我来,我遇,我经历。我怀念和珍惜2001年的蒙特利尔的冬天。作者: yaco 时间: 2002-3-11 04:31
抓住2002,展望2003,好戏在后头 作者: nickwang 时间: 2002-3-11 09:03
good article.作者: eyesglass 时间: 2002-3-12 20:07
I have the same thing with you. Almost the same time we started together and almost the same feeling about you. So I watched you. But my story ended earlier than you. And those days I thought you were lucky guy and I prayed for you not like me. One day, I almost write a story here. But my words are limited. Today, when I saw the words, I was so surprised. It is talked about me! Then I thought maybe it is you. I think I was right. This time we lost ourselves completely. But I believe we can do much better next time. Good luck.作者: shiseido 时间: 2002-3-13 16:08
好文!我很喜欢它!!作者: printemps 时间: 2002-3-14 00:01
那天,车过Cape Breton Highland,我们停下来,看海。不羁的,野性的,咆哮的海。浪,追赶着,连绵着,汹涌而来,全力撞向岸边的冰雪,转瞬之间,珠玉四溅。