如果我是一個Business Owner。在一個年度裏,輸入10000,支出12000,那麽淨收入-2000。
Post by michealbuble
It depends,
if the form of your business is a corporation, in legal term, you and your company are seperate entities, meaning that you can NOT claim the loss, simply because it is not yours.
if you carry the business on a self-employee basis. yes, you can claim the loss as a business loss at your 2006 tax return.
Thanks cloudrain and michealbuble.
I'm clear now how's the situation for the company in this case.
Here is still the question for the personal. For a business (company) owner, when he fill the annual tax form to Revenu Quebec, everything is zero, Income 0.00, expense 0.00, net income 0.00. Is it reasonable, or operational? How about his tax return in this case?
Post by cloudrain
Buddy, everything is LEGALLY possible. If you own a good size of company or certain type of bussiness, you may not make money in first 5 years....
However, current tax act uses comparison method to verify your personal assets rather than your company account books. For example, your personal assets gain 50000 in a year, but you have no proof of other source of income, taxman may suspect your source of income.
Post by Robot487
如果夫妇一方有工作, 而另一方没有工作, 如果买个小生意, 是以有工作的一方的名义买, 雇另一方来经营, 给经营的一方开工资; 还是一没有工作的一方买, 没有工作的一方自己经营, 那种好, 还是以两个人的名义联名买, 我是说怎样可以最大限度的合理避税. 请了解这方面情况的朋友出主意? 多谢!!!!:confused: :confused:
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