标题: 想来魁省 [打印本页] 作者: sylvie 时间: 2001-5-29 09:08 标题: 想来魁省 各位大虾
本人学过三年法语,想申请海外留宿雇佣工作签证(LIVE-IN CAREGIVER),请知情人回答如何申请,具体步骤怎样,需要什么条件?怎样联系(具体什么部门)加拿大雇主? 作者: Good Luck 时间: 2001-5-29 22:16
你有这么好的法语基础为什么不直接申请移民魁省呢?作者: sylvie 时间: 2001-5-30 08:36
Good Luck,
It is very pity, I am a doctor in China, but I really want to go to Quebec for my private reasons, even though work at someone’s home, and if I apply to immigrate with my diploma of high school or with my certificat(Next year I will get a Diploma) of French leanning, like this, I have no specialty, will I be successful ( For the French is possible ) ?
Please help me, thinks a lot. 作者: Juin 时间: 2001-5-31 16:16
请问何为海外留宿雇佣工作签证?是不是要住在别人家里? :mad:作者: Good Luck 时间: 2001-6-1 00:21