Post by logitechshan
刚刚买了一辆二手车,却出了问题. 卖主是个白人老头, 登贴子说的是私人售车. 结果在办交易手续时发现车属于他名下的公司, 需要额外交GST大约600刀. 老头要求我们出一半. 请问: 我该怎么办? 还有, 如果是公司卖车, 对于车有什么特殊要求吗? 比如车况, 安全性, 等等?
非常不想出这笔钱, 觉得要是出了就太冤了. 请大家帮忙, 也给大家提个醒, 买车时多问一句.
Post by mtl666
Post by daicy
I guess the old man also tell you that this car is his wife's. Now she want a jeep, so they have to sell it...... This is an old story. If you heard the same story from him, you'd better go to SAAQ to check the historical record of this car. I am pretty sure that he is not the first owner and perhaps he changed the milrage.
If everything is like what I'm saying. Do not pay him any money. Go to small claim court to sue him. You will win for sure.
Good luck
Post by daicy
If you do not mind, leave your phone number here or sent to my mailbox. I will tell you how to do. We sue him two years ago in the small claim court and we won the case. He had to pay us a lot of money. I was so suprised that he is still doing the same guilty thing. I will try my best to help you to beat him.
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