i would like to ask how come i can't leave Canada over 6 months? Where did u find those information? :eek:
Because i got the CSQ and sent the Application form to Buffalo already.... Now, it's just waitng for the federal.... So, i am planning to go back ....:confused:
Thanks very much.作者: 林狗毛 时间: 2006-5-14 11:52
不能离开6个月啊, NND, 移民怎么这么围城啊.作者: Sean2000 时间: 2006-5-14 12:02
这是我的移民顾问告诉我的,你也可以自己打电话到魁省移民局问.作者: fly1 时间: 2006-5-14 12:24
CSQ的有效期在CSQ上面有,自己看看好就是了作者: 林狗毛 时间: 2006-5-14 12:49
嗨,我这说好听了是未雨绸缪、其实就是杞人忧天。这个月底才面试呢,过不过都是很大的问题。呵呵。谢谢各位XDJM了。。。作者: lovehell 时间: 2006-5-23 18:58
How is your French? I will do it very soon. Can we talk for a while about this issue? Please give me a call by 514-747-0272 or drop me an email by jianghuawu77@hotmail.com