爱不一定要最终拥有。只要是曾经拥有,亦已足够。很多事情,结果并不重要,重要的也是精彩的部分是过程。很多年过后,还会偶上心头,回味无穷。 wink wink作者: hjl2001 时间: 2002-4-4 19:07
既然故事发生的很早(因上帝已经有两千多年未光临地球了),在一夫可娶多妻的年代,蝴蝶变回来再嫁男主角岂不皆大欢喜。作者: wang8 时间: 2002-4-4 21:23
men and women are all human, so no difference between them concerning love. love is not for talkabout, lets all make the best part out of the love....作者: nathalie_wull 时间: 2002-4-4 21:53
好美丽的故事,喜欢那个不后悔的蝴蝶。本来就应该这样,爱他嘛就该让他走,让他开心。作者: rosewiththorns 时间: 2002-4-4 22:45
妙人作者: Matrix 时间: 2002-4-5 15:09
The God did something wrong first: As a God, if he really wanted to help, why set up so many requirements like butterfly and 3 years sth.???
The first girl did sth. wrong too: She should have left a note or message sth. to let the man know what's happening and wait for her!!!
I have experienced 3 stages of my life:
1.Believing 爱不一定要拥有(in High School);
2.Believing 不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有(fresh out of University);
3.Believing 不在乎曾经拥有,只在乎天长地久(reached 30 and getting older and older day by day)
4.Still waiting what's next... :cool:作者: 七人 时间: 2002-4-5 16:28
Why always delet my post? Are you forcing me to say bad words? Or you just like bad words?作者: heart 时间: 2002-4-7 20:27
世人感叹! 上苍有眼。作者: thanksgive 时间: 2002-4-8 16:16
让我想起那首歌:i wish u love...
"i wish u blue bird in the spring
to give ur heart a song to sing,
and then a kiss but more than this,
i wish u love...
and in july a lemonade
to cool u in some leafy glade,
i wish u health and more than wealth,
i wish u love...
My breaking heart and I agree that
u and i could never be,
so with my best my very best i set u free.
i wish you shelter from the storm
a coxy fire to keep u warm,
But most of all when snow flakes fall,
I wish u love..."作者: heart 时间: 2002-4-10 06:10