稍觉不足的,此篇似乎有点平均着墨,过于松散的感觉,少了点象前几篇里常遇到的那种能拨动心弦的“卖点”。不过也许平平淡才是生活真意吧。作者: BMB 时间: 2002-1-12 12:07
Wow...You made me 'wow' for three times when I happened to pop back to the post.
So what does BMB do to those rats? I am really curious and pls tell if you don't mind.
Tks for the knowledge on hibiscus which I was not aware of, and tks for sharing...but what's more, is the appreciation of your comments. Somehow I felt the same about this piece, which was lack of something...I guess you pinched it out right at the point. Cheersmate!