标题: 感叹!做个好男人有多难啊! [打印本页] 作者: DJK 时间: 2002-9-22 06:46 标题: 感叹!做个好男人有多难啊! 老婆不在身边,远水解不了近渴,要做个洁身自律的好男人,扭曲自己,众所周知这样必然不利于健康。我就是这样在煎熬着。借问值不值得呢?作者: wang8 时间: 2002-9-22 07:38
oh, boy, who cares?
you lost your purity when you have those kind of "dirty" thoughts, so just do what your body asks you to do if your little brother can can find its way...作者: 杨过 时间: 2002-9-22 08:15
DJK,what you need is success and power.with these strength,you just have no time to be on the net except on the bed.
I heard a young handsome american came to china (probably taiwan)working as english tutor during the summer.he said you change his girlfriends once per week in a local college.what a pity to these chick.hope we chinese man could do that in US one day!作者: 杨过 时间: 2002-9-22 12:54
我没讲满足与否,我谈的是让他近可能消除寂寞,我看你是嫉妒那个English tutor.
you just wanna do the same things as he did. but unfortunately, you have no the least glamour and sexual strength to materialize it. 作者: huaihuai 时间: 2002-9-22 12:59
what a ass are you?fortunately, you are a real "eunuch",I hope.作者: huaihuai 时间: 2002-9-22 13:02
sorry,a typo.
what a ass are you?fortunately, you are not a real "eunuch",I hope. wink作者: DJK 时间: 2002-9-22 13:34
The question and the main point is that in canada, in quebec, finding a clean and nice girlfriend/partner is not so easy. And ...more作者: chench 时间: 2002-9-22 13:39
又不会有病 :p :cool: :rolleyes: [ <blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">code:<hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> </pre><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">作者: 杨过 时间: 2002-9-22 16:44
to huaihuai
诚心请教: 请问你的秘密(受益而不伤身的秘密)是什么? 麻烦你通过email告诉我. 我的email地址是jukendo@yahoo.com 先行谢过.作者: enjoytalk 时间: 2002-9-23 22:36
oh, poor . why i can not type in chinese in yahoo email.作者: chench 时间: 2002-9-23 23:23
N‘EST PAS ?作者: XO-Bar 时间: 2002-9-23 23:43
Don't worry, 'THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH',as 00T said: Use your gun, or you'll lose it!作者: DJK 时间: 2002-9-24 17:58
说实话,做男人是最难和最累的. :p 《男人的告白》一书,说的比较实际。希望那些做女人的,能多多理解才是。作者: 偏要!! 时间: 2002-9-26 08:45
DJK, 能不能告诉我,理解的具体行动是什么呢?忍耐甚至纵容吗?这中间的距离可只有一线之差呀,令人心碎的一线之差。
借我借我一双慧眼吧。还是告我告我 难得糊涂吧。我彻底糊涂了。 eek! :confused作者: DJK 时间: 2002-9-28 07:37
看来你对男人的心理比较理解,你的老公会是个有福气的人。男人需要什么?最需要的是关怀和温柔疼爱。哪怕是一句暖心的话语,几个字,和一个微笑。当然,肌肤之爱自然也必要的。再亲的爱情也经不起分离之大敌。我就在极力抗挣呢,为将来的家庭,为挣钱,为适应这个全新的社会,也为孤独,无助大打心理战。单愿能打个胜仗,可是当一年后我们将来团聚之时,也许战场上下来的我是遍体鳞伤了,那时的刚从国内来到了现实世界,老婆还能加倍的关爱,来扶平我的伤口吗,还是变的嫌弃了?我希望老婆理解的就是这个。不是吗?也希望同感者跟帖。让远方的老婆们也知道一下他们丈夫的不容易。作者: wang8 时间: 2002-9-28 09:41
ok, seriously now.
by all means, be a bad guy. wang8 says, "there is no point of living if you don't feel alive!"作者: 偏要!! 时间: 2002-9-28 10:01
wink TO DJK:谢谢你的夸奖,其实不是的。当心碎的时候,女人都会听到金属裂开的声音,脾气就很坏。但仍旧爱她的丈夫。
送给你一首 田震的歌,忘记歌名了。
五彩辉煌的夜晚,屋内的灯光有些凄凉。我们在燃烧着无尽的温柔……今天我们一无所有……可是你我都已知道,会有那么一天会有那么一天, 不会再迷失在走过的天桥上;会有那么一天会有那么一天,不会再一个人孤孤单单地回家,……会有那么一天会有那么一天