后果就是以后想来会很困难作者: zimco 时间: 2005-8-9 09:48 标题: 父母滞留不归的后果 1. It will possibly affect any applications you may submit for immigration purposes in the future.
2. Your parents' health will be a big problem too, while they are getting older.
3. They stay in Canada become illegal (their visa expired), any small accidental event will bring you into a lot of trouble.
A lot of things you cannot tell...作者: sin 时间: 2005-8-9 10:57
最好不要这样,除非你以后不想他们再来了......作者: qcbj 时间: 2005-8-9 13:23
导致其他中国同胞的父母申请程序将会更严格,并将有更严的政策来控制检查这类情况!!!作者: 无涤冷雪 时间: 2005-8-18 17:57
你父母没签证,有病了怎么办?花几万看么?作者: immica 时间: 2006-5-20 19:47 标题: 请问如果探亲滞留不归会有什么后果吗?谁经历过或听说过? 请问如果探亲滞留不归会有什么后果吗?谁经历过或听说过?多谢了!!作者: Di Di 时间: 2006-5-21 18:41
以后再来就不行了,拿不到签证了.也不能担保移民了.为什么不申请延长探亲签证呢作者: mybaby 时间: 2006-5-22 00:25