鸳鸯毕竟不双飞,天上人间旧愿违.萧萧荒旅埋白骨, 一生肠断华山畿'作者: bumpkin 时间: 2002-10-22 12:33
把你猫行天下的洒脱拿出来,什么时候变得这么唧唧歪歪了你? 作者: grammar 时间: 2002-10-22 16:03
To Menghan:
I did say some truth, why u attack me "别有用心, 煽风点火,含沙射影"? What benefit do I get?
Do you think a woman died at 41 years old is 本属普通正常的医学现像? (and she is famouse, we can assume she has enough money to pay for good hospital and medicine).
Not long ago, I also discussed this problem with my friend. She used to be a doctor in Fu Zhou. She told me after lived in Canada one year, some of her breast sickness which she had it for serval years disappeared. According to the truth I know, I have to admit the evironment here is much better.
Though I agree with u that some sickness/cancer happens without obvious reasons (however, I heard a lot in China only), I think a person should take good care of himself, because health is our most important wealth.作者: 5I5J 时间: 2002-10-22 18:35
人家这是怀念媛媛的地儿,拜拖别什么都扯进来.... :confused: :rolleyes:作者: menghan 时间: 2002-10-22 21:02
To Grammar:
1) I would like to apologize if I did hurt you inadvertently in my last post. It's not my intention to offend you or anyone else on this website. Maybe you are not used to my writing style, it's not your fault, it's mine to talk to stranger in this seemingly offensive and sarcastic way. I need to learn to be more gentle and tender in the future.
2) A 41yr old woman died of cancer. Normal or abnormal? It all depends on how you see it. From the view of a physician, nothing is wrong there. 40s is just the age of highest risk to get a tumor. Actually, there are still millions of even younger people killed by this demon every year on this planet. Just because they are not "famous", no one cares about their death just as no one cares about their lives. A star vanishes from the sky, everyone sees it; a grass withers, no one pays any attention to it. As a matter of life and death, I believe both are of similar significance. A celebrity has enjoyed enough in his life, reputation, money, popularity… all good things in the world, yet he is still not immune from diseases, even though he could pay for the best hospital and medicine, eventually he is not immune from death. From this respect, I would say the God in fair. What makes the world so unfair is human being ourselves. As a member of grassroots class, I don’t think I need to express any grievance or condolence to the death of an actress, who has no relationship with my own life at all. To be honest, I was far more shocked at the death of Lan lingyun, who was drowned in this early spring at her 20' s.
3) No one would argue that the environment here is hundreds times better than that of our motherland, and this may be good for our health. But there is no evidence, to my knowledge, showing that the incidence of cancer in Canada is lower than in China. You got that impression, maybe just because the people you contact here are most new immigrants, who are younger and thus more healthy. The case of your friend is probably just a coincidence. Otherwise, I would raise an opposite example. Have you heard of Peng Xiaoming, a chinese immigrant in Toronto, who got leukemia after he moved to this country?
4) I agree with you that everyone "should take good care of himself, because health is our most important wealth." But still, a lot of things in life are beyond our control.作者: baisheng 时间: 2002-10-22 22:15
我们是不是要来点幽默感,别太敏感了.我看蒙汉的帖子并无恶意.作者: grammar 时间: 2002-10-22 23:46
我发表的感叹是我生活中的真人真事,去年父亲的朋友妻子,刚退休就查出来子宫癌,折腾了一年人就走了。最近听父母说到一个表姐查出来子宫癌动了手术,还有我的阿姨胸部有肿块,还不制良性恶性。至于我以前单位里,同龄的女孩子有不少体检查出有病。所以前两天还跟一个医生朋友讨论是什么原因,她说在国内工作时,也发现这些妇科疾病越来越年轻化。连她自己,在国内一直患有,差点动手术,居然来了这里一年,再去查竟不治而愈。what a surprise! 你们说,这是为什么? 不是因为这里的空气好,水好吗?尽管我们在这也没什么好东西吃。
谨此悼念35岁英年早逝的同学!作者: wutong 时间: 2002-10-23 09:11
grammar,你说的没有什么不对的,只是不符合场合,知道吗?发表了一通似是而非,大而无当的议论,虽然让媛媛的影迷们不悦,本来也没什么大不了的.可是再三再四地重复,不仅是缺乏幽默,而且根本就是迹近无聊了.到别的地方发表对加拿大的感激,好不好?比如贴在那个热中号召人们作小买卖的闲人所写的"感谢加拿大",或别的什么类似"移民加拿大乃人生一大快事","加中生活优劣比较,结果不言之明"等等.好吗,女同志?作者: grammar 时间: 2002-10-23 21:40
wutong: 我接受你的批评。可是我本来也没打算重复那么多所谓令人不悦见解啊... 你说我似是而非,大而无当, well, I guess nobody like to have cancer/sickness,that doesn't make sense?