在窗前曾经偷偷看你作者: tweety 时间: 2002-5-2 13:30
hehe, who is that lucky guy? 作者: hjl2001 时间: 2002-5-2 15:39
看什么看,不好好学猫叫,还要来老鼠。作者: saturdayafterno 时间: 2002-5-2 16:10
Hi dammy,
I like your poem. I have some experience somewhat as you. It happened between my roommate. There is a poem I wrote two months ago.
I would like to hear your song, even if next to the door.
I would like to glimpse your back, even if reflected from the window.
I would like to remember your figure, even if ten days haven't meet you.
Am I crazy? Yes, I am fall in love with you.
This is truly taken place on a lot of yesterday. But my friend move out now.
Story is over.
May 2, 2002作者: baoan 时间: 2002-5-2 16:54
who is the lucky and handsome Mickey? We are eager to know the details. Maybe there is a wedding between Cat and Mouse in Montreal, the thousands-year opponents become friends.The natural law turns wrong under Dammy's emotion. Great emotion.作者: dammy 时间: 2002-5-2 20:54
怎么冒出个老鼠来了?作者: downtown 时间: 2002-5-2 21:26
原来猫是这么捉老鼠的。作者: lzhou 时间: 2002-5-2 21:39
闹着玩呢作者: Matrix 时间: 2002-5-2 23:39
That poem reminds me of those little girls and the way they looked at me when I was in Middle school!
I'm telling the truth but I'd better stop here for fear of those jealous bboy, Mikie and peanut123 being mean to me. :mad:作者: rosewiththorns 时间: 2002-5-3 00:27
大米:偷看后来有结果吗?你现在还在坚持吗?我也想学你,但怕坚持不下来。给我传授一下你的真经,我总是看几天就烦了 ....没想到你要看到头发白了,我要是你干脆明儿就把头发染了!作者: hjl2001 时间: 2002-5-4 12:30
写的诗挺好的,继续。作者: Matrix 时间: 2002-5-4 12:37
I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me
I'm more than a bird...I'm more than a plane
More than some pretty face beside a train
It's not easy to be me
Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a home I'll never see
It may sound absurd...but don't be nieve
Even Heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed...but won't you concede
Even Heroes have the right to dream
It's not easy to be me
Up, up and away...away from me
It's all right...you can all sleep sound tonight
I'm not crazy...or anything...
I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
Men weren't meant to ride
With clouds between their knees
I'm only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me
It's not easy to be me
:cool: ...作者: gaaag 时间: 2002-5-4 17:30
送您一套《大腕》网络勾狼手册.欢迎先找我试试效果. :rolleyes:
> > 就是一个字 靓
> >
> > 别人都是明星照,写真集
> >
> > 你要是弄个一寸免冠
> >
> > 你都不好意思跟人家说你有照片
> >
> > 你说这样的美女,一天能勾多少人
> >
> > “我觉得怎么着也得三五十吧”
> >
> > 三五十,那时为你杀妻灭子的
> >
> > 150起,”
> >
> > 你还别嫌多,还不算说“你好”的
> >
> > 你就得研究上网的男人的心理
> >
> > 愿意上网找MM的主
> >
> > 要的就是找漂亮的
> >
> > 什么叫没事撑的 你知道吗?
> >
> > 没事撑的就是同时找8个MM聊,
> >
> > 都是找最美的,不是找最爱的
> >
> > 所以,我们上网勾狼的口号就是
> >
> > 不求最爱,但求最美。。。作者: dammy 时间: 2002-5-4 20:13
LZHOU,老猫回来啦.作者: lzhou 时间: 2002-5-4 20:17
Are you coming back to fight with me? You are really a little girl. Sorry I get problem to enter chinese!作者: dammy 时间: 2002-5-4 20:18
赫赫,不敢不敢作者: lzhou 时间: 2002-5-4 20:26
Welcome to back. We all are waiting for your another poem. Actually I like your poem very much. It is really excellent!作者: lzhou 时间: 2002-5-4 20:35
Of course, you also make me suprised! Little girl, don't bluff me anymore. I know you are greedy and beautiful cat. I owe you a delicious dinner. But you have to waite until I feel I didn't do anything wrong.作者: lzhou 时间: 2002-5-5 08:42
实际上我并不认识DAMMY(自然也谈不上看来看去).只是大家都常在这里发帖子.觉得有点熟悉而已.她那首诗创作的很不错,表明DAMMY的文学功底确实不一般.只不过网上的一些玩笑,让LZHOU和大家一样可能对DAMMY有一个错误的映象.所以LZHOU也跟着大伙瞎起哄.结果把一首好端端的诗给变成了滑稽剧.对此,LZHOU再次表示歉意.作者: wang8 时间: 2002-5-5 09:50
dammy, why not stepping out of the shadow and step into real life with that man? i have one hyphthesis, correct me if i was wrong.
you are afraid that man is not as good as you expected, so you'd rather just watching and watching. am i right?
the merciful wang8