
标题: MY DAYS ON WATERS (5) [打印本页]

作者: BMB    时间: 2001-6-19 23:27
我的水上日子 (五)  

航程表上的今天又是一个’PATTAYA DAY’.  我值午班.  前一天晚上去了个PARTY, HANGOVER, 所以一觉睡到中午, 饭也没吃就上了岗.  凭经验, 要是一切正常, 下午的班会很空.  因为一大早进港, 99% 的乘客已下船ON TOUR了.  有的去了曼谷, 要一整天到傍晚起航前才返回; 有的就在PATTAYA晃一天, 商店购物, 海滩’晒人干’; 有的船上城里来回跑, 为了省几个午餐咖啡钱.  真正滞留在船上的几乎没有.      但是当我刚走到大堂, 见人满为患.  焦虑不安, 肥壮暴躁的美利坚一族正统统蜂拥在PURSERS DESK 投诉.  我刚想闪入办公室去问个究竟, 一肥仔夺面而来, 横在前面, 质问我此事何时了?  弄得我一头的雾水.  我郑重其事地告诉他, 这也是我想要搞明白的.  恰在这时, 广播里传来了船长不卑不亢的讲话, 一下子压住了所有的喧杂.  由于原港内泊船的引擎故障使之未能按时启航, 以至影响了我船的泊入, 在港外耽搁了几乎一上午, 他代表公司和当地港务局向全体乘客致歉.  为了弥补一上午的损失, 临时与总公司和港口方面协商, 决定船将在PATTAYA STAY OVERNIGHT.  明天一早七时起锚, 尽可能快地赶往下一个港.    尽管还有为数不少的人逗留在大堂, 要我和我的搭档去接待难缠的投诉, ‘料理头痛的后事’ (哈哈), 但大多数乘客都纷纷离去了.   我知道这一下午的班是不会好上了, 可心中仍按捺不住这份意外的惊喜, 想着下班后就可以去逛夜色中的PATTAYA了,   在白日的炙热和喧嚣都散尽之后, 那美丽的海滨小城一定又是另一番的景色!

傍晚六时我准时下了班, 箭一样窜回卧舱, 冲凉,更衣,上岸.  与男友在码头附近租了敞篷吉普, 伴着西下的斜阳, 在棕榈摇曳的宽阔海滨尽情兜风…
暮色降临, PATTAYA的海鲜夜市也随之热闹了起来.  沿着长长的白沙海滩, 是一座连一座的假日旅店.  有的带有私家海滨浴场和淡水泳池, 有的隐秘在巨大繁茂的热带植物丛中, 有的躲在幽静的大花园里, 步行的过路人可以听见从花园深处传来的喷泉声…海鲜夜市则座落在这条长长的滨海路的尽头, 与一间间独具热带风情, 喧闹非凡, 红男绿女的酒廊, 画室, 工艺品店热闹地挤在一起.  满街都响着从各家店铺震出的音乐, 亮着五彩的灯; 满街都闲散着T恤短裤拖鞋的各色游客, 和夹杂在其间的当地特色—轻盈娇小长发的青春泰女(真奇怪为什么她们全是清一色的长发?); 满街都弥漫着食物诱人的香味.  一时间觉得这里就是凡人们的乐土了, 要山有山, 要水有水, 要吃有吃, 要乐有乐, 要什么都有, 身在其中, 不亦乐乎.

我们从一长溜的饭店排档里,挑了间从海滩一直伸入水中的海鲜店, 在它木质宽敞的露天TERRACE上找了张双人桌入座.  沿围栏四周缠绕着晶亮的满天星小灯, 桌子和桌子之间用大盆的绿色植物半遮半掩地隔着, 每张桌子上都点着蜡, 从一边室内的账台, 传来幽缓的JAZZ.  饭店的入口处是一排高大的水族馆和一方烧烤大灶, 从那里不时飘来烤海蟹的腥香.  那一阵子泰铢暴跌, 使得所有揣美金的游客个个感觉成了’万元户’似的好开心.  我们俩当然也不例外. 点了烤龙虾, 辣味海蟹, 生蚝和一种没见过的海鱼. 品着啤酒, 看头顶上半悬的月和远方黑暗中停泊在港内, 灯火通明,过着节似的我们的船…

酒足菜饱后我们换了间小巷深处清冷的露天CAFÉ, 他照样要他的咖啡, 我照样要我的茶, 什么话也不说, 什么事也不想, 静静地看烛火跳动, 像一个灿烂妖艳的肚脐舞娘…  突然有种沉闷的声音一下子踩进了心里, 还没回过神, 只觉得夜幕中一堵巨大深色的墙正不紧不慢地向前移动, 从我们身边三厘米的地方擦肩而过.  我们同时屏住了呼吸, 除了眼珠打转, 全身一动不动, 五, 六秒钟之后才透过气起来. 互相看着对方, 微笑, 他眨了下眼说’THAILAND, HEY?!’
我在这之前和之后都有带团去看泰象们花枝招展的演出, 但哪一次都再也比不上那一晚瞬间对泰国大象的体验更深刻了. 人和象在这片土地上是没有距离的.

夜深了, 我们离开了闹市, 在一间普通的旅店要了个房间, 让他可以睡上三四个小时, 早上六点一同返船.  毫无睡意的我游兴正浓, 便轻轻踏着月光, 独自散步去了附近琉璃璀璨的泰庙.  清明的月静静地泻在泰庙层层迭起, 优雅高跷的屋檐上, 微风将茂密的榕树叶影吹洒了一地, 空旷的庭院里寄居着许许多多无家的狗, 见有陌生人深夜闯入它们的世界, 心里多少不太情愿, 一个带头, 一片狂嚎.  我尽自溜达, 不去搭理, 它们叫着叫着也就不再闹了.  我笃笃定定一方院子一方院子的拜过来, 整个泰庙就象只为我一人开放.  我在那里逗留了许久, 直到东方吐出鱼肚白.     
从USHAIA(南纬50度左右)的天主堂到SPITZBERG(北纬80度)的十字架, 从巴黎的圣母大教堂到亚马逊河深处土族村落的祭祀大棚, 我所到过的每一处都感到有每一处的庄严肃静, 神圣美丽, 就是独缺了逛泰庙那晚,享尽那片清凉月色的宁静的喜悦.

‘拾来’的泰国的一夜很美, 不由得使我想起了一首老歌, 词儿不知道, 但调子很可爱, 叫<ONE NIGHT IN BANGKOK>…
作者: Mikie    时间: 2001-6-19 23:45
i remember a song i heard when i first came to montreal, the name is "one night in beijing"        
作者: BMB    时间: 2001-6-20 23:53
Come on man, seriously!  
作者: jcs123    时间: 2001-6-21 09:17
I like the song " One night in Beijing" also, but never got the chance to listen " ... in Bangkok ".  
BMB, you have the tape or CD? ^o^
Have been reading ur articles for a while, really fancy experience,,,
作者: Orange    时间: 2001-6-21 16:24

卖啦, 卖啦, 大嘴美女的啦~~

那个小岛我也去过, 一个人,
卖了张机票, 说走就走, 就去了,
棒耶, 我是说女的按摩师, 别想歪了。
她们嘴特别甜,表情也特别夸张, 居然说我长得很‘漂亮’。。。哈哈, 这么严肃的恭维,还是头一次。总之, 那个小岛

“ 是-------”
大家一起说 ‘是~“。

大嘴笑一笑, 拍照了。 大嘴很得意的
冲着橙子笑了笑, 含义是, 她坚持了她的水上回忆,大家分享。橙子。。嗯,大大的不是。。。。。

写的不错, 喜欢你形容烛光的样子”

作者: garcon    时间: 2001-6-21 16:45
hi, bmb,

you are one step nearer to that big award! haha, just wait!        
作者: BMB    时间: 2001-6-21 22:09
I had been to a nice farewell party at school this afternoon, and when I came out, all at once I felt so sad and lonely, helpless and needy... My heart was screaming in silence.  I don't want to hide it, when it happens, it happens.  I want to cry but my eyes were dry.  I took a walk to the Royal Mountain near by and sat by the lake for long...called a few friends, some were busy, some were not home, after the 'bip' I couldn't say anything, no msg left but silence, silence...

I wrote these just to tell you guys that I felt better now.  I felt warm coz you are there!

with love, cheersmate!
作者: Mikie    时间: 2001-6-21 22:47
hey, bmb,

cheer up! you are the one that brings sunshine to people around you, and don't overcast on us....

i was feeling sad today too, all of a sudden...
作者: Mikie    时间: 2001-6-21 23:09
i WAS serious when i said i remembered the song "one night in beijing".  indeed...   .  i first hear the song, i guess when i was here in montreal for about three months, in a very cozy karaok bar... i still remember i was so excited to hear this song....reminded me of beijing opera...the melody was actually developed based on some sort of beijing opera movements.  the lyric was mysterious, as if it was telling an ancient fairy tale.  i asked the girl to play it for several times.. really got cought in it... for days, the melody sticked in my mind..... like i was haunted.....       i really love to hear it again...jcs123, tell us what do you think.

your days on the water again left us a very pleasant dream...i'd love to go to pattaya one day... thailand is indeed a plessed heaven on earth... bangkok, phuket, pattaya, chienmai.... all the beautiful names... i once spend a night in pa tong in bangkok...it WAS a flesh market..."you can smell the lust in the air" as they said...    a heaven for man... can't figure out why vancouver orange enjoy it that  much   :confused: ..just kidding...

hey orange, is vancouver still very cold? when are you coming over to montreal and join your bmb sister?  montreal's summer is better than in vancouver, i think...and btw, is bmb really difficult to handle?? is there any secret string you can pull?  tell us if you really want to sell bmb for a good price....     
作者: Mikie    时间: 2001-6-21 23:21
hey, here is something for fun....i had a good laugh..     









作者: Orange    时间: 2001-6-21 23:57
very one feel blue at the same day?
I felt blue too.

BMB, I am so sorry I forget my cellphone at home when I was out.

if you can read this message now.
call me now.

I always stand by you....come on...cheers up.

作者: BMB    时间: 2001-6-23 02:55
Thanks woman, I really feel better now! Even if I didn't get you the very moment that I needed to, I knew you are always there...actually this was not the first time it happens in the past six years when I was travelling, won't be the last time in life neither, the difference was, this time, I did not want to be 'strong' any more!  Well well, at the end of the day, I am no stranger to the rain, it was just like Mikie said, all at a sudden...
Some friends brought me out last night and we played cards in another friend's house, we had good laughts and I really enjoyed it.  I appreciate what them did for me from the very bottom of my heart. I am happy and I cheerish friendship!

Mikie, do you have that song? I am so curious!    
fyi, I don't think Orange is coming la    instead, she wanted to pull me over, haha!
What should I do ne?  :rolleyes:

Is it something to do with the moon or what, how come we all get sad on the same day? Are we connected? Then I feel even more close to all of you la. But business is business, no seasonal or whatever discount on the sales of bmb.   :p
作者: BMB    时间: 2001-6-23 03:33
jcs123, unfortunetely I don't have that song <one nite in bangkok> which was really an old one I suppose.
I think every body would like to have some fancy experiences, but I believe for each one you would have to pay a price.  What I am writing here is the good part of which memories shine.  One day I may show you the other side of it.  :cool:
作者: mobileplayer    时间: 2001-6-23 16:30

作者: Chaos    时间: 2001-6-23 23:48
Here you go:  www.cdnow.com/cgi-bin/mserver/SID=1238133116/pagename=/RP/SHARE/soundclip.html/UPC=5399397312/disc=01/track=10/source=wmf
(copy the link to URL)
Really a very old and popular dance hit 15 years ago.
I remember it's by male vocal when it's played on radio in China, isn't it, BMB?
作者: Mikie    时间: 2001-6-24 00:39
hey, chaos,

thank you very much for the song of one night in bangkok.       can you tell me how or where to find the song: one night in beijing on the internet?? thanks...

bmb, feeling better now?  me too... just sometime this sense of loneliness kind of crept into your heart to make you feel so heavy...it is scary...i must admit.. has anything to do with moon??  may be for girls     

no discount? but as time moves on, there will be depreciation..don't know what kind of method you will be using for depreciation... straightline....       just kidding... don't worry,  if you are good enough, i might be able to find you the right buyer who hopefully will pay for you with some "good will"...  

btw, i will try to find you the song, if i could...and...is your mouth really that big??? (like what orange has described before) just curious...  
作者: BMB    时间: 2001-6-24 23:43
Chaos, Hi! How to 'copy the link to URL'? I know nothing about those stuff  :confused: I really would like to find out please.

Mikie, you sounded like a broker this time.    Well, if it is a free of charge service, I may consider to take it, otherwise, it depends on how much the grand revenue is going be, then we sit down discussing your commission, fair enough?!  :cool: 'good wills' Wow, baby, he'd better be 'rich'!  ;)
btw, I have to admit, some physical depreciation of the product took place already   (#@*&!I sweared not to say it, but..) but, haha, my favorite 'but', the spiritual value of which increases, and still does  ;)   :p
作者: Mikie    时间: 2001-6-27 21:12
ok, bmb,

let's make a deal: 10% commission on gross revenue for selling with 50% or up good will..          any freebies come along? so that i can figure out a sort of marketing strategy...with a striking punch line like "driver's wanted..." or "best to the last drop"... what about "seeing is believing..."       

montreal is really getting hotter... don't you like it? and the night life is getting more and more exciting... the fireworks show, international movie feastival, mozart plus feastival, just for laught, jazz feastival..... montreallers sure know now the make the most out of the short summer...maybe somebody could write something about "one night in montreal".....  

you started your cofi yet? not a good timing for cofi...consider the excitement in the summer... you are starting from level 5? boy, you are good... why wast your time in cofi... you will find it is more effective to learn from people around you if you start to work...and earn some extra value to yourself...plus 50% good will...(10% of all that is for me....  ...) dream....dream... sweeting dreamm...zzzzz..zzzz..zzz
作者: Orange    时间: 2001-6-28 19:34

you dream!

作者: Mikie    时间: 2001-6-28 23:01
was i in the dream...  :confused: ...i hear a biiiiiiig orange speaking to me...her voice is so farrrrrrrr......(echooooooo)     .... i guess i am still dreaming...zzz.zzzz..zzz...is "best to the last drop" good for orange?.....zzz.zzzz.zzz
作者: BMB    时间: 2001-6-30 04:01
What?! 10% on 50% and up, tooooooo much boy! greedy! no good no good no sell .  cut your percentage, or nothing to negotiate, i rather do it myself, no retail dealers!   orange is right, u dream, yeah! tough? well baby u 'll see.

Yep, u are perfectly right, montrealers live for the summer. can't afford the tickets for Morzat   , not sure if can catch the point when go to the just for laught, if it is in french, then definitely dead meet.  :rolleyes: but for the jazz and the fire works, they are like my part time jobs    i am so excited today, see, can not go to bed till four am! looks like another delay on episode 6 of the on waters...just too much to do, wowow!

NO no no, i need cofi, even for seven weeks, it makes me feel good. I have to pick up so many vocabularies and refresh my grammar...

catch u later!
作者: Mikie    时间: 2001-7-2 00:13

happy july 1st...      canada day (CD)...chinese communist party day (CCPD)...canadia moving day (CMD)...      you name it...a day for fun....enjoy..while you can...before you are sold....         anybody approached you for copy right of your "waters"?? don't sell them anything before consulting me....they will rip you off...(and my 10%.....)  
作者: BMB    时间: 2001-7-3 01:17
Dad's B/day too!   
But I was sick  

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