
标题: 最近mutual Fund跌势凶猛 [打印本页]

作者: zaiheyang    时间: 2006-7-5 20:38
标题: 最近mutual Fund跌势凶猛
作者: yawa9191    时间: 2006-7-5 20:49
作者: nidie    时间: 2006-7-5 21:03
标题: 投资顾问说;那有钱就再买点呗。
作者: hello all    时间: 2006-7-5 21:07
yes, in past few months, it dropped but not plunge. mine 7% decrease
Post by zaiheyang

作者: chenhui    时间: 2006-7-9 21:30
标题: 同意
Post by nidie

作者: nidie    时间: 2006-7-10 07:50
标题: 关键要看个人得判断。

而基金的好坏除了业绩之外,还要看基金经理的commission,基金的sales type。有的基金是没有任何种sales fee,这种叫no load有的是买的时候要付sales fee。有的,sales fee是在卖的时候才付一般不收费的投资顾问,是绝不会向你推荐no load种类的基金,因为他拿不到任何报酬,

作者: lqca    时间: 2006-7-10 16:27
Could you tell us who is your finiancial advisor?
or are they chinese peole or western people?

作者: zaiheyang    时间: 2006-7-10 19:21
标题: 具体谁是顾问并不重要
我想具体谁是financial advisor并不重要.但有一点可以告诉你,是华人,而且是经常在报上做广告的某位弟兄.但我想,亏损应该与他没有太大关系,而是目前大盘问题.我确实没有做任何功课,而且作为一个工程技术人员,我也没有能力和时间去做这种功课.我目前只是接到他电话,还没有收到statement,具体情况还不完全清楚.等收到statement,我会将此case贴上供有兴趣的朋友参考.


前几年,mutual fund一直表现很好,也许正如顾问所言,涨跌是正常的.目前只能这样想了.既然投资,就要有亏损的思想准备.

该顾问曾劝我贷款投资,具体是,从银行借20万,然后进行金融投资.因为贷款利息可以抵税,而投资收益作为capital gain只有50%是taxalbe.幸好当时没有太贪心,否则现在损失更大.
作者: lqca    时间: 2006-7-11 08:35

You are right. Never ever borrow money to buy securities.
There's a big risk that you will lose everything.

And to be honest, I don't think your FA is a good guy. Either he is too navie or he is too greed.
作者: chenhui    时间: 2006-7-11 11:39
标题: about market volatility
Over the past several weeks, global stock markets have experienced notable volatility. As you’re aware, in order to successfully navigate peak periods of volatility, investors need to be equipped with a proper perspective and a portfolio outfitted to weather the market’s ups and downs.

As you have discussions with clients, keep in mind market corrections are a healthy, constructive and common process, particularly after a long period of strong growth. This activity will cool much of the speculation that has driven markets up, and reduce excesses. The following points can be used to inform your discussions with clients.

Despite the challenges of market volatility, the overall long-term direction of the market tends to be up. The longer an investor remains invested, the lower their overall risk and the greater their potential for positive returns.

Markets have experienced corrections many times throughout history. Further, periods of high volatility eventually give way to a more moderate regime of price fluctuations—particularly over the long-term.

Volatility is always most prevalent over shorter time frames, but substantially reduced over longer time periods. As an example, one year holding periods in the S&/TSX show a range of returns as high as 87% and as low as – 39.2%, a range of over 126%. Over time, that range of returns is significantly narrowed. For example, over thirty years, that range tightens to a mere 4.4% with a high of 12.7% and a low of 8.3%.

Being out of the market can present a very real risk to wealth creation over time. For example, by missing less than 1% of the best trading days on the S& 500 (from the beginning of 1977 to the end of 2005), an investor stood to lose over 90% of the potential return. Most investors who try to time the market only end up selling when prices are low, and miss out on profits when the market recovers. Investors who maintain a healthy perspective about market volatility and don’t lose sight of their long-term goals, stand to gain over time.
作者: Tiggr    时间: 2006-7-11 12:44
如果对本金的暂时损失非常在乎,不如选在garantee principle得投资产品,比如bank notes, seg fund.


作者: 圆明园    时间: 2006-7-11 13:50
Post by hello all
yes, in past few months, it dropped but not plunge. mine 7% decrease
this number is very close to mine.
last 3 months
1. BMO Divident high:47, current :44.5, low: 43
2. BMO Equity Index high: 37, current:34.5, low:32
3. BMO Equity, high:33, current:31, low:29
作者: ALL    时间: 2006-7-18 21:44


作者: michael2006    时间: 2006-7-18 22:23
Post by zaiheyang

作者: nidie    时间: 2006-7-19 10:20
标题: 依靠投资顾问,除非你不在乎这些钱。

有人可能会问,既然我什么都要管,那要投资顾问做什么。这是一个很好的问题。要解答这个问题就必须先提一下投资顾问的类别。其实,各大金融机构都有类似投资顾问一类的部门,所做的也就是帮助客户管理投资。这一类的投资顾问,一般都收费。但是,要想成为他们的客户,你必须要有一定的资金,大部分人是无法享受他们的服务的。大部分人所能够接触到的投资顾问,多半是不收费的。那他的钱从那赚?从你购买的基金的所属基金公司那儿拿钱。一般是05%-1%。而且投资顾问每拉一个新客户,基金公司通常会给投资顾问一笔一次性奖励。在这种体制下,投资顾问的回报并不完全和他替你管理资金的回报成正比。投资顾问所能选择的基金就一定会受到基金公司的限制。而基金的好坏除了业绩之外,还要看基金经理的commission,基金的sales type。有的基金是没有任何种sales fee,这种叫no load有的是买的时候要付sales fee。有的,sales fee是在卖的时候才付一般不收费的投资顾问,是绝不会向你推荐no load种类的基金,因为他拿不到任何报酬,即使基金回报很好。投资顾问一般选择的是back loadcommission也不会太便宜的。因为这种基金给予投资顾问的奖励或回报会稍高。投资顾问还可能更倾向于,向你推销新基金,同样的理由。而基金公司,也会为了推销他的产品,而针对某些产品给予更多的优惠给投资顾问。当然,最后这些花费都会加到你我购买者的头上。

所以在这种情况下,投资顾问并不是,也不可能全心全意为投资者服务。拿我的经历来说,我是在三次margin call以及投资缩水一半之后,才开始做我早应该在投资之前就做的工课。於是才明白不同种类的sales fee,才知道还有无sales fee,和无commission的基金。在经过一些搜寻之后,向投资顾问提出,买一只我看好的no load,低commission的基金。投资顾问百般躲闪,提出许多反对理由,但就是不提最本质的理由。最后,投资顾问说,你要一定要买,可以自己去银行买,不必通过他。听了他这么说,我就问他,是不是我只能买他推荐的基金,而不能买我自己选择的基金。如果不告诉我他不愿买的真实理由,那这是我和他最后一次见面。在这种情况下,投资顾问吞吞吐吐,半遮半掩地说出了我早已知道的真相。也就是在这种情况下,我才知道我的这个投资顾问是如此不可信。


作者: tracy    时间: 2006-7-19 13:55
All the investment advisor just want to steal money from your pocket, especially those living on comission. They always say it is bull market and prompt you to buy their mutual funds. They don't think your investment as their own money, they think your investment is their salary!
作者: riverchen    时间: 2006-7-19 18:48
作者: mimi    时间: 2006-7-19 18:57
标题: Only thing you need to do is to open your mind
Post by tracy
All the investment advisor just want to steal money from your pocket, especially those living on comission. They always say it is bull market and prompt you to buy their mutual funds. They don't think your investment as their own money, they think your investment is their salary!

What kind of income do you think Mr. Warren Buffet get? Salary?
He created thousands of millionares during last two decades, what do you think?

Only thing you need to do is to open your mind.

I love saving too, but do not respect other people's professionlism and think themselves as supermen or superwomen is tooooo old fashion......


It is too early to say the bull market finished....
作者: Robby &    时间: 2006-7-20 13:07
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作者: tracy    时间: 2006-7-20 13:42
And you have to pay them commission fee, service fee, GST/QST.....(based on your assets, not on your profit).

All the mutual funds charge you service fee and commission fee every year based on how much money in your account. Let's say the total fees are 3%, your initial investment is 10,000, after one year, you have 9,000, they charge you 9,000*3%=270, plus GST/QST. If you are lucky, after one year , you have 11,000, they charge you 330, plus GST/QST.

So no matter you earn or lose money, they have income from you, just the amount of more or less.
作者: Richard    时间: 2006-7-20 14:26
Post by tracy
And you have to pay them commission fee, service fee, GST/QST.....(based on your assets, not on your profit).

All the mutual funds charge you service fee and commission fee every year based on how much money in your account. Let's say the total fees are 3%, your initial investment is 10,000, after one year, you have 9,000, they charge you 9,000*3%=270, plus GST/QST. If you are lucky, after one year , you have 11,000, they charge you 330, plus GST/QST.

So no matter you earn or lose money, they have income from you, just the amount of more or less.

Do you pay service fee for your banking account? Do you pay income tax? Do you pay GST/QST for your air conditioner? welome to Canada!!!

By the way, you are not paying for nothing, you paid for civilization which you may not enjoy in other countries.
作者: Robby &    时间: 2006-7-20 15:55
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作者: ALL    时间: 2006-7-20 18:28
If you really want to invest in japanese equity, buy mutual fund from a japanese company. If you buy from a canadien company as TD, it's an international fund which is more risky because people here know nothing about japan.
Post by Robby & Nancy
my TD Japanese equity fund dropped nearly 20% since i bought it in Apr. :mad:

作者: xxxxnova1    时间: 2006-7-20 21:26
TRADEFREEDOM 这家broker不错, 交易费用低,10$, 软件好( 有LEVEL II, 第一视角交易) , 极力推荐!

有兴趣的可以咨询我: vince_qiu@hotmail.com
作者: 圆明园    时间: 2006-7-20 21:50
Post by mimi
What kind of income do you think Mr. Warren Buffet get? ...
Buffet is different, he owns 38% of Berkshire Hathaway, basically, you can say that he is playing with his own money.
作者: 圆明园    时间: 2006-7-20 22:09
Post by tracy
And you have to pay them commission fee, service fee, GST/QST.....(based on your assets, not on your profit).

All the mutual funds charge you service fee and commission fee every year based on how much money in your account. Let's say the total fees are 3%, your initial investment is 10,000, after one year, you have 9,000, they charge you 9,000*3%=270, plus GST/QST. If you are lucky, after one year , you have 11,000, they charge you 330, plus GST/QST.

So no matter you earn or lose money, they have income from you, just the amount of more or less.
i am not very sure what do you mean "commission fee", "service fee", in my case i don't need to pay any fees up front.  (no-load), there are plenty no-load funds out there. it doesn't mean it is free,  there are costs involved , for sure.  the expenses varies greatly, from .5% to 1.8%, (for me), actively managed funds cost more, because it needs more attention.  i have never heard of anything like 3%.
作者: 圆明园    时间: 2006-7-20 22:11
Post by Richard
Do you pay service fee for your banking account? Do you pay income tax? Do you pay GST/QST for your air conditioner? welome to Canada!!!

By the way, you are not paying for nothing, you paid for civilization which you may not enjoy in other countries.
hello, i think you went a little too far.
作者: Robby &    时间: 2006-7-20 22:24
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作者: tracy    时间: 2006-7-21 10:51
Sounds like many people are advocates of mutual funds.

"Nothing is free"?

If I make money through your mutual funds, definitely, I am very happy to pay you, but when I  lose my principle, I still have to pay you the commission fee, service fee, etc, is that reasonable? At least, the bank will not eat my principle......

Commission fee: the money you pay the mutual funds salesperson
Service fee: the money you pay mutual funds operation cost
Some companies combine them together..
作者: nidie    时间: 2006-7-23 07:35
标题: 这种基金 (no load)
有的基金是没有任何种sales fee,这种叫no load有的是买的时候要付sales fee。有的,sales fee是在卖的时候才付一般不收费的投资顾问,是绝不会向你推荐no load种类的基金,因为他拿不到任何报酬,即使基金回报很好。投资顾问一般选择的是back loadcommission也不会太便宜的。因为这种基金给予投资顾问的奖励或回报会稍高。投资顾问还可能更倾向于,向你推销新基金,同样的理由。而基金公司,也会为了推销他的产品,而针对某些产品给予更多的优惠给投资顾问。当然,最后这些花费都会加到你我购买者的头上。

作者: zhouhui    时间: 2006-7-23 09:47



作者: tracy    时间: 2006-7-23 10:57
Thanks Zhouhui,

The website you recommanded looks pretty good...
作者: chenhui    时间: 2006-7-23 19:08
标题: Factors influencing common share prices

<<    >>

Fundamental factors

External events

Events that are unpredictable and that have an impact on the economy and subsequently on share prices (for example, wars, revolutions, currency devaluations, assassinations, trade agreements or disputes, changes in commodity prices).

For example, the devaluation of the Brazilian Real in January 1999 caused a sell-off in Brazilian stocks. Investors then perceived the risks of investing in Brazil to be too high and started to sell their Brazilian as well as Latin American shares, causing share prices, in general, to fall. When the share price declines were added to currency losses, the results were very negative.

Fiscal policies

These are the policies of government that relate to government taxing and expenditure measures. These policies can affect the overall level of economic activity and, as a result, the profitability of individual industries.

For example, tax increases reduce disposable income, which dampens consumer confidence and spending. That can negatively affect corporate profits and share prices.

In another case, fiscal policies such as the introduction of the dividend tax credit and the exemption from tax of a portion of capital gains were designed to encourage greater share ownership by Canadians. The success of these policies would tend to boost share prices through the higher demand for shares.

Monetary policies

These are the policies established by the Bank of Canada to influence the level of economic activity in efforts to maintain stable prices (that is, control inflation). The Bank of Canada affects the level of economic activity primarily through its influence on short-term interest rates. We have already spent some time discussing how the Bank influences short-term rates by transferring government deposits, affecting demand for T-Bills, and generating change in the bank rate, which then impacts other rates.

The Bank also controls the money supply to the economy, but the money supply tends to be a secondary interest to the Bank as compared to interest rates. The Bank is primarily interested in the level of total spending in the economy, and, should inflationary pressures start to build, the Bank will try to dampen spending with higher interest rates. The money supply will then change according to the changes in spending generated by the Bank.

Changes in the rate of interest that are generated by the Bank will, therefore, affect the level of economic activity and, as a result, company performance, profits, and stock prices.

For example, higher interest rates will tend to attract investors away from equities and toward fixed income investments. As a consequence, share prices may fall. The reverse also holds true.


This can cause uncertainty and lack of consumer and investor confidence in the future. High inflation leads to higher business costs that must be passed on to consumers in order to maintain profitability levels. If they can't be passed on, if consumers resist, then corporate profits fall, and share prices fall. Higher rates of inflation lead to higher interest rates, which tend to dampen consumer spending and investment, again lowering profits and ultimately share prices.

Low inflation rates tend to generate more consumer and investor confidence and allow companies to control costs and profitability levels much more effectively. The environment for investment tends to be more stable, which tends to encourage investors and helps to improve management decision making and planning. All of these possibilities can have a positive effect on share prices.

Business cycles

These cycles represent the various phases of economic growth for the economy over time. The economy tends to experience periods of economic expansion (growth in total output measured by real GDP) when employment and incomes tend to rise. As the economy reaches a certain point, however, inflation pressures tend to set in, pressures from high levels of consumer spending, rising production costs, and pressures from wage demands. These forces tend to put upward pressure on prices.

As inflationary forces set in, interest rates will tend to rise. The combination of rising prices and interest rates causes the economy to reach a peak and then experience a period of decline. If an economy experiences two consecutive quarters (three-month periods) of negative growth, the economy is said to be in recession. The length of the period of decline or recession can vary significantly.

During periods of decline, unemployment will tend to rise and incomes will tend to fall. Over time, inflationary pressures tend to ease, price increases tend to moderate, and interest rates tend to fall. Eventually, the decline will bottom out in a trough of the business cycle, and the economy will begin another period of economic expansion.

Common share prices normally rise prior to and during periods of economic expansion due to expectations of an improving economy, improved corporate performance, and rising profits. Share prices usually fall prior to and during periods of business decline, perhaps even when economic conditions still appear favourable.

Investors try to anticipate the peak and sell before the peak is past, because investors know that corporate profits will tend to fall past the peak of the cycle. Investors will sell their shares to lock in the capital gains they have achieved during the period of economic expansion. The important thing to remember is that stock market levels result from investors' anticipation of the economy. Markets lead the economy by as much as 6 to 12 months.

Technical factors

Technical factors relate to the conditions within, not external to, the stock market itself. They include:

For example, during a period of expansion and improved corporate performance, it can be expected that share prices should rise due to this external influence. But how has the market itself responded? Has the market over bought and pushed some prices too high?

Analysts attempt to determine the probable course of share prices by examining the past and present actions of the market. They look at how the market has responded in the past and the trends it has demonstrated.


<<    >>

A derivative is a type of investment that has a value based on the value of another investment such as a stock, a bond, a currency, or a commodity. That is, it derives its value from something else.

There are many different types of derivatives. Options and futures are among the most common and are the two types that Canadian mutual funds may use
作者: nidie    时间: 2006-7-29 14:21
标题: 有两种理财顾问
买“后付佣金”(BACK END LOAD)的产品----共惠基金公司先替你垫上钱,付他佣金。
作者: chenhui    时间: 2006-8-1 09:25
标题: 选择合适的理财顾问



















1   征求已存在顾客的意见。您应要求理财顾问向您提供三到四个与您情况相似的客户,并致电询问上述客户对该理财顾问服务的评价。

2   询问个人理财顾问的教育背景,资格水平和经验水平。目前,在魁北克,理财顾问专业头衔为Financial Planner,该头衔的认证机构是IQPF INSTITUT QUEBECOIS DE PLANIFICATION FINANCIERE)。您的理财顾问的名片上应该标明其专业头衔,您可通过IQPF的网站http://www.iqpf.org/  验证您的理财顾问的专业资格情况。












3   询问该理财顾问是否属于任何专业组织(如CFA,CA),以确定该理财顾问专业信息来源。

4   确认您理解理财顾问的服务收费标准或报酬来源。

5   对目的是向您销售投资产品,保险产品,或其他金融产品的个人理财顾问的建议提高警惕。


Post by nidie
买“后付佣金”(BACK END LOAD)的产品----共惠基金公司先替你垫上钱,付他佣金。

作者: chenhui    时间: 2006-8-1 09:30
标题: 选择合适的理财顾问



















1   征求已存在顾客的意见。您应要求理财顾问向您提供三到四个与您情况相似的客户,并致电询问上述客户对该理财顾问服务的评价。

2   询问个人理财顾问的教育背景,资格水平和经验水平。目前,在魁北克,理财顾问专业头衔为Financial Planner,该头衔的认证机构是IQPF INSTITUT QUEBECOIS DE PLANIFICATION FINANCIERE)。您的理财顾问的名片上应该标明其专业头衔,您可通过IQPF的网站http://www.iqpf.org/  验证您的理财顾问的专业资格情况。












3   询问该理财顾问是否属于任何专业组织(如CFA,CA),以确定该理财顾问专业信息来源。

4   确认您理解理财顾问的服务收费标准或报酬来源。

5   对目的是向您销售投资产品,保险产品,或其他金融产品的个人理财顾问的建议提高警惕。



Post by nidie
买“后付佣金”(BACK END LOAD)的产品----共惠基金公司先替你垫上钱,付他佣金。

作者: nidie    时间: 2006-8-1 11:25
标题: 呼唤真正的“理财顾问”







我不理你财,  财不理我
作者: chenhui    时间: 2006-8-2 22:58
标题: 入市有风险!!!


作者: ailailai    时间: 2007-9-15 22:53
标题: mutual fund license useful or not
i want to take this license, is that  useful or not ,  i  really do not know.
doing this kind of job is good or not. can  some body give me some advice
作者: 红星闪闪    时间: 2007-9-16 11:34
Post by zaiheyang

if your portfolio declined 30% due recent (jul 20 to Aug 20) correction, it can NOT be a conservative or low-risk portfolio.

because the TSX composit only had a 12% decline within such time, from 14,400 points down to 12,800 points, approximately. if your portfolio losted more than 12%, it can only be concluded that you have too much expoure to equity and perhapes too much on resources funds.
作者: adeline    时间: 2007-9-16 15:19
如果你的mutual fund最近跌了30%, 那说明它的表现非常差. 最近虽然大市跌了, 但也没有跌30%啊. 我买的4个基金, 跟今年年初最高时比, 表现最差的那个跌了4%
作者: zhouhui    时间: 2007-9-16 17:21
Post by adeline
如果你的mutual fund最近跌了30%, 那说明它的表现非常差. 最近虽然大市跌了, 但也没有跌30%啊. 我买的4个基金, 跟今年年初最高时比, 表现最差的那个跌了4%

作者: 享受人生    时间: 2008-1-31 21:39
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作者: LOL    时间: 2008-2-1 10:53

HSBC Chinese Equity-I        
RBC Global Resources   
Scotia Latin American   
TD Latin American Growth (美元)
作者: 圆明园    时间: 2008-2-1 11:36
作者: zhouhui    时间: 2008-2-1 12:28

试试这个网站,有所有的基金,很容易做对比,别忘了使用add to my list 的功能。

作者: LOL    时间: 2008-2-1 13:21
拉美! 拉美! 拉美! (有节奏地喊)

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