标题: 申请SIN卡,要LEASE吗? [打印本页] 作者: susan Gao 时间: 2002-5-1 03:02 标题: 申请SIN卡,要LEASE吗? 各位大虾,申请SIN卡要提供LEASE吗?因我只是在蒙城呆一个月,就回新加坡,我们不可能签一个月的LEASE,我们只能找短期住宿,所以没有LEASE。请各位知情人帮忙解答! :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:作者: Jialit 时间: 2002-5-1 08:13
yes you need singn also they need you monteral address to send your card back.作者: susan Gao 时间: 2002-5-1 10:03
谢谢您的回答,我们可以用临时住宿的地址,还是他们一定要看我们的LEASE。等您的答复! :confused:作者: sufe 时间: 2002-5-1 10:37
不需要lease,只要给一个地址(以便寄sin卡给你)就行了.很多移民刚落地就办sin卡,根本没签lease. jialit请不要误导. wink作者: sufe 时间: 2002-5-1 10:41
susan gao,你只待一个月,有可能sin 卡还未寄到.所以你得找一个可靠的地址和朋友,帮你收存. 作者: hsif 时间: 2002-5-1 10:42
You may ask a friend who has a lease to go with you. just tell them that you are now staying at your friend's apt. i think this should be ok. acturally when i was applying for the SIN, they even didn't ask me for the lease. just fill a form, show them my passport and visa (i'm holding a visitor visa as a temporary employmee). that's ok. For immigrant, i think maybe it's the same.作者: sufe 时间: 2002-5-1 11:35
to hsif: They didn't ask you for it, because they don't ask anybody for it. Not nessesary at all!
sin card is for all the residents of canada, they don't care whether you have a lease or even a address.If you have landingpaper and passport, it's ok. wink作者: susan Gao 时间: 2002-5-3 07:12
谢谢各位的回答,如果我用我在多伦多的朋友的地址,请她帮我接收可以吗?我是魁省移民。 :confused: wink