
标题: 康大林峻案的被告律师在法庭上声称被告患有精神分裂症。 [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2014-10-1 12:03
标题: 康大林峻案的被告律师在法庭上声称被告患有精神分裂症。
这样一来,被告很有可能逃脱牢狱之灾,但必须把他在精神病院里关起来25年。给他打针吃药!  p2 j$ w. M4 p7 S/ [7 ?
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# l. r1 k3 Z, N8 t4 E: H( S; j6 s6 e. w- A
The Canadian Press ( g- `. b: ?' t5 r5 f' C+ x3 O
Published Monday, September 29, 2014 10:38AM EDT
$ g) J' G6 p/ n6 p8 [Last Updated Monday, September 29, 2014 1:25PM EDT
$ }; V7 y/ b& _  C! i/ lMONTREAL -- Luka Rocco Magnotta is schizophrenic and was not criminally responsible when he killed Chinese student Lin Jun in 2012, his lawyer told jurors on Monday.
2 N9 x8 r1 c. WMagnotta has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and there is a history of schizophrenia in his family, Luc Leclair said on the first day of the highly publicized first-degree murder trial.
% H$ X7 `7 Z' b"I intend to show to you that at the time of the events, he was not criminally responsible," Leclair told the eight women and six men who will hear the evidence.% E+ q. F8 C  f5 H, W
3 M$ J0 n1 E# M3 L# SFor more on Luka Magnotta and Lin Jun) ]- b: r4 }) b3 B- [" R, S1 B% I
The lawyer said a large number of medical files will be presented and he hopes that Magnotta's relatives will testify as well.) T2 T# H7 S! m5 Y* K% T
Leclair's comments capped a stunning morning in the courtroom that began with Magnotta, 32, entering fresh not-guilty pleas to five charges, including murder.1 l& `7 Q0 |! ]. P) j  \
The others are committing an indignity to a body; publishing obscene material; criminally harassing Prime Minister Stephen Harper and other members of Parliament; and mailing obscene and indecent material.
: V- K' K9 l  M2 Z, lQuebec Superior Court Justice Guy Cournoyer then advised the jurors that Magnotta had admitted to committing the crimes and that their task over the next six to eight weeks would be to determine his state of mind at the time., M, o" H6 r9 o# w
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7 O7 D, P3 M0 {5 v5 _6 N) ?Read more: http://montreal.ctvnews.ca/magnotta-...#ixzz3EjZ4HnIj! t6 R0 |1 g, G1 X& V. r# u

2 z/ H+ B- g5 i2 T/ ]! h7 l+ N4 z/ o$ y, ^* g; g7 q
边缘性人格疾患(Borderline Personality Disorder,缩写:BPD)又称情绪不稳定人格障碍,简称边缘人格ICD-10,是一种B型人格疾患。它的主要特征是精神上,行为上的极端对立表现的同时出现。边缘人格因介于健康、忧郁症、精神官能症、精神病这四者之间的边缘,故称为边缘人格。他们和一般人一样拥有健康的部分,因容易遇到一点小事就感到受伤,无法控制冲动的欲望,作出自我伤害、伤害他人……等破坏性的行为,且这些行为会反复出现。其他症状可能包括当面临着一个时间有限的分离情况,会出现强烈的被抛弃恐惧感,随之而来的恐慌、绝望和不恰当的愤怒[1]。" C7 b: [3 W( A
) r: `- c( Y( ~9 s9 [# V此疾病已被《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》第四版公认在只有超过18岁的成人,而《精神疾病诊断与统计手册》第五版则定订为成年早期开始。然而,有些人说这些症状也有可能在儿童与青少年中发现。如果不进行治疗,症状可能会恶化导致自杀。[4]
5 }& @! I- t! X. {关于此疾病的称呼,此类患者的社会对立派为了瓦解其颠覆性理念而往往冠之以带有歧视意味的“边缘”一词,而他们自身并不愿意接受这类极易引发正常人群误解和遭排斥的含贬义学名,故其确切名称仍在讨论中。[5]ICD-10手册将情绪不稳定人格疾病以及相似诊断条件归类于此。有相关的消息指出BPD患者被暗示人格具有缺陷,而此结论对于BPD患者带有歧视的。[6]目前精神医学的各学派仍对此疾患的确切特质、原因与疗法有所争议,但此疾患已被公认为一项重大的心理问题。[7]* c! M1 C5 @9 A8 b4 [; h# O

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