标题: Montreal让人伤心的地方 [打印本页] 作者: 人在天涯 时间: 2002-10-10 00:20 标题: Montreal让人伤心的地方 哎~~
大家如果想说,就在这一吐为快吧~~ frown作者: LoveRat 时间: 2002-10-19 11:07
What you have lost here (girlfriends or fiancee)? my friend.
I am experiencing exactly the same feeling as yours. What a sad place, Montreal.作者: Wailingwall 时间: 2002-10-19 11:53
其实世界哪里都一样。。只不过MONTREAL更多的是孤独和无奈。作者: HaHa 时间: 2002-10-19 12:23
如果觉得孤独和无奈,最简单的方法是回国,趁早,那里确实有热闹。但往往是,鱼和熊掌不可兼得。作者: subcebeuq 时间: 2002-10-19 12:47
你要记住回国后,如果是加籍别忘了去派出所登记哦?作者: whamor 时间: 2002-10-20 00:36
不过在这里还顶得住,不怕! 作者: wolf hu 时间: 2002-10-21 03:42
not a single person has the same situation as others.so keeping on doing what you decide and go for it. sucess belongs to deligent and hard working people.
china has too many restrictions to most of the young people. so remember why we come to Canada and what we seek here.
i know some of my aquaintances and relatives who lead a life there better than in china.作者: I-Am-Who-I-Am 时间: 2002-10-21 21:03
Rat asked me to send his greetings to you. He is very sad at the momement.
As far as I am aware, he lost his fiancee some time ago and has just lost his girlfriend here in MONTREAL.
How about you? he asked.作者: I-Am-Who-I-Am 时间: 2002-10-22 19:37
这已经足够了...作者: 阿Q 时间: 2002-10-23 15:52
Why :confused: :confused: :confused:作者: ulysses 时间: 2002-10-23 16:34
stop asking why and you would understand.作者: flyinggirl 时间: 2002-10-23 17:30
Don't be always complaining. To seize tightly what you have is enough!!! 作者: seriousplayer 时间: 2002-10-24 09:47
to flyinggirl.
so what is your "have"?
what makes you so happy I would like to know.作者: jadis 时间: 2002-10-24 10:04
Seriousplayer, may be I know you, if you can give me the first letter of your family name. wink作者: seriousplayer 时间: 2002-10-28 15:21
to jadis
My godness! How come?!
I have totally posted 5 messages. You can guess who I am. Who are you?
can you tell me what is the hint. the way I am talking or email?
It is really terrible!作者: hello_5 时间: 2002-11-21 12:20