懂行的朋友, 美金还会涨吗?:confused:作者: shai2004 时间: 2006-1-16 11:13 标题: I think Due to the cost of Iraq war and the US current encomonic policy (higher interest rate and higher inflation rate, CNN yesterday said the inflation rate in 2006 will be higher than that of 2004 and 2005), I think it's hard for US dollar to increase. It is predicated this year 1CAD = 0.9 USD, but no one really knows.作者: engine 时间: 2006-1-16 23:19
今天是美金:加币=1.15836.......................手里压得美金....惨了!作者: j:)j 时间: 2006-1-19 00:15 标题: 1:1 美国财政部定下的目标是在2007年使美元和加元的汇率达到1:1,完全等值。作者: aaaaaaaaa 时间: 2006-1-19 00:43
那样说, 最好现在把美金全部出手了, 少损失一点................ 作者: 柳絮飘飘 时间: 2006-1-19 23:42
有一种说法: 现在加国大选, 影响汇率, 大选过后美金会跌得更厉害.....有道理吗?作者: 乳名 时间: 2006-2-5 11:50