标题: 我的尾巴被踩住了 [打印本页] 作者: doggy 时间: 2002-8-7 10:43 标题: 我的尾巴被踩住了 回国办事,被卡在最尴尬的地方;进退维谷,还要看脸色。就象一只狐狸,我的尾巴被狠狠踩住了。死在老虎口下比腌在粪坑里强吧?
于是我有些怀念蒙城。作者: 死在网上算了 时间: 2002-8-7 12:14
听sunshine的话,多给上帝烧点香,是在不行就请sunshine大仙儿帮你解解.作者: 死在网上算了 时间: 2002-8-8 01:36
if you like god, go to see him.作者: Sailor 时间: 2002-8-8 10:00
HI doggy
Why should I think we Chinese people are better than others?作者: NN 时间: 2002-8-8 11:00
to yessw :
why should you think you are a man in the world?
why should you believe you are useful for the world?
why not think you are garbage?
It is your freedom to believe who you are and what you are. It is others' mind to believe what you are from what you are doing. eek!作者: yessw 时间: 2002-8-8 11:42
Like you’ve said, you have the freedom to think who I am, annnnnnnnd, so do I.
My faith is all I’ve got, it tells me everything I want to know.
Keep throwing your ‘garbage’ to the ones are not like you, baby. And, don’t forget to tell yourself that you are a good person.作者: eversun 时间: 2002-8-8 23:55
Never show fox tail in public.作者: doggy 时间: 2002-8-9 02:27
又及:我要去普陀山、五台山烧香;清真寺、教堂礼拜;上清观吹打。OK?作者: 金圣叹 时间: 2009-4-25 10:26
Post by doggy;185095