
标题: 关于工作签证~~ [打印本页]

作者: angel530    时间: 2006-8-5 11:38
标题: 关于工作签证~~
难度大么?需要什么相关的材料? 有什么具体的要求吗?
作者: xuxf    时间: 2006-8-11 17:03

the work permit will be renewed annually. so it is only one year.
regarding the documents you need, your employer will prepare for you.
or if your couple has a work permit, when he( she ) renew work permit, you could apply work permit together, no employer needed.
作者: CREME    时间: 2006-8-20 23:26
作者: angel530    时间: 2006-8-20 23:31
Post by CREME

作者: songxiaoyang    时间: 2006-8-27 11:04
标题: one question to xuxf
有个问题请教 你的意思是说夫妻双方中一个由工作签证,其配偶就可以申请签证? 也是工作签证吗?我在那个关于工作签证的链接上没看到couple这方面的信息
Post by xuxf

the work permit will be renewed annually. so it is only one year.
regarding the documents you need, your employer will prepare for you.
or if your couple has a work permit, when he( she ) renew work permit, you could apply work permit together, no employer needed.

作者: xuxf    时间: 2006-8-28 12:06
Post by songxiaoyang
有个问题请教 你的意思是说夫妻双方中一个由工作签证,其配偶就可以申请签证? 也是工作签证吗?我在那个关于工作签证的链接上没看到couple这方面的信息

Hi, sorry i'm not experienced with this. but as i know several of my friends who got the work permit after their spouse got it. and me too. normally the lawyer or notary who help your spouse to get the work permit can help you for this. i got my permit when my husband renewed his workpermit, just add my name on a renewe application form, pay money for 2 person and then wait. it needs about 2-3 months.
作者: songxiaoyang    时间: 2006-8-29 07:32
标题: thx a lot
非常感谢你的热心回答。那你现在有了工作签证,是不是什么类型的工作都可以做了? 还有一个比较弱的问题,那你们一起申请工作签证的时候是不是需要什么你们结婚的证明文件?
Post by xuxf
Hi, sorry i'm not experienced with this. but as i know several of my friends who got the work permit after their spouse got it. and me too. normally the lawyer or notary who help your spouse to get the work permit can help you for this. i got my permit when my husband renewed his workpermit, just add my name on a renewe application form, pay money for 2 person and then wait. it needs about 2-3 months.

作者: harry6    时间: 2006-8-29 08:39
只要一方在职业分类表上属于O,A,B类,就可以在spouser program下申请一个open的work permit。任何雇主、任何工作,只是有效期当主申请人work permit失效,这个work permit 就失效。在CIC的网站上介绍德很清楚。我就是,没什么特别,就是“理由”那里写上“spouser program”。
作者: xuxf    时间: 2006-8-29 15:56
Post by songxiaoyang
非常感谢你的热心回答。那你现在有了工作签证,是不是什么类型的工作都可以做了? 还有一个比较弱的问题,那你们一起申请工作签证的时候是不是需要什么你们结婚的证明文件?
Hi, you are right, any job you can do.
you don't need Marriage Certificate, your visa is enough.
i believe Harry6 already gave you a clear answer.
try it and you will get it. Good luck.
作者: songxiaoyang    时间: 2006-8-29 23:58
Many thx to xuxf and harry6

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