我希望这是我最后一次想你作者: Ditto 时间: 2002-12-15 16:12
Thanks for reply. Absolutely you are right.
However, it's just really too hard to come through, right?作者: swift 时间: 2002-12-15 20:16
i miss him ever since i open my eyes evry morning and wait for his call the whole day.but who knows what he thinks about.the best way is to let it be.作者: Ditto 时间: 2002-12-15 22:49
Yes, such a long time has passed I still miss him so much in the early morning as if his kiss is just there. I have to take a shower in the morning to stop thinking about him.
Each time, I speak to myself to move on, my tears will run down.
Watching these gifts, should I send them out? I don’t know. I wish him the best but I don’t want him to feel pain on seeing these gifts. But maybe he won’t since he can say he hates me. Maybe I am just too silly! Who knows, who cares!作者: 幽冥国度 时间: 2002-12-16 19:39
说多了没用,喝口酒,抽颗烟,这是个现实的世界。保重吧``````作者: tequila 时间: 2002-12-16 20:12
才21岁就想死了,哎现在的年轻人真是。。。等你41的时侯还是怎样想的话,再言轻生也不迟作者: Ditto 时间: 2002-12-16 20:40
其实我倒认为,人上了40, 也阅历多了,许很多事都会看的淡了,想死的念头倒未必有,尤其是为情所困。。。。 。。
写帖子,说心情,有时就象写日记,写出来后,心情就会好一些。作者: Manda 时间: 2002-12-16 21:20
Swift and Ditto, thanks for sharing the feelings. I had thought I am the only in the world to suffer from the endless missings... everyone has own stories.
He is still back home, he should have come, but I lost the contact with him for such a long time, no calls, no emails, nothing at all, plus I can't find me either.