对待日本,我永远不会心平气和作者: winny28 时间: 2006-6-13 13:38
说来惭愧,本人也是到了国外之后才开始思考关于中国人和外国人的问题.时间长了,我对中国及中国的男人有了更多的肯定,我跟朋友说的最多的一句话是:也许中国人在礼貌上没有外国人做得到位,但中华民族不会比任何一个其他民族差,作为中国人,我深感自豪.作者: Richard 时间: 2006-6-13 15:07 标题: There are several mistakes in the second post Before 1997, Chinese currency depreciated first which triggered the asianwide depreciation in 1997, and from 1950's to 1980's actually, Japanese Yen appreciated a lot during that time which led to long time recession for Japan.
It seems that this author was heavily impacted by the Chinese government's media...
sorry to say that, but from many aspects, Japan still looks solid than China, we have to admitted that first, so that we could catch up in the future.
Admitting the weakness is alwaysnot more shameful than lying there, dreaming we are the best!!!!作者: jingboyu 时间: 2006-6-13 21:39 标题: 也想说几句。。。 中日的话题,不仅仅是国家与国家的话题了,更涉及到人与人。。。
人贱是不能医治的,是精神上的残疾和癌症。。。。让日本人爽她去吧。。。。作者: 米密 时间: 2006-6-14 15:05 标题: 好文章顶起来 我些这样的文章,少些无聊的,中国会更好.作者: Moongirl 时间: 2006-6-14 16:17
There are many similar articles written this way on websites since Janpanese hire some professional writers to attach China. Most of these writers are Janpanese (who may once studied in China) but on behalf of Chinese. Here you can recognize how the Janpanese nationality is.作者: 飞寒 时间: 2006-6-18 02:31 标题: 这些天唐人街路口有了个似乎是宣传日本的广告 路过一回鄙视一回作者: 飞寒 时间: 2006-6-18 02:36 标题: 藐视中华天威者,虽远必诛!! 叫那个么文化的姐姐学点文化知识吧