
标题: 找个老外又何妨? [打印本页]

作者: Nickole    时间: 2002-5-5 18:42
标题: 找个老外又何妨?


作者: newlinx    时间: 2002-5-5 19:23
作者: Nickole    时间: 2002-5-5 19:36

但实际生活并非网络,就连在网上,这里还有这么多GG大骂这里的MM,似乎中国女孩找老外就是妓女,中国男孩泡上了鬼魅,那可就是为国扬威了! 走在大街上,也真的很难承受那种又妒又慕的眼光,毕竟周围的朋友大多还是中国人!
作者: liweidh    时间: 2002-5-5 20:03
作者: newlinx    时间: 2002-5-5 20:08
作者: 杨过    时间: 2002-5-5 20:32



作者: concordiaman    时间: 2002-5-5 20:41

我想你是自己的心理问题,我没觉的有什么 '    眼光'.那是你的私事,就算你找个外星人,也没几个人爱管这个闲事.
作者: smilehehua    时间: 2002-5-5 20:52
我同意newlinx 的观点,既然到了国外,就应该尽可能的融入和了解当地文化,否则到国外来干嘛?和老外交朋友也是正常的,干嘛整天缩在自己的壳子里不敢出来,还不许别人也出来。整一个国内的机关作风,闭关锁国,这也许是咱们号称10亿人口的大国到了国外却仍是三等公民的原因。
作者: concordiaman    时间: 2002-5-5 20:55
作者: 杨过    时间: 2002-5-5 20:58
三等公民? 我们中国人已经当上了加拿大的总督,请别妄自菲薄,乱讲中国人的坏话.
作者: smilehehua    时间: 2002-5-5 21:04
为什么是两码事? 刚开始是自然的交往,后来相互间有了感觉,这很正常啊,在国内大家也是这么谈恋爱的吧?

作者: starter    时间: 2002-5-5 21:06
作者: smilehehua    时间: 2002-5-5 21:08
作者: Matrix    时间: 2002-5-5 21:18
If that white man is the one u really love and he loves u too, then go ahead without hesitancy, don't have to care what others' think.
If 适应当地的文化环境上能给我们不少帮助 is one of your purposes to get a white boyfriend or husband, u r totally wrong but I don't wanna waste my time here.
Up to now, 2 of my friends have lived with white men and what a coincidence, the two white men are both over 40 years old, divorced and with kids!!!
Wanna say sth. to some Chinese female----Chinese men is the best in the whole world and don't get deceived by those white men's first impression of being more polite and gentle to woman than Chinese men.
Guess u will get it later but at least don't confuse some other here and stay away from my business...         
作者: 杨过    时间: 2002-5-5 22:05
to smilehehua:

你英语或法语怎么样? 我TOEFL考了660, 仍觉的有很大的差距,尤其是具体到日常生活,英语就不够用了,你的外语怎么样呢? ---- 你拿什么'自然交流?' 你不会是说在床上进行'原始交流'吧??

作者: 杨过    时间: 2002-5-5 22:08
你是不是说我们中国人就象非洲人? 我有点禁不住想扇你一巴掌了,你自己不要脸,你自己是三等..., 别扯上别的中国人.
作者: newlinx    时间: 2002-5-5 22:27
别动气,我这有个大家爱听的例子。据我知道,蒙大的一位教授,中国人,在他的领域内很优秀,语言也很优秀(当然不是只会考托福),娶了UQAM 前任女副校长,他们的两个孩子也能讲很好的中文。
作者: lonely-single-m    时间: 2002-5-5 22:40
I totally agree to Mstrix’s point of  view . In addition, most of the Chinese girls who lived with white men were common-looking or ugly(both appearance and thinkings).
作者: smilehehua    时间: 2002-5-5 23:04


作者: Matrix    时间: 2002-5-5 23:16
lonely-single-man, frankly, they're ugly looking and I didn't mention it because they're kinda friends of mine, hehe        
Do you guys realize that the more ugly the Chinese girls are, the more attractive they are in those white guys' eyes, hehe, it's cool!    
Two of my classmates married foreigners after graduation, one to Australia another to the States, most of us boys were really happy for them and for ourselves too, because they are the most ugly looking in our faculty!!! What kind of taste these white pigs have???  
作者: alan    时间: 2002-5-5 23:34
作者: mizi    时间: 2002-5-5 23:53
好象只有女人才为自己的年纪骄傲的,男人以40岁为耻,哪里来的ideal?  maybe just for the man he just only has the age to show?  wink
作者: 杨过    时间: 2002-5-5 23:58
老外对你说:哇,来自中国的漂亮妹妹,你break出来的wind好香呀!比我break出来的强多了.我真服了你了.      让我做你的男朋友吧!        '

作者: smilehehua    时间: 2002-5-6 00:21

对那些火气大,心胸小的毛头小子,算了算了,大人不记小人过,谁叫你叫杨过  wink    wink
作者: 杨过    时间: 2002-5-6 01:00
smilehehua用碳黑把自己涂成黑人,在图书馆看书,一边看一边break wind, 不远处,有一40多岁的白人也在break wind,两个人的声音此起彼伏,颇为壮观,白人老外甚是欢喜,以为找到了知音.于是走上前来...

作者: junex    时间: 2002-5-6 20:45
作者: fair lily    时间: 2002-5-6 22:32
看到现在'杨过'这样四处找抽的fart论, 不觉想起了当时的王八,反而怀念起那只merciful却至少善于诡辩的'十三块六角'来...只可惜时下经济不景气竟连人的素质也如此狂跌,这只会模仿却画龟不成反类鳖的杨过只能算个王八的杂孙啦啦啦......
作者: mizi    时间: 2002-5-7 00:04
大人不记小人过- 小人杨过,这句实在妙!!!
作者: newlinx    时间: 2002-5-7 01:26
天下究竟有多少人不是杂种? 有何尴尬?
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-7 09:30
i don't think yangguo can be my grandson, he is too stupid to be my relative. so suggestion rejected, yangguo is on his own, please don't using him to ruin the reputation of our turtles.
love has no boarders, so if you gals want to marry or to have sex with "lao wai", good for you! i know some women married with quebecois, and ALL of them are happied lived together everafter. looking at the others who married with chinese, the devorce rate is over 60%...
conclusion: men in north american are not capble as women and that's why they have to import women from china and oversee chineswomen can afford to shop locally....
作者: 杨过    时间: 2002-5-7 12:35
smilehehua罗曼史 第三集: X气相投

Smilehehua心下欢喜: 又让我白捡一便宜,今天上午刚从westmont拣了个双人床垫,现在可有用了. smilehehua说:我恨中国男人,他们没本事,在床上把我弄的干着急.

老外说,妹子你别担心,我一边做那事,一边break wind,靠空气给我的反作用力,我可以往复抽送,威猛无比.


老外象一只流氓兔一样,温柔的靠在smilehehua身边, smilehehua连放几声闷屁,表达了对老外无限的崇敬和爱慕.         
作者: newlife    时间: 2002-5-7 21:44
How can such a stupid , dirty and low one still survive on this website? Hi, supervisor, did you see it? just delete its name from this website.

That's all of our hope.
作者: Professional    时间: 2002-5-8 10:41
Wangba: as per your messages, your language skill ****s.

newlife: another farmer leader!

For all cheap, ugly Chinese women Who feel gratified for being s-u-c-ked and f-u-c-ked by Quebecors:
You are pigs, but, with summer slowdown looming (which means less condomns sold), and increasing low fertility rate for Canadian woman, more Quebec dicks are coming!
作者: knownothing    时间: 2002-5-8 12:15
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-8 12:24
knownothing, if you watch some catoons, you would know a seriers called "beavers and butthead", two teenages who speaks cursing languages all the times. however, they have some smart remarks from time to time and this makes you feel entertained and relaxed. but this Mr. P. only can make you sick and nothing come out his mouth can surprise you. like in a dirty chinese public bathroom, it only has one kind of smell...
作者: Professional    时间: 2002-5-8 13:44
are you still "immune" to my comments?? ha,
Feel sick? Not bad, and in a very short time, you’ll realize how sick you are,
Hopefully, you won’t have any difficulty completing your Sushi work at Concordia, and  
the end result of this exercise will be a stronger wangba, with a shorter action time, for turning around! Hahaha!
BTW, what the fu-c-k was a wangba doing in the “Chinese public bathroom”??

Sorry for involving other people’s parents in this discussion, I promise that will not happen again…hehehe
作者: 杨过    时间: 2002-5-8 22:50
smilehehua罗曼史 第四集:爱的箴言


老外的车很旧,已经没了发动机,不烧汽油,全靠老外break wind所产生的空气反作用力得以在大街上缓缓行进.


老外坐下说, 我其实很佩服你们中国人,我们加拿大的总督现在就是中国人.

smilehehua: 那有什么!非洲人还当联合国秘书长呢!中国人有什么好的? 那么穷,即使有了钱,也是土财主,根本不懂如何享受性生活.我这一生最大的遗憾就是我妈把我生成了个中国人,要是我妈是个美国人,或者嫁给个美国人就好了.



smilehehua: 你知道我妈生我时,我身体的哪个部位先出来吗?


smilehehua: NO! 我既不是头,也不是脚先出来, 我是屁股先出来!




smilehehua: 屁的声音太响,把手术室的玻璃都震碎了.气味太大,给我妈接生的大夫护士和我妈全昏死过去了.最后没办法,国家安全局防生化武器的警察带上防毒面具,冲进手术室,才把我从我妈的肚子里给拽出来.

作者: ILOVECHINA    时间: 2002-5-10 01:00
我和西人女孩做过爱, 一点不输老外,

(意大利人除外    )
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-10 01:07
why not italian? they have black hairs like we have.
how you quantify yourself as not losing? longer?? harder??? larger????
作者: yoyo69    时间: 2002-5-10 01:24
Wang8, use your head then you'll know how!  
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-10 01:33
matrix, why you stay up so late? go to bed, you have to go to school tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
you know my head well, ha?!
作者: 杨过    时间: 2002-5-10 18:24
smilehehua罗曼史 第五集: 钢铁是怎样炼成的

月上树梢, 恰是情话正浓时.



smilehehua:那多靠我妈. 怀我的时候, 她天天冲着她的肚皮喊话,: 儿啊, 你出来后,一定给你娘争气,离开这个烂中国.一定要出国. 我在里头天天接受这个教育.



老外:95分不错了, 在我们加拿大已经是A+了.




老外:677考了650, 那你很不错了.

smilehehua:不是的, GRE满分2400.




他说他只比意大利男人差, 为什么呀?

老外#$%*"        $%^%........
作者: ILOVECHINA    时间: 2002-5-11 20:46
shorter softer  smaller calmer



加国的APPARTMENT真不隔音 :-(



作者: babe    时间: 2002-5-14 14:55
shorter softer  smaller calmer



加国的APPARTMENT真不隔音 :-(



作者: babe    时间: 2002-5-14 16:05



作者: gaaag    时间: 2002-5-14 16:35
is your borfriend a black?not surprisely,there is a secret spreaded among these white woman:"if you try a black,you will never go back."
so I strongly recommend you girls to choose the black guys if you are interested in western ppl.
as I  noted sadly,some girls who are like to linger with the weatern guys really have a prejudice of the black boy while these yellow ladies claim they are also the victims of prejudice.on the contrary,it is very common to see a white lady lived with a pure black guy.
I,here,suggests the chinese girls who like western do not be shy and try a black.you will be happy on every afternoon and probably also on the following night!  
作者: babe    时间: 2002-5-14 17:49
is your borfriend a black?not surprisely,there is a secret spreaded among these white woman:"if you try a black,you will never go back."
so I strongly recommend you girls to choose the black guys if you are interested in western ppl.
as I  noted sadly,some girls who are like to linger with the weatern guys really have a prejudice of the black boy while these yellow ladies claim they are also the victims of prejudice.on the contrary,it is very common to see a white lady lived with a pure black guy.
I,here,suggests the chinese girls who like western do not be shy and try a black.you will be happy on every afternoon and probably also on the following night!   
他不是黑人,只是一个普通的北美人,喜欢work out,可有时却又喜欢junk food。我只是喜欢他而已,没有想过要把他与其他人比较,我相信有比他更好的人,但我已经有了他,而且我们相处得很好,我不会考虑别的什么人。
作者: gaaag    时间: 2002-5-14 18:27
tell that to your boyfriend rather than me.hope your boyfriend share the same thought in his whole life.
I suggest you should install some soundproof material on the wall of bathroom and this bbs because I think your neighbor prefer to watching XXX movies rather than hearing your happiness.
by the way,also I am preparing to date western girl if still there is no chinese beauty interested in me.  
作者: alan    时间: 2002-5-14 22:59

我爱你,爱你的直爽,真诚,我只笑虚伪。  wink
作者: 杨过    时间: 2002-5-14 23:17
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-14 23:18
agree with babe and alan. we all need good sex! so stop pretending and be real. if you had it, good for you, enjoy it!!! if you still not have your partner yet, keep looking and hope one day you can understand what babe is talking about!
作者: gaaag    时间: 2002-5-17 19:21
why are there so many socker on this web.I think that babe just copied some fake porn story and fool you around.
I am practising my english by replying you fools.that is all,got it,shit?enjoy!
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-17 21:20
you had a bad practice. i can barely understand you. boy, your english s*ucks..
作者: yedsmile    时间: 2002-5-18 00:35
The first time I admire montrealwinter, she is so smart. Compare to montrealwinter, babe is really stupid if her story is ture.
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-18 08:53
i have to disagree with you girls again.
1) why you put the marriage as the destination of good sex? sex is sex, and marriage is marriage.
2) why you leave women in such an unadvanced postion? do they really have to use some strtegies to keep their boyfriend? do they really to be cautious all the time to not being dumped?
4) babe never said she want to stay with man forever, maybe that boy is just her toy.
5) probabely this good sex won't last very long. babe has to do nothing to save it. after this stop, she can find another man to imflame her passion over and over again....
6) you girls really s*cuks, totally uncharmful, untasful and disgusting. you have a purpose underneath your body, even when you got undressed...consequently, you missed tons of fun. you just sound like the wife of that bill2001.
作者: babe    时间: 2002-5-18 10:52
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-18 14:01
you are just uncivilized and uneducated, what else can i say?
we have different value and world view, that's it!
作者: yedsmile    时间: 2002-5-18 14:15
to montrealwinter
I never be serious on what you said or what I said when we are fighting here.
If we have chance to meet in the real world, I think you can be my friend.
PS:  If you win by fighting wang8, may I have the chance to invite you for a cup of coffee and it's all on me.
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-18 14:19
fyi, my wife makes $150,000 canadian dollar per year, and we have a lovely daugther. we had been in love for more than 10 years. she is most pretty women i ever seen in my life. call me a liar if you refuse to believe it.
i don't have to make a choise if i can have all, i mean family, love and protected sex with other girls.
作者: simonqu    时间: 2002-5-18 14:27
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作者: simonqu    时间: 2002-5-18 14:51
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作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-18 15:04
come and claim your cyber dollar, i declare you the princess most-stupid-of-all. how's that?
simonqu, do you know a chinese expression, "qi ren you tian". you worried too much, my friend.
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-18 15:08
how about i invite you all for a cup of coffee or a round of beer or even a french cusine at whatever restaurant you name it?
after seeing me, you will know what kind of man i am.
a dinner with wang8 worth much than the whole education you can get from concordia.
merciful and unbeatable wang8!
作者: simonqu    时间: 2002-5-18 15:16
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作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-18 15:27
funny, what you mean is after you having "man han quan xi", you can eat other food? ppl have this kind of mindset don't deserve the good food at the fisrt place.
tell you what a true man's thinking:
-- i have the best woman i can married with for now, but i don't mind losing her
-- i make 6 figures income for now, but i don't mind change my profession and start all over again from ground zero
-- i have huge success here in canada, but i don't mind go to africa to establish my base again
get it??
作者: simonqu    时间: 2002-5-18 15:31
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作者: simonqu    时间: 2002-5-18 15:40
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作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-18 15:50
simonqu, you still not getting it. all those socalled success are nothing worth showing off. what important is you and only you.
if you are competant, sky is not the limit.
if you know how to control your surrounding, even if you fall into a noman land, you still know how to build everything up.
having sex, not having sex, cigar, no cigar, you make the call. nobody but yourself should know how to take care of your health... i won't buy any advise from any known or unknow organization, i am the god if i believe so.
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-18 15:55
cigarman, i have some cohiba if you want to taste it...
作者: simonqu    时间: 2002-5-18 16:25
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作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-18 16:51
1)you are fundamentaly wrong. God is one of us, god is a human being. ask sunshine if you don't believe wang8
2)multiracial marriage will creat high quality offsprings. and close racial marriage will creat idiots like you
3)sex has no bondaries. you can have sex with your wife, your lover, men, women or even animal if you are tolerant and crative enough. i did not go that far, but i know weired thing happens in any seconds.
i will not thank you because your intellegence level can not permit you to undertstand my message.
作者: simonqu    时间: 2002-5-18 17:05
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作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-18 18:16
you can be a dummy without temper... but you are a dummy.
i just don't know how to show respect to ignorant peopele. its not about you are chinese or japanese, dummies are dummies, no nationality, no gender issue here
作者: ajiao    时间: 2002-5-18 18:29
check out this site:

Good luck!
作者: MJ    时间: 2002-5-18 18:55
To Wang8: You are really something.I read mostly of your messages and want to say some.... if you are merciful enough, you should know your success mostly come from your gene and you are lucky be here in your early age. If you don't have good gene and came here in your 30's, maybe you are one of the ignorant people and similar as other new immigrants. Be merciful, meanings is understanding any people, try to help them, instead of look down upon them...... Don't fight with me. I don't like and I am scare of it   wink
作者: simonqu    时间: 2002-5-18 19:56
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作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-19 09:48
ok, stick to the point with decent language
1) scientically speaking, the mix has a longer life span, higher IQ, better looking than the offspring of the same racial creation.
2) according to the bible, the God is one of us and he is a human being
3) this is a free contry, i can have sex with whoever i like to have sex with as long as i don't break the law.
if you have thress arguments and they are all proven wrong and misleading, what should i call you? smart ass?
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-19 10:02
to mj
wang8 is wang8 all caused by his hardwork.
success = ability x motivation x opportunity. i can not help to gain some ability and opportunity, but i always try very hard to motivate you people, am i not merciful?
i want to conduct a survey here, who enjoys reading my post and feel my writing is helpful for their development, please reply. who hates to read my post and feel my words make them unconfortable, please reply as well.
if negative bigger than positve, i will retrive from this board.
how's that?
作者: sjy    时间: 2002-5-19 10:38
Since God gives every dog a voice, let them bark.
Hang on W8
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-19 10:42
time remaining for the game:
7 days and 7 nights
go, wang8, go!
by the way, i don't think criticizing a lady's sex life is such a good and civilized idea. please leave babe and her boyfriend alone. if you have any problem with openmindness about the sex, you take wang8, ok?
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-19 10:59
intresting idea. i won't tell you how i do them, but i can teach you some tricks of how to get them.
all i can tell you is that girls and boys are very alike. they want good sex as well. if you are hot enough, you will get plenty of admirers. don't try the dating site or escort services, they are all tricky and dirty. if you really wanna some quick chick, just go to the bars and pubs. just sit down and talk with the bartender when you are waiting. if you are attractive enough, girls will approach you. if not, go back to gym and work out more, buy some decent clothes... montreal is a town floated with pretty women. 10 times i go to "Thursday", i will say 8 times i go back to hotel with one or two chicks. good luck!
作者: simonqu    时间: 2002-5-19 11:05
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作者: yy156    时间: 2002-5-19 11:27
Originally posted by yy156:

wang8,he knows what a man should know
Actually, wang8 is a rarity who can make you all gradually be familiar to local life here, the thoughway, the life style(for example: to make up is a daily thing like taking a bath)........, if you don't accept it, why do you come and plan to live here for a long term. think about the meaning of "immigrant" , you cann't expect the society to change for "immigrant", wang8 knows the society here and would like to share his feeling with the new comers, it's extremely helpful.
you guys may pay more attention to wang8's value judgment and his thoughtway, it's much more helpful for you.

wang8, you know you are right and merciful, no need to make your decision by a stupid survey.

nice weather today, go out for golf. I was told St. Raphael,Île-Bizard Cardinal, Laval,is very good, I'll try it.
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-19 11:37
to mw:
go ahead and answer that question, how can wang8 be so prond of himself if he is fullofshit and how can he be so proud for so long?
you have the right to question my honesty, but you have no right to refuse the fact that there are so many intellegent, smart chinese in this country but you are not one of them.
who is wang8 is not important to you, the only thing important to you is who you are.
nothing stops you to be a loser, and there is nothing wrong to call montrealwinter a loser. but it is a big mistake to think all others are losers just because you are a loser.
please think wang8 as a liar if it can help you to regain some selfconfidence. a girl who like the rock is a girl worth a lot of sympathy.
to 2M
if you thinks 4.50 for a drink is too expensive, you don't need the sex with girls. you can be self seficient to resolve your body need or go to cheap woman like montrelwinter.
3 prerequesite for picking up chicks:
--money (you don't have, since you think 5 bucks a bottle is expensive)
--appearance (you don't have since nobody has ever approch you on any local bar)
--sense of humor (you don't have because you can not present your idea clearly in english)
one more thing you lack is the logic. you are among the first the most stupid volunteer to porn-prof's orgy party, and all in a sudden you start to worry about kissing with strangers... you are unpredictable, so you and wm is a perfect pair.
time remains for the game:
7 days and 7 nights
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-19 11:43
thanks yy156.
i cannot play golf and i have to go to my office almost all the weekends... thank you for your suggestion though. have a good one!
作者: simonqu    时间: 2002-5-19 11:56
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作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-19 12:05
i have the spoken right about your life with my body? what the heck do you mean? do you call this english???
why don't you type in chinese for the sake of the god? man! i don't understand you!!
i don't know how can you get a master degree if you only have this level of intellegence...
prfessional? welcomed by the society?? man with manner???
with your type of writing style, you don't even deserve the minimum wage. hangon with your black buddy, hope they can tell you the god is black or white...
作者: simonqu    时间: 2002-5-19 12:05
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作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-19 12:15
2m: acedemically, i am qualified to be the tenure porfessor of mcgill university if you know what i am talking about. i had more sex than your eraction and even my live in maid can afford 3 or 4 drinks at any local bar in a weakly basis. you are a laughing stock, 2m. now, i think you don't even deserve the mw.
作者: simonqu    时间: 2002-5-19 12:47
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: sjy    时间: 2002-5-19 12:49
Suddenly, it seems that someone began to attact Shanghai and its people in economic sence. I am just wondering, besides some of your word, what is the Potential GDP, and how could it be realized? Maybe we should start with the def of GDP.
BTW, I believe what simonqu wanted to say is Although I disagree with you, I will protect your right of express yourself, even by my life. I believe it‘s from Francois Voltaire. Since I do not know French, can someone check it for me please?
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-19 13:02
see who is that 2M, he was fooled by a 18 yrs old kid who hasn't even stepped onto the land of montreal.
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-19 13:13
now you guys know why 2M is so mean to me, don't you?
he is a bomb, without the fefusion by a blond, he can explode at any moment.
readers bewere.
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-19 13:32
its ok to go that kind of party if you are really hungry.
its stupid to fall into that kind of trap... hopefully, porn-prof is just make a joke, otherwise, i might talk with someown who just got his kidney stolen...
its pathatic for M2 to worry about wang8's sexual protection.
its a pretending of innoncence for M2 to cherish the sweatness of the kiss.
if you want to fight with me, you'd better change your name. i announce the dead of M2.
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-19 13:41
oh, i see.
i believe you. then tell me what's the point of sending a blank email?
its like the story of sending a blank resume to apply a job and get pissed after knowing there is no opening.
a man as smart as you are should know the follow up after his initial action, right?
not like me, a smart liar, you are a stupid dumb liar.
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-19 13:45
2m, why don't you join this topic with angel? she used to fight with me a lot and now i start to worry about her mental capacity.
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-19 13:55
maybe you don't know this: sending a blank message, the receiver still can get your email address. conclusion: you don't know any thing about computer.
or you know it, you just expect to be contacted form the p-p? conculsion: you don't have the logic. its like telling me that you tell police you were driving when police stopped you and ask you why you speed.
get my logic?
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-19 14:01
i am a liar and i admitted it long long time ago on this board. what i tell on this board is 100% fabricated, ok?
calling someone liar over the bbs is like saying hello to me on the street.
like having one night stand with someone. they won't care who i truely am, they only care about the impression they get from me at that very moment.
so does the bbs. presentation, boy, make the presentation....
be a smart liar, not a boring lecturer.
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-19 17:54
oh, i collaped already. i just had a mental breakdown and my health won't allow me to bullshitting here any more.
you win, i lose.
so long, pals.
作者: wang8    时间: 2002-5-19 18:33
haha, am i? the pleasure is mine. only wang8 is capable of making sticky mw less unavoidable. a real accomplishment.
ppl should set a monumnent for me. one day, on my tomb head, it should wirte, "wang8, once made a scumbag wm stop talking..."

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