Happy Chinese New Year!作者: Maxime 时间: 2002-2-10 12:37
为什么要个答案? 天长地久只是一份感觉,有了这份感觉,
Anyway, be happy!作者: Patriotic 时间: 2002-2-10 13:36
You are too vulnerable. Be strong and depend on yourself. Forget it. And personally, I feel that that guy doesn't worth your love. So repect yourself and your esteem.作者: 晴晴 时间: 2002-2-10 13:53
日子还长呢!作者: wang8 时间: 2002-2-10 14:25
it appears cccc doesn't deserve that guy. if you can give your man absolute pleasure, i don't think you will get booted... just think less and do more... do something he can't refuse, like cook some good chinese food and deliver it to his door... wait 3 hours or so, when he arrives, tell him ," i am sorry that the food is cold now..." if you are a smart girl, you have 1000 ways to make yourself indispensible.作者: 晴晴 时间: 2002-2-10 14:46
战胜自我是艰难的,也是必然的。作者: lzhou 时间: 2002-2-10 17:06
宽阔的胸怀会很多,前题是你是否值得。你很需要反省一下。作者: menghan 时间: 2002-2-10 17:46
多少怨女胡尘中!作者: 晴晴 时间: 2002-2-10 21:25
蜡炬成灰泪始干。作者: rainbow11 时间: 2002-2-11 00:21
to cccc:
forget him! it is the only thing you can do. if you call him or send E-mail to him eveyday. he will be tired of you. man is a strange animal, if you treat him better, he will treat you worse. you will have your own life.作者: 晴晴 时间: 2002-2-11 01:15
谢谢你RAINBALL,事实上,理智告诉我:忘记他。感情告诉我:别放弃他。他已经半个月没E_MAIL OR CALL 我了。今天是春节,我多么盼望他能够E_MAIL OR CALL 我呀。已经半夜1:00点了,看来又白等一天了。夜色已深,钟的摆动声是那么的清晰,又那么的遥远;是那么的单调,又那么的沉重。。。。别停下呀,钟,你是我唯一的听众。
给大家拜年了。祝好人一生平安,心想事成,万事如意,身体健康,长命百岁!作者: BULL 时间: 2002-2-11 03:30
学学一休吧。作者: xiedaomu 时间: 2002-2-11 10:33
to cccc:
我亲爱的同胞,请你冷静、冷静、再冷静。不要为暂时的挫折吓到,相信你一定能找到你的挚爱!无论是华人或西人。真心祝愿你一生平安!作者: 晴晴 时间: 2002-2-11 13:11
thank you XieDaoMu,your words are very nice.Also hope you very lucky in 2002 and realize your dreams smoothly.
thanks everybody!作者: Juana 时间: 2002-2-11 14:49
傻CCCCC,别这样,珍惜自己!执着未必是件好事,伤的是自己!刚从痛苦中走出来的我,能真真切切地体会到你现在的感受!是你的,永远都跑不掉,不是你的,即使你用生命也无法换取。爱,是一件痛苦的事。祝你早日走出阴影,走出感情的误区!也祝福我自己在2002年学业有成!作者: 晴晴 时间: 2002-2-11 19:37
Juana,thank you very much.In fact,我也知道我太宠他了。他说看电影,我马上举双手赞成。他说要吃CHINESE CHICKEN,我每星期去一次中国城买两份。他说他的裤子太少了,我第2个星期一定会送他一条。他生气的时候,我哄他,给他讲他最爱听的故事。他说叫我陪他,我会每星期至少陪他4天,洗衣,做饭,收拾卫生。。。。只要他想要,我会尽全力满足他的。。。。也许,是我太宠他了,他不知道珍惜了。。。。。。
JUANA,尽管我同意你的观点,我还是认为爱是不需要回报的。作者: rainbow11 时间: 2002-2-11 21:17
to cccc:
i don't agree with you. in this world the most important person is yourself. if you don't love yourself, others will not care of you. even if you love a boy very much, you maynot tell him the truth. it is unfair for a girl to pay more love to a boy. at same time you should have enough preparation to give him up even though he is all your life. let him go! when he find he is nothing for you, maybe he will come back, but if you fall in depressed mood deeply, he will look down you and never pay ant attention to you. no one can rescue you except yourself.作者: vbreeze 时间: 2002-2-12 02:11
cccc: 我觉得你的lastest post和the first post有点矛盾。。。
anyway, time will cure everything. 如果他不懂得珍惜对他那么好的人,it's his loss. You will find a better one.作者: 晴晴 时间: 2002-2-12 12:58
everybody has to face the thruth.everybody has the feeling when he love somebody.Also, everybody want to be loved by somebody.It need balance between a couple---both feelings and other things.You have to balance the time that you use to study and you use to be with him.You have balance the work and being with him.You have to balance your relationship with him and the relationship with your friends.If you spend more time to be with him,you will have less time to study ,to work,and to be with your close friends....But when you be yourself,you have to balance lonely feeling and your self-esteem.You have to balance reputation and self-realized aim.....
thanks everybody,I feel better now and want to overcome the difficulty by myself.completely improve myself,train myself to be a stable person,consummate myself,and pass myself....happiness will close and close me.作者: forgetting414 时间: 2002-2-12 14:37
CCCC,让我祝福你,能早日从这段感情中抽身。作者: fallen_angel 时间: 2002-2-12 14:43
cccc:别难过, 多爱自己些. 男人其实很自私的. 所有的付出都是等待回报的.作者: yadiyadiyada 时间: 2002-2-12 16:49
¶éÂä天使,人都是自私的,男人女人一样作者: 晴晴 时间: 2002-2-12 17:12
人心都是向上的,只要无愧于心----好人是会有好结果的。作者: Baobei 时间: 2002-2-12 20:56