快乐要自己去寻找,生活也有很多的除了爱情以外的很多的侧面。祝你好运!作者: zhouh 时间: 2002-2-28 22:02
变快乐一些,认真地生活,命运不会让你总是失望。作者: tweety 时间: 2002-2-28 23:36
是呀,时间地点人物所有的一切是爱情密不可分的注脚,哪一个错了都不是真正的爱情。明白了这一点,有些事会慢慢释怀。对自己好一点,别太亏待自己。“一个被我深深眷恋而且只爱我一个的老公”会有的,never give up hope. 作者: irene 时间: 2002-3-1 09:33
but,but how can i get to make friends for future(GF) here?There is seldom this chance.Many people don't know each other,or shy to talk making girl/boy friends .It's so practic question,i think.Provide some idea,please.作者: nickwang 时间: 2002-3-1 14:20
来去都不给理由。作者: si0 时间: 2002-3-1 15:59
我的经验是结婚前就发生过性行为的男人或女人都不会只爱一个人作者: fallen_angel 时间: 2002-3-1 19:06
生活本来就千疮百孔. 你不是第一个也不会是最后一个...作者: peony2002 时间: 2002-3-4 23:12
除了坚强和乐观,你别无选择。好好珍惜自己,远方会有人等你。作者: Spy808 时间: 2002-3-4 23:44
this is not heaven,nothing is perfect. 作者: me2you 时间: 2002-3-5 17:08
有苦就有乐,有爱就有痛作者: 蝶蝶 时间: 2002-3-8 13:35
我在努力着过好每一天,每一分钟,我会让自己快乐的生活。作者: hjl2001 时间: 2002-3-11 20:05
祝beijixing缘分早到。作者: jenny 时间: 2002-3-12 01:16
如果beijixing真是那样的人,她就不会来到异国他乡一个人忍受着孤独和寂寞了!!爱上谁又不是她的过错 要怪也只能怪那些男人,既然有家室就不要让人误会!!!
而且大家只不过是来释放情感,某些人这样无故乱骂实在是不应该 ((
建议坛主适当的时候采取的措施!!!免得这么多不不堪入目的东西在这现眼 frown作者: dandan 时间: 2002-3-13 21:54
感情的事很难说对错,看缘分看天意!爱一个人没有错, frown作者: robin081 时间: 2002-3-20 21:47
一个挺让人感动的故事,象小说,是真实的吧?作者: eminwwm 时间: 2002-3-24 07:15
北极星:你好!看了你的故事,很感人,是电影里的?若不是,则为你高兴,因为至少你还有罗曼蒂克故事。就凭你的“一个被我深深眷恋而且只爱我一个的老公”这句话,你会遇到你最最最最爱的人的。打起勇气,面对生活吧,去享受生活中的酸甜苦辣咸吧,这样的生活才算够味,谁没遇到过挫折?只不过要学会品味人生!作者: sman 时间: 2002-3-24 17:37
很多经历等到回头看时其实很普通,写出了这些,我想她已经有了自己的答案。而作为读者,如同找到了一面镜子,心情就象今天室外的蒙城-----白的积雪,蔚蓝的天et soleil. wink :rolleyes:作者: Gd luck 时间: 2002-4-13 22:39
the life is that when you lose it, you can't find it back.you select this route, you can't select others.作者: olddog 时间: 2002-4-28 01:03
这是每个人走向自我完善的必由之路。作者: gll 时间: 2002-4-28 08:55
我同意NAM的看法。也对BEIJIXING表示同情。作为比你大几岁的哥哥,劝北极星几句。年轻人相聚的时候,要长眼睛。一旦看好了目标就要勇敢的探明其能否值得进一步深交的可能性。如果有主了,马上转移方向,不要原地踏步,陷入深潭。另个是不要当花瓶,香草,要敢于表达自己的感受,让那男友知道你的感受。否则就会再次失去良机。要知道,真正的好男人是比女人更显得要腼腆的。祝北极星好运!作者: lonely-single-m 时间: 2002-5-5 22:27
I totally agree to Nam and Galx’s points of view . In the beginning, you know that man had married, you should not love him. It will hurt you and that man’s wife and children In this aspect, you are not a good girl.
It is good for you to leave him and come here. However, you still think about him, this is dangerous.
:confused: :confused: :confused: On the other hand, That man had already married and he deceived his wife and loved you, do you think this kind of person is reliable? The answer is not.作者: caiyunfei21 时间: 2002-5-6 14:06
北极星,看了你的故事,我相信你是一个善良的好女孩,很多事情的发展不是我们可以控制的,感情的事情很难说谁对谁错,正所谓爱过方知情深,痛过方知情重。过去的事情就让他过去吧,不要让过去的伤痛牵绊了你前进的脚步,希望你早日遇到你的真命天子@_@作者: getyou 时间: 2002-5-6 14:59
I want to make love with you作者: gaaag 时间: 2002-5-6 15:29
吃饱了,洗洗角,早点睡觉去吧啊! :rolleyes:作者: apple 21 时间: 2002-6-10 13:57
真的!珍惜未来吧!作者: odds 时间: 2002-6-10 18:00
Where is Wang8, why nobody stops those kinds of bullshit?
In this world, there is only one principle -- get what you want. Fight to death to get what you want. Be responsible to your lover's wife?? Come on, give me a break. It's just loser's excuse. Love both married men whom you barely know? Come on, give me a break, your true love is yourself, being damped yourself.
To your third man, remember to make love with him before any thoughts.作者: christine68 时间: 2002-7-2 23:10
有些感觉,冲动就让它永远留在心里好好享受好了。 wink作者: 风云之颠 时间: 2002-7-3 03:52
北极星,你再坚强点.作者: fangjing 时间: 2002-7-3 04:35
Odd, I agree with you. How all those bullshit still there. I hope there is another wang8 come out to laugh at all those bullshit.作者: cocacola 时间: 2002-7-3 13:52
beijixing, you are a tough girl because you chose leaving that man. I don't know how sad that man would feel. If me, I really don't know how to do. because in my point of view, leaving is not always the best way in some case. sometimes, it will cause a sad ending, I mean three people will get hurt. of course, if that man love you than his wife, and if he can't live without you.
never mind, I just give you guys a further question.
return to you, you are a nice girl,and I believe you are a lovely girl. so just wait for your own lover. you will meet one sooner or later.作者: 金圣叹 时间: 2010-9-1 14:13
楼主,恭喜你,老金帮你算了一卦,说你再过二十年就会遇上你的真命天子,但愿那天你不会老到舌头都伸不出来。。。。。。。。作者: ken2010 时间: 2010-9-1 19:45
keep going作者: 阿混 时间: 2010-9-2 08:22
那是因为你实在太不可爱作者: 麒麟 时间: 2010-9-3 11:17