D% A4 }( g" u! `, MLook forward to your reply at your earliest convenience and your help 1 n) f& S0 P% n; m0 o$ `; Z+ ^
will be highly appreciated!
' @5 `, u& x9 q/ |% l% S! c! s) \: @9 K, A% j
作者: wakin    时间: 2005-12-20 12:03
如果CIC MONTREAL 告之Rocky@canada的FINGERPRINT不能接受,你在回去打也不迟啊,如果FINGERPRINT都是通过RCMP处理的,我想问题不大,毕竟CIC需要的是RCMP的结果
6 \# h, q2 D1 N/ E7 s7 K5 _
% H7 r; B: K# g! k+ Y/ Z. A不过这要等几个月,才能知道CIC是否接受Rocky@canada的FINGERPRINT1 U( M! l1 [% D6 Z9 P

' n0 T% v  J- K0 v6 T7 `* sRocky@canada你能不能留个EMAIL,我明年准备回国,如果也有这样的情况,那个时候我想应该能有很清楚的答案,是否能在北京作FINGERPRINT给CIC
作者: 无聊者无畏    时间: 2005-12-20 12:27
严重同情楼上的遭遇. 加拿大政府的工作效率真让人无言,很多很基本的CASE他们的工作人员给出的说法都是互相矛盾的,让人无所适从.
! ?/ j6 |7 k# \( {- E- ^( S; X* K我今年5月被要求打FINGERPRINT, 过了十几天去打, 出示那封要求信后, 工作人员查了电脑, 然后很高兴的跟我说, 祝贺你成为加拿大公民! 我们在七一国庆的时候要在老港举办公民宣誓仪式, 你会被邀请参加, 到时还会有电视台直播. 当时把我给吓的一楞一楞的, 直问他们能不能延一两个月. 结果打完FINGERPRINT后七个月的今天, 还一点消息没有, 还好我反正不着急.
. ?/ w0 _, f7 M2 f& e* U但我给父母申请移民的事情就把我气的想撞墙了. 照移民局网上的介绍, 魁省居民申请父母得先寄一张SPONSORSHIP申请表到联邦, 联邦审查后转到魁省, 再由魁省寄完整的申请材料给我. 就这么简单普遍的CASE, 我打电话给移民局查进度, 他们不同的人说出的申请程序和等待时间都各不相同. 当我纠正一个联邦工作人员的错误说法时(他居然跟我说申请父母魁省移民跟联邦一样, 要把完整的财政状况证明材料附给联邦, 其实只要一张申请表就够了), 他竟然很粗鲁的说你什么都懂了, 还打电话问我干什么. 我靠! 你每个月从我交的税里拿工资, 连上岗培训都没做就来接电话胡说八道, 最基本的移民程序都不知道, 你还知道什么? 我无言, 寻思着以后老了就到政府谋个职位, 狗屁不懂还能端个铁饭碗, 每隔两三年再搞个罢工, 然后坐着等涨工资.
作者: Rocky@canada    时间: 2006-4-10 14:00
标题: P.S.
作者: huanker    时间: 2006-4-10 21:30
, ]+ B' K  X0 D/ D5 U/ y* M' _
! }# l! y4 G3 E2 x, q祝贺你啊!; l: e9 Y) \6 }& l

) m6 e9 r5 S7 l1 g; r# T5 K算来,你11月份打指模,4月份搞定;我1月份打指模,差不多6月份也应该接到通知了。
, \3 L/ ~' p# x. v3 S
& E; k' S$ _! m( D/ A' T对了,面试的时候有没有问到你这么长时间你在国内干什么?我回来已经一年多了,会不会被怀疑动机不纯?
作者: Rocky@canada    时间: 2006-4-11 14:55
法官只问了最后一次回国是什么时候,有多长时间,我都如实回答。' T/ P. X. O5 _! E& l
; C8 |. j4 N. D! y9 S. i
这次回来路上转机时遇到一位朋友是专为按指纹回加的。当日一起宣誓的一位朋友也是去年11月在蒙城按的指纹。据说最近被要求按指纹的中国人很多。1 G8 z% I; v! T* \

% g; j1 Y2 K3 \! v  [2 B祝好运
作者: QQcar    时间: 2006-4-13 12:19
标题: 急!
作者: zyb    时间: 2006-4-27 14:20
请教做过指纹的朋友, 这flat和rolled指纹是什么区别? 另外在加拿大上海领事馆能不能做?谢谢!
作者: jimmy2005    时间: 2006-4-28 23:17
标题: 你可以打电话问是否收到你的指模
我2月下旬送出指模,最近电话问说已经收到,让我等大约7个月(about in Sep.)才得到考试通知,我问是否夏天可以回国,他说最好回国前告诉他们,考试通知也可能提前(July, or Aug. )。Then I don't know if I can go back China!!!

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