如果有能力,没有人会把家安在温哥华的唐人街附近,为什么? 因为唐人街有个脏乱差的坏名声了。现在都说温哥华就要成了个大唐人街,希望不是指的是脏乱差的意思。 [posted by BcBest on bbsland.com
Follow-up discussion:
One day, an American friend told me that I looked like a real American. Glimpsing my muddle, he explained Chinese people usually took a little quantity of food as they attended a potluck party, but I was different. I was so sad to know that Chinese has created such an impression among American people. At another potluck party, food was significantly insufficient because most attendee were Chinese. More, the lunchroom's sink in my department building is often stuffed with scum which is apparently from Chinese food.
也说“融入主流社会” [Author: 施化]能不能融入主流社会,似乎已经成了移民海外的华人的一块心病。更有甚者,不少人还已经把“融入主流社会”当成自己一生奋斗成功与否的主要标志。虽然我自己一向对什么叫“主流社会”不甚了了,但人云亦云,也渐渐感到事关重大,不由地分外注意起来。