可是我觉得以后基本没有后续行李了,那么我还用把这两个单子去盖章吗?比如我这次带进来的一些东西以后出入加国会因此让我上税吗?盼了解的大侠指教一番,谢谢了! :confused: :confused: :confused:作者: tmd 4 时间: 2003-4-9 15:36
I had the same situation as yours. And I got the stamp from Montreal Customs Bureau on my list of "goods to follow".
It's not so useful for me since this time when I passed Vancouver customs again, nobody check my luggage.
However, it might be useful for you if you are the lucky one to be checked next time (you are only allowed to bring $700 new stuff for free).作者: jimmy1e 时间: 2003-4-10 12:01
还想问一下,你是到了蒙城机场就找到海关办事处呢,还是后来再找过去的?我知道在老港附近有蒙城的海关,不知道那里办不办这个的? :confused:作者: tmd 4 时间: 2003-4-10 20:27
yes, it's in old port, "square victoria".作者: jimmy1e 时间: 2003-4-11 17:14