标题: 夫妻之间应不应该有秘密? [打印本页] 作者: joyous 时间: 2001-11-23 07:28 标题: 夫妻之间应不应该有秘密? 我结婚三年, 但不知道丈夫的存款,这是丈夫的隐私权吗? 我到底应不应该知道? 丈夫的e-mail应不应该看? 既然没有秘密为什么不能看? 他的朋友我有权了解吗?(异性)
我觉得没有安全感, 我以后的生活该如何走下去??
希望各位婚姻成功的人士指导指导. 谢谢. 作者: janej 时间: 2001-11-24 09:29
You are not equal, because he wants and has more private place than you--it's the problem in your marriage.
I know a couple. They are AA in their lives and hus and wife have own bank number. Even though I feel strange and terrible, it seems their relationship are ok, because both of them approve of this kind of system. But I really doubt if there is real love between them.
marriage is very important in a woman's life, which should give her the feelings of being loved, safe and happy.作者: meimei 时间: 2001-11-24 14:38
只要他们每天给我烧香磕头我当保佑他们白头到老啦还会赐给他们多多的小崽子他们恩不恩爱不要紧爱我就行啦条件是将来他们的崽子会是我的借腹子他们一定要和我的小崽子讲清楚哦否则天打五雷劈不得好死作者: joyous 时间: 2001-11-24 15:34
谢谢你的回答. 我的丈夫现在在 concordia EE 读书. 每天晚上十点回家. 我们的交流很少. 有时我想把心中的想法跟他说. 却苦于没机会. 只好有泪默默流. 他说他的父母也不知道对方的存款. 还不是也好好的?! 他总说他很忙, 但却有时间和其他异性 email. 哎! 我的丈夫到底在不在乎我??? 作者: celibate 时间: 2001-11-24 17:43
即使他爱你,如果这种爱的方式不能让你接受或给你带来痛苦,也是需要他进行调整的,至少你们两个需要沟通。就算他真正忙,也不是理由,生活中到底什么是最重要的,当然每个人的回答都会不同,和与你价值观和世界观格格不入的人一起生活幸福吗?希望你真正了解他,更重要的是真正了解自己,看自己到底需要什么样的生活,希望看到快活起来。 作者: janej 时间: 2001-11-24 18:05
其实每对夫妇都会有这样或那样的问题,关键是它是否会annoy you too much,这也是为什么沟通在夫妻间是那么重要。
跟他好好谈谈吧,不管别人怎么样,不管夫妻间是否该不该有秘密,必竟你为此流泪了. do something to improve your relationship.
hope you happy, and have a good day.作者: yedsmile 时间: 2001-11-24 18:47
你看我说的有道理吗?作者: joyous 时间: 2001-11-24 22:55
谢谢以上朋友的看法, 看了你们的意见, 不多不少使我心中的重担减轻了. 我家我最小. 以前未婚前在我家, 什么事都是公开的. 父母的信我们可以看. 我们的信自然父母也可以阅读. 每月工资多少. 我家个个都知道. 所以......有点不惯.
以前谈念爱的时候, 丈夫只跟我通信. 什么都跟我讲. 当我是知心朋友. 结婚以后却反不跟我说了. 真是搞不懂男人的心.
希望放假能与他好好谈谈. 如果他变了, 我也要为自己打算打算.作者: yaoyao 时间: 2001-11-25 00:39
joyous 忍不住想进来说几句.其实,我觉得每个人喜欢的方式是不同的...比如我吧,我从小就喜欢有自己的私人空间,很小的时候我就开始存钱,我喜欢有自己的存折,哪怕上面只有很少的钱也让我安心.婚后我也依然如此,我就是喜欢有自己的空间,不喜欢什么都给别人知道.可这并不代表我就对我老公有别的想法了...在我心里他还是最重要的,有什么事我还是最愿意对他说.
You could looking for a boy friend or a lover to get happy.
Do not care your husband. Here is free for every one.作者: joyous 时间: 2001-12-5 18:35
concordia 的学习真的那么忙吗?? 学习忙是对性生活没兴趣的原因? 还是借口? concordia的夫妻是怎么办的? 作者: shaniu 时间: 2001-12-5 19:24
转了半天弯,终于把关键问题说出来了。 作者: hanshen 时间: 2001-12-5 20:23
不过你不会喜欢到处乱图乱画的笔在你这个作业本上自由涂抹 作者: Cocoz 时间: 2001-12-7 00:31
in my opinion, you should trust your sixth sense, because others don't know the truly situation between you and your husband.
and I can tell you, don't even try to find any excuse for your husband! I know if a man love you, you can get what you want from him if you want it enough.
if he is too tired to make love with you or even don't want talk to you, it is Lie! face it, maybe I'm critical, but he is just simple lost interesting in you. don't pursued youself: oh, he's too busy in his study, his project,his futhur or our futhur... it's not reason for refusing make love with wife.it's not a reason for hiding his properties. you surely should think more about yourself. if he don't care your feeling now, he can't care your feeling in the futhur.
you要为自己打算打算.作者: hanshen 时间: 2001-12-7 05:42
哎,怎么突然多出那么多人来叫人家分手的?俗语说:宁教人打子,莫教人分妻。虽说,在西方国家,打子女是要坐牢的,但分妻怎么也不会是件好事吧?虽说是要为自己着想,但就凭着自己的感觉不问理由就要分手,同样也是没有道德的。作者: Cocoz 时间: 2001-12-7 14:14
No one here encourage joyous divorce with her husband. 要为自己打算打算. ≠divorce. We drop notes here just want help her. The fact is this lady is suffering from disregarding by her husband. If she thought this kind of relationship is normal, she wouldn抰 complain here, and, surely, I will just keep my mouth shut. We should admit: Woman are weaker than man everywhere in every age. Someone denies, but I know it抯 true. She can抰 get safety feeling from her husband; it must be some problem out there. Apparently they need talk, but if he is keep ignoring her without reason, definitely she should know how to protect herself and think more about herself. If I made somebody frustrated by some reason, I claim: no offend here.作者: Franckey 时间: 2001-12-7 19:43
To joyous
concordia 的学习真的那么忙吗?? 学习忙是对性生活没兴趣的原因? 还是借口? concordia的夫妻是怎么办的?
学习是挺忙的。性生活没兴趣不是因为这个(我的经历)。好象一往30去,就对这个的要求直线下降,我也不知是为什么。(几年来作同样的事,也许有点厌了?最近自己不大行了 ?) 您如果有空,可以发EMAIL 到 fullname_99@hotmail.com,你可以和我们家领导谈谈看,你们女人也许好讲一点。作者: janej 时间: 2001-12-7 22:54
Franckey's article is best. He must be a very nice guy and husband in the real life.
Hi, sounds like you are Angel's husband, aren't you. 作者: Angel 时间: 2001-12-7 23:05
我正想来说两句,看到楼下的猜测差点笑掉大牙! 多谢您的美意给我们拉郎配,
俺老公那时身上只装5块钱还几个月没花出去,后来干脆连银包也不带啦 作者: wang8 时间: 2001-12-8 10:51
we used to have two seperate account. (we share all family obligations, but free to allocate the rest of our paycheck individually) but my wife's wealth management skill is much better than mine. she earns a little bit more than i do, but after 6 years, my account shirnked to negative, but her's .... so now i have a change of plan -- her acocunt becomes our joint account. but i have to pay a price, from now on, i will take care of all our mortgages, besides that, i should put $3000 into our joint account monthly and i can freely use whatever left in my payroll. so i guess the evolution should come gradually. if she asked me to have joint account 6 years ago, she would not be my wife. but now, i do it volunteerly.
do you really expect good sex with your spouse? no, no, no. my libido was alway aroused by lovers.... sure, you can have your own preferance, but for me, having sex with anyone for more than 3 monthes is kind of boring....作者: Franckey 时间: 2001-12-8 17:58
Hi Janej,
王兄的话也很有见地啊,夫妻之间的斗争一定要讲艺术,要慢慢来。象我最近就有一点太过了,就遭来迎头痛击。要象Angel一样,给他5块,但要想法不让他化出去,不就赢得了胜利?作者: mtlfreeman 时间: 2001-12-8 23:02
I agree with wang8.
It's so boring to having sex with one person in my life.
Everybody likes tasting all kinds of foods 作者: Angel 时间: 2001-12-9 00:20
冤枉!我老公可不是经镇压后就范的,而是一登记结婚就自动缴械的, 一是因为他自知不善理财,二是也需要有个"主权移交仪式"标志新同盟的结成,所以在我的明确指示下,他愉快地投诚啦,作者: hjl2001 时间: 2001-12-10 22:32
王八又跑出来胡说八道来了,我猜joyous 是良家妇女,不要你libido的,只要dildo可以自行解决,这可是认真的。作者: blueice2001 时间: 2001-12-18 03:30
说了那么多,希望能对你有用。证明给他看你是一个坚强而自信的女人。作者: K.C 时间: 2001-12-21 20:34
Life is free, right?
we can not try to step into the other's privacy though he/she is your husband/wife!!!Because we are equal, Right? everybody has the right to reserve his/her privacy.