
标题: 签证:查进度 [打印本页]

作者: Venni    时间: 2002-9-9 03:12
标题: 签证:查进度
作者: isayyan    时间: 2002-9-9 09:54
作者: LiYang    时间: 2002-9-9 13:31
This May, but no result.
作者: Venni    时间: 2002-9-10 23:47

作者: Venni    时间: 2002-9-10 23:51

作者: citysea    时间: 2002-9-17 01:53
作者: LiYang    时间: 2002-9-17 15:44
Now, you can cheak the message from the site of Beijing. No answer until now.
作者: citysea    时间: 2002-9-18 09:10
作者: 小王    时间: 2002-9-18 13:06
作者: LiYang    时间: 2002-9-18 21:40
北 京 签 证 查 询 网 站 是 :

5月 体 检 , 状 态一 直 是 12。 向 大 使 馆 查 询 , 回 答:  在 最 后 审 查 , 让 耐 心 等 待 。
作者: citysea    时间: 2002-9-18 22:04
作者: LiYang    时间: 2002-9-18 23:50
刚 刚 发 完 了 上 一 贴。 就 到 北 京 使 馆 的 网 上 查 看 。 结 果 状 态 已 经 变 成 了 17 - 申 请 结 果已 寄 出 。
我 是 3月 交 表 , 5月初体 检 的。
作者: citysea    时间: 2002-9-19 03:29
作者: Capricorn    时间: 2002-9-19 08:34
By the way, my case is tackled in Beijing.
作者: Capricorn    时间: 2002-9-19 08:37
Ladies and gentlmen, looking for your help.
Two questions:
1. I just passed the physical exam in the middle of this August, but my police certificate was issued two years ago. To get the landing paper eventually, should I send an updated one to the immigration officer ? Share me your experience please.
2. Currently my status code is 5. I am very confused about the sequence of the codes. Actaully I did my physical exam last Oct in US, and my family members last Nov. For some reason, I was asked to redo my physical exam this June. I guess this is why my code is still 5. Can anybody kindly share me your knowledge based on your experience about the sequence of the status codes ? Or after 5, shall I have 7, 9, 12, 13 and 16 respectively before 17 ?
Thanks a million.
01 Scheduled for interview.

02 In queue for interview, not yet scheduled.

03 Our office will contact you.

04 Please contact our office.

05 Request letter sent {see Additional Information shown above}.

06 Awaiting information from external source. Please be patient.

07 Pending medical results.

08 Documents received, either from you or from an external source, are under review.

09 In queue for creation.

10 Pending preliminary assessment.

11 Our office will contact you {see Additional Information shown above}.

12 File is under review.

13 Your Case has been finalized. The result will be mailed to you.

14 Your file is in queue for assessment.

15 You are requested to attend an interview. Please present yourself.

16 The result of your application is ready. Please come to pick it up or advise us if you want us to mail it to you.

17 The result of your application has been sent to you. Please contact us if you have not received it by {see Additional Information shown above}.

18 We are waiting for your IELTS result.

19 You are on the interview standby list.

20 Your file has been transferred as per your request.

21 Medicals were sent to you on {see Additional Information shown above}. Please comply as soon as possible.
作者: ratse    时间: 2002-9-19 10:02
I think that you should do that no criminal certification again and send to them. Because I just received their letter to require this.
作者: LiYang    时间: 2002-9-19 13:05
I had the statut code directly from 12 to 17.
作者: isayyan    时间: 2002-9-21 10:34
作者: Human Being    时间: 2002-9-24 12:57
Does anybody get the landing paper after physical checkup in this Aug ? Or does anybody have any clue about the waiting time in Bejing, on heel of the required physical exan ?
作者: Human Being    时间: 2002-9-25 15:19
Don't know when Canada started to ask applicants to submit photo after ME. Remember friends of mine landed in Canada before June 28 2002 were never asked to do so. One of mine friend's case is handled in Bejing. Shall he prepare the required photo either ? Please experienced applicants, share me your experience in this regard.
作者: water lily    时间: 2002-9-25 23:13
作者: angelcalling    时间: 2002-9-25 23:21
作者: Human Being    时间: 2002-9-30 09:14
One of mine friends did ME in Guangzhou early this August, still waiting for further response from the embassy. Throughout the world, unfortunately Canadian gov is a huge but not productive one, many work in a pretty sluggish style, especially the immigration dept which is under continuous domestic and offshore critics. Part of the reasons is being too much bureaucratic with full blackbox operation. It is told corruption happens now and then as well.
For your marriage, suggestions:
1. Send the consulate an update about your marriage certificate right away if you have not received LP yet. In this case, you got to wait for a few more couple of months. Send back your LP at the same time if you have received your LP.
2. Land in Canada first if you have received your LP. Don't bring your spouse-to-be along with you though when you do so. Later on get married and sponse your spouse to Canada. In this case,two drawbacks are there. One, you got to wait for another six to twelve months per the current situation. Second, by the new law you have to be responsible for your spouse for the next three to ten years and the gov would not like your spouse to live on social benefit.
Now it is your call how to proceed futher.
Have a good luck.
作者: citysea    时间: 2002-9-30 11:01
作者: Human Being    时间: 2002-9-30 17:01
Congratulations, Songyuner. Nice trip to Canada.
作者: Venni    时间: 2002-10-1 01:21

作者: angelcalling    时间: 2002-10-4 21:51
作者: yysun    时间: 2002-10-8 09:08
请问已收到去HK取LP通知的朋友:HK来的通知是平信还是挂号信? 因为我没有代理,多谢您的信息。
作者: zg2001    时间: 2002-10-11 01:10
作者: sayes    时间: 2002-10-14 19:56
作者: yysun    时间: 2002-10-14 22:00
hi sayers
作者: yysun    时间: 2002-10-14 22:06
如果你有128-BIT 的IE, 可到HK 的主页或直接到HTTP:/SERVICES1。CIC。GC。CA/ECAS/SECURITY。JSP?网上查。不需密码,需要个人信息,如档案号、出生日期等。切记查完后按电脑提示LOG OUT,以免泄密。 祝你好运。
作者: citysea    时间: 2002-10-18 03:59
作者: MICHAEL    时间: 2002-10-18 08:38
   现在你只有等。 LP在路上。 我记得我的LP是去年7月20号批的。到8月20好才拿到。
  对了问你一下,夫妻团聚这重CASE要求面试的多不多?  :cool:
作者: citysea    时间: 2002-10-18 09:29
作者: angelcalling    时间: 2002-10-18 21:42
你好,CITYSEA, 你是办理家庭团聚的, 我现在要去香港取签证, 但是我如果现在办理结婚的话,怎样办理夫妻团聚。你的爱人是住在魁北克省吗?你能否告诉我一下。是否需要我先登陆,然后需要我在魁北克递交材料,吗,我需要为其提供什么东西,希望你能够告诉我一下。还有我在网上下载了夫妻团聚的表格,但是不能改写,如果您有全套的表格希望你能够给我E-MAIL过来。还有需要准备的所有材料的清单。办理魁北克团聚是否需要先在魁北克移民局申请然后魁北克把案件转到联邦,在北京可以直接递交申请吗?还是必须到香港。前提是不是我必须要登陆。办理一些相关的手续。(有什么手续?)
作者: citysea    时间: 2002-10-22 04:40
作者: ratse    时间: 2002-10-23 12:09
yysun: 是平信,我就是普通地在信箱里收的。
作者: lifeisbeautiful    时间: 2002-10-31 02:31
诚恳请教 citysea , 您说办里亲属团聚“面试的不多,只是很少一部分”,是否有可靠的资料证实啊?
有消息的请跟贴,好吗? 多谢了!!!
作者: besty    时间: 2002-11-3 13:27

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